
yíng guāng bǐ
  • highlighter;fluorescent pen
  1. 本公司是一家专门生产记号笔、白板笔和荧光笔的出口型实业公司。

    Chanway Stationary Co. , Ltd is an export-oriented enterprise that specialized in manufacturing series of marker , board marker and fluorescent pen .

  2. 您要还原所有windows日记本的设置为默认值吗?这包括笔和荧光笔设置、菜单和工具栏位置、查找窗格和便笺列表窗格位置、信纸设置和在此“选项”对话框的设置。

    Do you want to restore all windows journal settings to their defaults ? These include pen and highlighter settings , menu and toolbar positions , find pane and Note List pane positions , stationery settings , and settings in the options dialog box .

  3. 特别是你需要申请一只新的荧光笔。

    Particularly if you need a new cache of highlighter pens .

  4. 或者你有一支荧光笔更好,你可以用它来标注重点。

    Physically , have a note pad , a pen or two .

  5. 用黄色荧光笔标出路线的相关地图

    the relevant maps with the route highlighted in yellow .

  6. 荧光笔可以帮助您的色彩和风格不同的报价水平。

    Highlighter can help you by coloring and styling quotes of different level .

  7. 看!一支荧光笔和一些蜡笔。

    Look ! A marker and some crayons .

  8. 修改笔和荧光笔的默认设置。

    Modify your default pen and highlighter settings .

  9. 有人用荧光笔和彩笔;

    Some people use highlighters or colored pens ;

  10. 对于那些因循守旧不用电脑的人,该公司还将提供可消字的圆珠笔和荧光笔。

    For the old-fashioned , the company will also offer erasable ballpoint pens and markers .

  11. 在考试中可以使用尺子、修正液、荧光笔或者其他的工具么?

    Can I use a ruler , correction fluid , highlighters , or other tools on the exam ?

  12. 作者们表示,分散学习时间、丢掉荧光笔然后去做记忆卡片,你的学习效果会好得多。

    Much better , say the authors , to spread out your learning , ditch your highlighter and get busy with your flash cards .

  13. 一旦物品被领走,接线员要用荧光笔把这行划出来,表明这件事已经结束。

    Once the article has been collected , the Housekeeping Order Taker should rule a line through the column to show that the case is closed .

  14. 在与荧光笔制造商沟通之后,几大科技巨头改变了他们的打印机墨水配方,使其化学成分趋于一致。

    Some of the technology giant 's inks have been modified following discussions with highlighter manufacturers to ensure that one firm 's ink chemistry does not disagree with the other 's.

  15. 你现在有能力去选择一个文件或从群集器或文件夹荧光笔然后将其拖动到所有磁盘上的显示您想要的文件或完整的目录去。

    You now have the ability to select a file or folder from the Cluster Viewer or File Highlighter and then DRAG it to wherever on the disk display you want that file or complete directory to go .