
  • 网络INJECTION;efi;electronic fuel injection;electrospray;electronic spray
  1. 对电喷车的CO和NO排放浓度做算术平均,其绝对值主要由出现频率少的高浓度值所贡献。

    The arithmetical mean concentrations of CO and NO emissions of EFI cars were calculated and their absolute values were predominantly contributed by high concentrations with low frequency .

  2. FAI电喷系统简介

    A Brief Introduction of FAI EFI System

  3. 基于多维模型的电喷汽油机MAP图的数值生成

    Numerical Generation for MAP Graph of EFI Gasoline Engine Based on Multidimensional Model

  4. 基于MATLAB软件包程序的电喷发动机故障诊断

    Fault diagnosis for electronic ejection engine using MATLAB software package

  5. 电喷多孔ZnO薄膜及其在染料敏化太阳电池中的应用

    Electrospray coating porous ZnO films for dye-sensitized solar cells

  6. 基于VisualProlog语言的电喷发动机故障诊断系统

    Based on Visual Prolog for Electronic-Control Engine Diagnosis System

  7. LPG对电喷发动机功率与扭矩的影响

    The Effect of LPG on Power and Torque of Electric Injector Engine

  8. 电喷LPG发动机快速燃烧过程的应用研究

    An Investigation on Rapid Burning of Electronically Controlled Spark Ignition LPG Engine

  9. 在电喷发动机上燃用LPG的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Application of LPG on EFI Engines

  10. 摩擦电喷镀Ni–Co–MoS2复合镀层结构与摩擦学性能

    Microstructure and Tribological Properties of Ni-Co - MoS_2 Composite plating layer produced by friction electro-spraying plating

  11. 高速电喷镀制备纳米PTFE镍基复合镀层

    Preparating Nano PTFE Composite Coatings by High Speed Jet Electrodeposition

  12. 电喷汽油机过渡工况进气流速的灰色GM(1,1)预测研究

    Gray GM ( 1,1 ) Forecasting of Air Induction Flow Ratio for Gasoline Engines in Transient Conditions

  13. 电动打字机电传打字机LPG电喷发动机空燃比传输特性的分析

    Analysis on the Transportation Characteristics of Air Fuel Ratio of Electronic Controlled LPG Engine

  14. 设计了LPG电喷发动机的废气再循环系统。

    EGR system of LPG engine is developed .

  15. 高速电喷镀纳米聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)复合镀层的研究动态与展望

    Research Developments and Prospects of High Speed Jet Electrodeposition Nano PTFE Composite Coatings

  16. LPG多点连续电喷发动机及车辆的排放试验研究

    Experimental Study on Emission of LPG Engine and Vehicle with Electronic Multi-point Continuous Injection System

  17. 基于ECU测试平台的电喷汽油机控制系统仿真研究

    ECU Test Platform Based on the EFI Gasoline Engine Control System Simulation

  18. 电喷发动机ECU硬件在环仿真测试平台的研究

    Research on ECU Hardware in the Loop Simulation System for Electric Engine

  19. EGR对电喷LPG发动机快速稀薄燃烧的影响

    Effects of EGR on Rapid Lean-Burning Process of Electronic Controlled LPG Injection SI Engine

  20. 电喷柴油机ECU智能判缸单元电路的设计

    Design of Intelligent Cylinder Detection Unit Circuit for Electronic Fuel Injection Diesel Engine

  21. 对WT电喷公司售后服务系统进行系统设计。

    Designing WT company after-sales service system .

  22. 用于FAI电喷系统电子控制单元(ECU)的开发工具

    ECU Development Tools for the FAI Electronic Fuel Injection System

  23. 摩擦电喷镀Ni-Al2O3复合镀层工艺与性能研究

    A Study on Technology and Performance of NiAl_2O_3 Composite Coating obtained by Rub Jet Electroplating

  24. 本文以电喷行业中有代表性的WT电喷公司为例来研究和实现电喷协同售后服务系统。

    In this thesis , taking WT company for example to study after-sales service system of EFI industry .

  25. 电喷汽油机起动及暖机过程HC排放的测试分析

    Test and Analysis of HC Emission Behavior during Cold-start ' and Warm up Period of EFI Gasoline Engine

  26. 对于FAI电喷摩托车的开发和推广有着很重要的意义。

    They are very useful for the development of the FAI motorcycle .

  27. FAI电喷系统在双缸机摩托车上的应用研究

    Application of FAI EFI System on a Motorcycle with Two Cylinder Engine

  28. 电喷发动机的电控系统主要有传感器、电子控制器ECU和执行器三部分组成。

    The electronic control system of the EFI engine mainly consists of sensors , ECU and executors .

  29. FAI电喷摩托车ECU及其控制策略的开发研究

    The Development and Research of ECU and Control Strategy for EFI Motorcycles with FAI Technology

  30. 研究了LPG电喷发动机稀燃特性,以及在压缩比、点火模式、点火能量、气流运动等不同条件下的快速燃烧特性。

    The LPG engine with EFI performance is investigated in diverse compression rate , ignition mode , ignition energy and flow movement .