
guā fēn
  • carve up;partition;divide up;dismember
瓜分 [guā fēn]
  • [divide;carve up] 如同切瓜一样地分割或分配

  • 吾诚愿与汝相守以死,第以事势观之,天灾可以死,盗贼可以死,瓜分之日可以死。--清. 林觉民《与妻书》

  • 友邦人士,从此可以不必惊诧莫名,只请放心来瓜分就是了。--《友邦惊诧论》

瓜分[guā fēn]
  1. 1939年苏联出兵,伙同德国瓜分波兰。

    In 1939 , ganging up with Germany , Soviet Union sent troop to carve up Poland .

  2. 当初他把日本描绘为参与瓜分中国的潜在的侵略国。

    He had described Japan as a potentially aggressive nation that might join with others to carve up China .

  3. 他们已经开始像切馅饼一样瓜分这个国家。

    They have begun carving the country up like a pie .

  4. 先生,他们两个打算等您本人离开后瓜分这个企业。

    They mean to share the business between them , after you yourself are gone , Sir

  5. 最终,价值50亿美元的招标被爱立信、阿尔卡特-朗讯和三星公司(Samsung)瓜分。

    The $ 5 billion prize was split among Ericsson , Alcatel-Lucent , and Samsung .

  6. 中国加入WTO,服务业市场逐步开放,国外的一些物流服务企业都企图瓜分中国物流业这个巨大的市场。

    As China entered WTO and the service market will open , some foreign logistics companies aim to carve up the huge potential logistics market in China .

  7. 在过去的几十年,Email曾是杀手级的应用,但它无法保持垄断,一些新技术不断出现瓜分它的市场,尤其是消费市场。

    Email has been the blockbuster and the Internet killer app for the past few decades , but it doesn 't have a monopoly .

  8. 虽然少数的几个大公司瓜分了中国PC市场的大部分份额,但是PC企业之间的竞争仍然非常激烈。

    And that a few big companies divvy the greater part share of the Chinese PC market , but the competition among the PC enterprises is very sharp .

  9. 对于一家正竭力避免用户群被苹果(apple)等竞争对手瓜分、并挡开投资者要求集团重组的呼声的公司而言,此次中断无疑令人难堪。

    The outage is clearly an embarrassment for a company that is trying to defend its user base against rivals such as apple and fend off investor calls for a shake-up at the group .

  10. 两周以前,德意志银行(DeutscheBank)、瑞银证券(UBS)以及LadderCapital等机构投资者,私下里为瓜分一笔价值220亿美元的商业抵押贷款担保证券交易,而争得难解难分。

    Just last week , institutional investors scrambled to get a piece of a $ 2.2 billion private CMBS deal led by Deutsche Bank ( DB ) with UBS ( UBS ) and ladder capital .

  11. 管理最差的虚拟化环境中,环境中托管的所有VM都共用一个网卡或端口,总吞吐量会由VM瓜分。

    The worst-managed virtualized environment has a single network card or port for all of the VMs that it hosts , and the total throughput is divided among VMs .

  12. 曾一度知名的公司像英国利兰,GEC和ICI现在要么已经解体,要么被接管和瓜分。

    Once-famous firms such as British Leyland , GEC and ICI have fallen apart or been taken over and dismembered .

  13. 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)2013年进行的一项调查显示,2000-2012年,所有西甲联赛冠军由三支球队瓜分;在意甲和英超,三支球队瓜分了92%的联赛冠军头衔;在德甲,这个数字为83%。

    A 2013 study published by the European Commissionfound that between 2000 and 2012 the same three teams won 100 % of the league titles in Spain , 92 % in Italy and England , and 83 % in Germany .

  14. 欧洲的确需要一个更有说服力的声音,否则,在一个由中美组成的g2所瓜分的世界中,其在地缘政治上的重要性可能会逐渐消失。

    Europe does need a more persuasive voice , otherwise it risks fading into geopolitical irrelevance in a world parcelled up between a G2 of the US and China .

  15. 而根据全球研究机构ForresterResearch的数据,美国移动支付规模增长39%,至1120亿美元,苹果(Apple)、谷歌(Google)、三星(Samsung)和PayPal等共同瓜分了市场。

    In the US , mobile payments rose 39 per cent to $ 112bn , according to global firm Forrester Research , with the market dispersed among rival groups including Apple , Google , Samsung and PayPal .

  16. 普华永道(pwc)整理的最新数据显示,过去一年,中国境内的并购交易已从国内外买家平均瓜分的局面,变为国内买家独占三分之二的江山。

    The latest data , collated by PwC , indicate that M & A transactions in China over the past year have gone from being almost equally split between domestic and foreign buyers to being two-thirds domestic .

  17. 葡萄牙和西班牙在相互竞争中瓜分世界。

    Portugal and Spain divided and occupied the world through competition .

  18. 为什么?计算机科学方向考生:海盗如何瓜分他们的宝藏?

    Computer science candidates : How do pirates divide their treasure ?

  19. 盗贼们同意把赃物瓜分掉。

    The thieves agreed to divvy up with the spoils .

  20. 非洲曾一度被欧洲列强所瓜分。

    Africa was often parceled out among the European powers .

  21. 领土被侵占者瓜分。

    The territory was carved up by the occupying powers .

  22. 这块领土被勃艮第人和当地人瓜分了。

    The territory was divided between the Burgundians and the native population .

  23. 这看上去就像一笔正待瓜分的无主宝藏。

    It looks like a treasure trove ripe for plundering .

  24. 当今世界不是肯定超越了势力范围和大国瓜分的时代了嘛?

    Surely the world is beyond spheres of influence and great power carve-ups ?

  25. 她没有权利瓜分帝国。

    She has no right to half the empire .

  26. 阿拉伯半岛被英国人瓜分了。

    The Arab peninsula was partitioned by the British .

  27. 其瓜分范围包括整个世界的欧洲诸大帝国。

    The European world empires which , between them , encompassed the earth .

  28. 英国也不会去瓜分前一位国王的帝国。

    Nor was England about to dismember the Empire of the previous king .

  29. 第一次世界大战后,欧洲被瓜分了。

    Europe was carved up after World War I.

  30. 他们瓜分了赢得的钱。

    They divvied up the winnings between them .