
  • 网络wind tunnel test
  1. 提出了利用节段模型风洞试验的自由振动信号直接识别系统矩阵的分段扩阶最小二乘迭代算法(SEO-ILS法)。

    Subsection Extended Order Iterative Least Square ( SEO-ILS ) algorithm is developed for direct identification of system matrix from free vibration data of the bridge deck sectional model in wind tunnel test .

  2. 客车模型风洞试验研究

    Research of Wind Tunnel Test for a Bus Model

  3. 在桥梁节段模型风洞试验中,应用ERA、LSCE、Wavelet等方法分别进行桥梁截面颤振导数识别,取得了较好的识别效果。

    Based on section model wind tunnel test , modal identification techniques including ERA , LSCE and Wavelet are utilized to determine the flutter derivatives of a bridge deck section .

  4. 大跨度中承式拱桥节段模型风洞试验

    Wind Tunnel Tests of Long Span Half-through Arch Bridge Section Model

  5. 大跨越输电塔线体系气弹模型风洞试验

    Wind Tunnel Investigation on Model of Long Span Transmission Line System

  6. 广东汕头海湾大桥全桥气动弹性模型风洞试验研究

    Aeroelastic Full Model Testing of the Santou Bay Bridge in Guangdong Province

  7. 桥梁高墩气动弹性模型风洞试验的相似律

    The Similarity Rules of Aeroelastic Model of High Pier Wind Tunnel Tests

  8. 巨型高层开洞建筑刚性模型风洞试验研究

    Wind tunnel tests study on mega tall buildings with opening rigidity models

  9. 厢式载货汽车模型风洞试验技术的研究

    Research of Wind Tunnel Testing Technique for Model of Van Body Truck

  10. 高层建筑物气动弹性模型风洞试验研究

    The experimental investigation of a highrise building aeroelastic model

  11. 高压输电塔线体系风致非线性振动气弹模型风洞试验

    Wind Tunnel Test on Wind-induced Nonlinear Vibrations of High-voltage Transmission Tower-line Coupling System

  12. 汽车模型风洞试验支架干扰修正的试验研究

    Experimental Investigation of the Support Interference Correction for Vehicle Model Wind Tunnel Tests

  13. 直升机旋翼模型风洞试验述评

    Review on helicopter rotor model wind tunnel test

  14. 格构式塔架气弹模型风洞试验研究

    Research on Aero - elastic Model of Lattice Tower Based on Wind Tunnel Test

  15. 缩尺模型风洞试验及其在汽车开发中的作用

    Model-windtunnel Test and Its Function in Automobile Designs

  16. 新概念汽车模型风洞试验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of New Concept Car by Wind Tunnel Test

  17. 刚性模型风洞试验确定大跨屋盖结构风振系数的多阶模态力法

    Determination of wind load factors of long-span roof structures using rigid model wind tunnel test

  18. 车桥系统气动特性的节段模型风洞试验研究

    Study on Aerodynamic Characteristics of the Vehicle-bridge System by the Section Model Wind Tunnel Test

  19. 封闭式大跨屋盖气弹模型风洞试验的气承刚度模拟

    Pneumatic stiffness simulation of wind tunnel aeroelastic model tests for closed long - span roof

  20. 对昂船洲大桥节段模型风洞试验所采用的模型的一些观察

    Some Observations on the Models Employed in the Section Model Wind Tunnel Tests for Stonecutters Bridge

  21. 简要介绍了一种应用在建筑物模型风洞试验中测量脉动风压的电子扫描系统。

    A new fluctuating pressure measurement system is developed for wind tunnel tests of building models .

  22. 独塔单索面斜拉桥节段模型风洞试验与计算分析

    Sectional Model Wind Tunnel Tests and Analysis of Cable-Stayed Bridge with Single Pylon and Single Cable Plane

  23. 因而设计者和研究者必须高度依赖气动弹性模型风洞试验。

    Therefore , designers and researchers must place heavy reliance on wind tunnel testing of aeroelastic models .

  24. 气动导数一般通过节段模型风洞试验获得。

    In practice , the aerodynamic derivatives are often obtained via wind - tunnel tests of sectional model .

  25. 同时,利用气动弹性模型风洞试验,研究了内压对屋盖风振响应的影响。

    Aeroelastic model wind runnel test was carried out to investigate the effect of internal pressure on roof response .

  26. 体育场主看台弧形挑篷气弹模型风洞试验和响应特性

    Wind tunnel test on an aeroelastic model of grandstand cantilevered roof of large stadium and features of wind-induced response

  27. 本文就汽车模型风洞试验的条件、方法及现阶段模型风洞试验在汽车开发中的作用等进行了分析。

    The conditions , methods and the effect of wind-tunnel test in the development of a vehicle are analyzed .

  28. 根据对随船引进的大型远洋单船拖网网板的调查、测绘和分析,选择了5种结构上具有代表性的网板,进行网板模型风洞试验。

    Five model trawl doors were tested through the aerodynamic tunnel based on the analyses , survey and drawing .

  29. 采用刚性模型风洞试验研究结构开孔时的内部风效应。

    Wind tunnel tests of rigid model were carried out to investigate the internal wind effect for structure with openings .

  30. 论文来源于[国防基础预研军民两用项目&超高功率密度电驱动系统中的螺旋桨飞机模型风洞试验驱动电机研制]。

    The research on high power-density electrical machine comes form a real project with the need of wind tunnel propeller model .