
  • 网络Not in the Landlord;absentee landlord;absent landlord
  1. 但是如果政府对于一个英国的不在地主地租代理人的死会那么认真,那么杰拉尔德·奥哈拉的突然出走便是适时的了。

    but if the government felt so strongly about the death of an English landlord 's rent agent , it was time for Gerald O'Hara to be leaving and leaving suddenly .

  2. 当农村需要外界的钱来供给他们生产资金时,除非有一个较好的信贷系统可供农民借贷,否则不在地主和高利贷是自然会产生的。

    When the village needs money from outside to finance their production , unless there is a better system to extend credit to the peasants , absentee-landlordism and usury are the natural products .

  3. 通过抗战前山东土地占有状况和封建剥削情况的介绍,反映了当时土地占有极端不合理,在地主阶级的剥削和压迫下,农民负担沉重。

    From the introduction of the land tenure and feudal exploitation , reflect the extremely unreasonable land tenure in Shandong .