
  1. 该引擎已经被调整与斯洛文尼亚就业服务局VT2-600增压器设置,其荧光棒权力,赛道上经过验证的性能选择,和可靠性。

    The engine has been tuned with an ESS VT2-600 supercharger setup , chosen for its copious power , race-proven performance , and reliability .

  2. 荧光棒在黑漆漆的操场上发着光。

    The colored sticks glowed in the darkness of the playground .

  3. 然后我拼命的甩着手里的荧光棒,成功地看见他又几次看向这里。

    I tried my best to wave the light stick , successfully attracted his sight .

  4. 热情的粉丝们挤满了演播厅,使劲挥着手里五颜六色的荧光棒,争相朝自己所崇拜的组合成员展示忠实的喜爱之情。

    The studio was flooded with fans holding light sticks in various colors , signifying allegiance to one or other group member .

  5. 荧光棒里的密封垫被折断后,里面的两种化学物质一经混合,便会发出一种柔和的绿光。

    When the seal in the stick is broken , the two chemicals mix together and give off a soft , green glow .

  6. 然后,我们跟着比伯到了一个精心设计的泳池派对,全是花样游泳运动员、荧光棒和水滑梯。

    We then follow Bieber to an elaborate pool party , complete with synchronized swimmers , glow sticks , and a water slide .

  7. 这个词,源自日本,主要指的是一些粉丝们呼喊着口号,挥动着荧光棒,在演唱会或者现场表演的时候,支持他们的爱豆(偶像)。

    This term , originating from Japanese , refers to fans ' shouting out slogans and waving glow sticks to support their idols during a live concert or other events .

  8. 因此,我们购买了生日蜡烛以及万圣节用的荧光棒,如果停电可用它们驱散黑暗,我们还聊起了经历过第二次世界大战的外婆。

    So we bought Halloween glow sticks and birthday cake candles , to beat the darkness if the lights failed , and talked about grandma who lived through the second world war .