
  • 网络Fuzzy Sensor
  1. 模糊传感器基于综合评判的概念生成方法研究

    Research on the Concept Creation Method based on Comprehensive Evaluation for Fuzzy Sensors

  2. 模糊传感器概念生成方法的研究

    The Research of Creation of Concept for Fuzzy Sensors

  3. 运用Theil不均衡指数进行模糊传感器数据融合

    Fuzz muli-sensor data fusion using Theil disequilibrium index

  4. 模糊传感器测量固体材料水分的探讨

    Discussion on Measurement of Moisture in Solid Materials by Fuzzy Sensor

  5. 基于熵权优属度的模糊传感器目标识别方法

    Object Recognition Method Based on Entropy Weight Optimal Membership for Fuzzy Sensor

  6. 模糊传感器在集气管压力控制上的应用研究

    Application Study of Fuzzy Sensor on Gas Collector Pressure Control

  7. 基于幂均融合算子的模糊传感器数据融合

    Fuzzy Sensor Data Fusion Based on Power Average Operator

  8. 模糊传感器在煤矿瓦斯监测中的应用

    Application of fuzzy sensor in coal mine gas monitoring

  9. 多级映射原理在模糊传感器中的应用

    Multi-Level Mapping and Its Application in the Fuzzy Sensors

  10. 提出一种模糊传感器在焦炉集气管压力控制上的应用方法。

    Application method of gas collector pressure control based on fuzzy sensor is presented .

  11. 模糊传感器理论基础-符号化表示原理

    Principle of Symbol Representation for Fuzzy Sensors

  12. 基于温湿度的模糊传感器舒适度合成法研究

    Research on the synthesis of comfort degree for fuzzy sensors based on temperature and humidity

  13. 模糊传感器训练算法

    A Training Algorithm of Fuzzy Sensor

  14. 提出了一种新的融合模糊传感器数据的方法。

    This paper presented a novel method to fusion fuzzy sensor data based on a power average fusion operator .

  15. 在介绍二元对比排序方法基础上,提出一种用于模糊传感器的二元对比插值语言概念生成方法。

    Based on the introduction of ordering with paired comparison , an interpolation method of creation of linguistic concept for fuzzy sensors has been proposed .

  16. 模糊传感器作为一种可以感知、生成、处理模糊信号的新型智能传感器正逐渐受到国内外学者的关注。

    As an intelligent sensor that can accept , generate and deal with fuzzy signal , fuzzy sensors attract researcher 's attention all over the world .

  17. 文中介绍了几种实际应用的模糊传感器如:模糊色彩传感器、模糊舒适度传感器等的研究进展情况。展望了模糊传感器的发展趋势与未来。

    In addition , the paper also reviews a few current and potential applications of fuzzy sensors , such as fuzzy color sensor and fuzzy comfort sensor .

  18. 在简要介绍扩张原理基础上,讨论了模糊传感器语言概念生成的实用方法。

    The applied methods of creation of linguistic concepts for the fuzzy sensors have been introduced , which are based on the extension principle of the fuzzy set .

  19. 提出了给模糊传感器添加“右脑处理器”的初步设想,并在目前的技术水平下,给出了对人体传感器“右脑”模拟的一个简单可行的方案。

    An assumption is brought forward to add " right brain processors " to fuzzy sensors . A feasible project for experiments is present , which adapts to technologies at the present time .

  20. 基于单片机的模糊距离传感器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Monolithic Computer based Fuzzy Distance Transducer

  21. 以模糊温度传感器为例,较为详细地介绍模糊传感器的具体实现方案。

    Fuzzy temperature sensor , which is viewed as a typical example for the fuzzy sensors , has been introduced .

  22. 确立了隶属函数的计算方法,自行设计了一种模糊色彩传感器,并对其性能进行了测试。

    The membership grade function was established by the two_dimensional measurement universe and the fuzzy colour sensors was designed with this theory .

  23. 结果表明,对1种颜色选取3~4个特征点时,模糊色彩传感器有较好的判断精度。

    The properties of the sensors were tested . The results show that the measurement result would be better with choosing 3_4 characteristic point .

  24. 该方法在以热偶为感温元件的模糊温度传感器上的应用表明,多级映射原理是可行和有效的。

    The method has been verified by applying it to a fuzzy temperature sensor in which a thermocouple is used as the sensing element .

  25. 在介绍多级映射原理基础上,以模糊温度传感器为例讨论了多级符号表示方法,符号测量结果显示方法等问题。

    The principle of multi-level mapping for the fuzzy sensors has been proposed . Based on the multi-level mapping , a fuzzy temperature sensors , and its display manner for symbolized measurement results have been introduced .

  26. 作者应用遗传算法对模糊温度传感器信号处理过程中的隶属函数进行选择,阐述了基本原理和具体实施过程,最后用一具体的实例来说明该优化算法在模糊隶属函数选择中的应用。

    The author uses genetic algorithm to deal with the selection of membership function in the signal processing of the fuzzy temperature sensors , including its principle and corresponding executive procedure . An example of the method is given to explain this application .

  27. 高斯白噪声下T-S模糊系统的传感器故障诊断

    Sensor fault diagnosis for a T-S fuzzy system with Gaussian white noises

  28. 同时,以单片机为主要控制硬件,进行了整个控制器的硬件和软件设计,最后通过试验,验证了CO2气体保护焊自适应模糊控制电弧传感器的可行性和实用性。

    Moreover , based on a MCU , the hardware and software are designed , and the feasibility and practicability of the self-adaptive fuzzy controller is proved by tests .

  29. 自适应模糊控制电弧传感器设计

    Design of Self-Adaptive Fuzzy Control Arc Sensor

  30. 根据模糊逻辑规则中传感器置信度与其前件的单调关系,构造了一种基于内插求值的模糊神经网络(FNN)。

    Considering the monotonic relation between the reliability of sensor and the condition in the fuzzy logical rule , a kind of FNN based on arithmetic of insert value is suggested in this paper .