
fánɡ hù shè shī
  • Protective facilities;safety devices
  1. 本文论述了HF烷基化装置安全生产的技术措施,包括优良的施工质量、严格的气密检验、有效的液面指示和安全的劳动防护设施等。

    The technical measures for safe operation of the imported HF alkylation unit are presented in this paper , including high quality construction works , strict inspection of sealing , effective liquid-level indication and safety and protection facilities .

  2. 工程施工生产安全防护设施应符合DL5162的有关规定。

    The safety protective facilities for construcion shall be in accordance with DL5162 .

  3. 将未穿戴防护设施的人员从溅漏现场疏散

    Evacuate persons not wearing protective equipment from area of spill or leak

  4. 在没有放射性防护设施的任何一个生物实验室中,采用复合银染法基本上能够达到或接近放射性标记检测的灵敏度。

    The sensitivity of radioactive label could be reached by the complex silver stain .

  5. 石化系统部分安全卫生防护设施存在的问题

    Some Shortcoming of a Part of Safety and Hygiene Protection Apparatus in Petrochemical Enterprise

  6. 即使有防护设施,也不能保证因缺氧而死亡的情况。

    Even the protective environment is no insurance against death from lack of oxygen .

  7. 依据国家有关法律、法规、标准、规范评价其职业病危害程度及防护设施的效果。

    According to the national laws and standards , hazard levels and protective measures were evaluated .

  8. 明确静脉药物配置中心是目前最安全、最合理的防护设施。

    The establishment of PIVAS center will tremendously protect medical staff from the harm during their work .

  9. 它唯一的防护设施,是一座水泥防波墙。事实证明,这座墙实面对那次海啸,实在微不足道。

    Its only defense , a concrete sea wall , which turned out to be woefully small .

  10. 运输平巷上方的煤柱煤矿运输斜巷安全综合防护设施的设计与应用

    Pillar of ground Design and Application on Comprehensive Safety Protection Facility of Transportation Inclined Tunnel in Coal Mine

  11. 作为“预防接种中心”的防护设施将在每一个地区内建立。

    Secure facilities are to be established in every region that will serve as ' Vaccination centers . "

  12. 对个别关键控制点必须采取切实可行的职业病危害防护设施或措施,降低职业病危害因素。

    Protective facilities and measures should be taken in order to decrease occupational hazard of critical control points .

  13. 保护性设施建设工程,系指为保护文物而附加安全防护设施的工程。

    Protective facility construction projects refer to the projects that affix protective facilities for preservation of the cultural relics .

  14. 山区公路的路侧事故率较高,这与山区公路中缺乏防护设施的保护有关。

    The roadside accident frequency is higher in mountainous area highway , this is concerned with lacking protection facilities .

  15. 一种钢卷包装袋,属于金属卷材的防护设施技术领域。

    Disclosed is a steel coil packaging bag , which belongs to the protection device technical field of metal coils .

  16. 请不要在游线范围外没有防护设施的地方停留、照明。

    Please don 't stay or take pictures at the places without protective facilities outside the limit of the touring routes .

  17. 随着汽车行业不断发展、安全措施日益完善,又出现了肩带、安全气囊以及更好的防护设施。

    as the industry continues to evolve and safety grows more sophisticated , shoulder strap , airbags , and better braces follow .

  18. 这些特殊人群应该采用个人防护设施,也应该对正确使用这些设施进行培训。

    Personal protective equipment should be available for persons in these groups , who also need training in the proper use of this equipment .

  19. 机场控制区安全防护设施和明显标志的设置与维护,由机场集团公司负责。

    The Airport Group Company shall be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the safety protection facilities and marked signs in airport control areas .

  20. 职业卫生防护设施未与主体工程同时设计,同时施工,同时投入生产和使用的;

    Failing to design , construct , and put into production and utilization the safeguards for the occupational health simultaneously with the principal part of the project ;

  21. 安全操作规程不落实,安全防护设施不落实。加强油气田管道施工安全监督,应着重提高监督员的综合素质,做到监督工作规范化、标准化、制度化;

    To strengthen supervision on pipeline construction safety , enterprise should make efforts on improving supervisors ' comprehensive qualities and implement supervision process in standardization , normalization and institutionalization .

  22. 表明大型γ辐照装置的厂房辐射防护设施只要按照相关标准进行设计和建设,就不会对环境和公众产生附加剂量的照射。

    As long as the protection against radiation installation is designed and built by basic standards , radiation installations do not product the addition dose to environment and public .

  23. 提出加强护理人员职业安全教育,规范操作行为,健全规章制度,完善防护设施,改善工作环境等防护措施。

    It put forward some protective measures including strengthening occupation safety education and standardizing manipulation behavior of nursing staff , completing rules and regulations , perfecting protective equipment and improving working environment .

  24. 结果94%的职业健康检查工人强烈需求了解职业病的诊断,但对工作场所防护设施的需求率不高为51%;

    Results 94 % of workers undergoing occupational health exam had a strong demand for understanding the diagnosis of occupational disease ; 51 % had a strong demand for protecting facilitate in workplace ;

  25. 现场调查一个重庆地区在建工程施工安全防护设施的设置情况,统计分析该工程的安全防护设施存在的问题。

    Make an investigation of the settings of construction safety protection facilities in a project under construction in Chongqing , and analyze the existing problems of security facilities of the project . 5 .

  26. 还对铁路桥涵设施的抗灾能力从最大通过能力、平面位置和有无防护设施等方面提出了判别标准。

    It also puts forward the criterion to evaluate the disaster resistent ability of bridges in the railroad from the view of maximum flow capability , plane location and the existence of protection installation .

  27. 同时做出客观、真实的评价结论,为项目防护设施竣工验收和企业职业病防治的日常管理提供科学的技术依据。

    At the same time to make an objective , true evaluation conclusions for the project , protective facilities acceptance and business occupation disease prevention and control management technology to provide a scientific basis .

  28. 我国工业基础薄弱,生产工艺落后,卫生防护设施差,工作场所普遍存在职业病危害因素。

    In China , the foundation of industry is weak , techniques of production is laggard , and the safeguard of sanitation is bad , so the dangerous factors of industrial disease exist universally .

  29. 确保既有线行车安全是铁路既有线路堑拓宽爆破施工首先要考虑的因素,通常采用的爆破方法需要大量的防护设施,耗费较大。

    For detonating excavation to widen the existing railway line , the first consideration is on ensuring the safety of passing trains , and the typical approaches employ lots of protective installation at high cost .

  30. 针对石化企业的特点,从安全角度出发,分析石化企业现有通风、防噪声、淋浴洗眼器等防护设施存在的问题。

    Based on characteristics of petrochemical enterprise , some shortcoming of existing apparatus for environment protection , such as ventilation installation , anti-noise facilities and shower eyecup etc. , was analyzed at a safety angle .