
  • 网络not optimistic
  1. 但目前我国经济形势还不容乐观,民间投资需求并未切实启动,消费市场仍未真正好转,经济结构调整缓慢。

    However our economic situation is not optimistic , because of lacking in investment demand and consumption demand and defect of economic structure .

  2. 但从目前状况看,地理空间能力教育不论是教师的重视程度还是培养质量都不容乐观。

    But considering the current situation , Geo-spatial ability education is not optimistic in the cases of the degree of teachers , attention and training quality .

  3. 来自海外的消息特别不容乐观。

    The news from overseas is overwhelmingly negative

  4. 展望新年,巴西人心情沮丧,甚至连总统都承认明年困难重重,不容乐观。

    Brazilians look gloomily forward to a New Year that even the president admits will be grey and cheerless .

  5. 统计数据描绘了一幅不容乐观的画面:失业率攀升,信贷从紧,家庭观念淡薄,就业机会增长缓慢。

    Statistics paint a sobering picture — unemployment , tight credit , lower home values , sluggish job growth .

  6. 但迄今为止,前景似乎不容乐观

    So far , the auguries look gloomy .

  7. 比赛结束后他立即照了x射线,但是恢复状况不容乐观。

    X-rays taken immediately following the game came back negative .

  8. 除此以外,RA造成的家庭、社会的经济负担也不容乐观。

    In addition , economic burden caused by RA in the family and society is not optimistic .

  9. 在2010年世界环境绩效指数(EPI,EnvironmentalPerformanceIndex)的排名中,中国得到了49分,在所有163个国家和地区中排在第121位,环境情况不容乐观。

    China scores 49 points in world environmental performance index ( 2010 ), ranking 121 in all the 163 countries and regions , so the environmental conditions are not satisfactory .

  10. 尽管密歇根大学(universityofmichigan)消费者信心调查略好于预期,稍稍减少了零售数据带来的震惊,但未来前景仍不容乐观。

    Economists had forecast a small increase , and while the shock was balanced by a slighter better than expected University of Michigan survey of consumer sentiment , the outlook remains poor .

  11. 上周在伦敦政治经济学院(lse)演讲时,尼古拉斯斯特恩爵士(sirnicholasstern)一份有影响力的气候变化报告的作者感到前景不容乐观。

    Speaking at the London School of economics last week , Sir Nicholas Stern author of an influential report on climate change struggled to sound optimistic .

  12. 该研究运用SCL-90问卷调查显示:高校青年教师心理疾患检出率为45.3%,情况不容乐观。

    With the assistance of SCL-90 research papers , this study shows us that 45.3 % of the subjects ( young college teachers ) are suffering psychological trouble .

  13. 湖南邮政EMS就是如此,虽然目前形势有所好转,但不容乐观,其他快递业给湖南邮政EMS带来的竞争与压力。

    Hunan Post EMS is the case , although the situation improved , but not optimistic , the other of Hunan Post EMS express industry to bring competition and pressure .

  14. 虽然ERP软件实施的成功率在逐年上升,但以ERP软件项目实施和服务为重要内容的ERP软件实施项目团队管理,其运作效果并不容乐观。

    Although the ERP software implements the success ratio is rising year by year , but take ERP software project implementation and service as important content ERP software implementation project team management , its operation effect and unoptimistic .

  15. 韩流在外国的飞速发展,让SM等大型唱片公司的股票价格水涨船高。不过,韩国音乐产业在国内前景却不容乐观。

    As K-pop zooms up the foreign charts , share prices of leading labels , such as SM Entertainment , have soared too . But the outlook at home is less rosy .

  16. 结论:HIV/AIDS、NGU的增长呈明显上升趋势,先天梅毒形势不容乐观,应大力加强对孕妇的产前性病体检工作。

    Conclusion : Incidence of HIV / AIDS , nongonococcal urethritis were showed the ascending trends distinctively . The situation of genitic syphilis was urgently to be controled and we should do much work on STD examination for pregnant women .

  17. 水环境容量分析及水质预测分析表明:当前“三河”水质情况不容乐观。

    The analyses show that their water environmental capacities are limited .

  18. 多数省份处于接近或超过土地资源人口承载临界值,我国土地资源安全状况不容乐观。

    The safety of land resource in China was not optimist .

  19. 我国大型家电企业面临的形势不容乐观。

    The situation our large household electric enterprises face is pressing .

  20. 这个问题极其重要,但现状却不容乐观。

    The subject is crucial , and the moment is daunting .

  21. 尽管现在他们还是抱有希望,但情况确实不容乐观。

    They were still hoping but things were not going well .

  22. 村卫生室人员卫生技术职称情况更不容乐观。

    In the Village clinic can not be optimistic even more titles .

  23. 我们在带着沮丧的热情和不容乐观中开始了新的一年。

    We begin this New Year with dampened enthusiasm and dented optimism .

  24. 然而,日本的经验却意味着,美国的情况也不容乐观。

    Yet the experience of Japan does not give cause for optimism .

  25. 恐怕我们现在境况不容乐观。

    I 'm afraid we are now in a very unpleasant situation .

  26. 长春市高校教师健康状况不容乐观。

    The health status of the college teachers in Changchun is not optimistic .

  27. 但是,目前企业的人才现状却不容乐观。

    However , at present the enterprise talent status quo is not optimistic .

  28. 所以数字杂志的未来发展之路一片黯淡,发展前景不容乐观。

    Therefore , the prospects of the digital magazine will not be optimistic .

  29. 经调查,高职院校学生公民意识现状不容乐观。

    After investigation , vocational college students citizenship status quo is not optimistic .

  30. 但是民营制造企业的员工管理水平却不容乐观。

    But the employee management of Private manufacture enterprise is still not optimistic .