
  • 网络Electronic ignition device;Electric ignition device;ESA;Flare lgnition Device
  1. 特别针对当今广泛应用于汽车电子点火装置上的IGBT(绝缘栅双极型三极管)点火方式进行了讨论。

    This paper also discusses the IGBT widely used in auto ignition system .

  2. 威尔逊建议燃气型号的电子点火装置;

    Wilson recommends gas-fired models with an electronic ignition device ;

  3. 切诺基汽车无触点电子点火装置故障的诊断及排除方法

    Diagnosis and Trouble-Shooting of Cherokee Breakless Eletronic Ignition System

  4. 电子节能点火装置的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Electronic Ignition System of Engine

  5. 本文比较了三种汽车发动机点火装置的性能和特点,简要介绍了电子节能点火装置的基本工作原理。

    Some comparative experiments on the performance of the EQ6100-I engine have been carried out to evaluate the fuel-saving effect of electronic ignition system equiped on the engine .

  6. 温压工艺已经成功地应用于汽车零件上,包括发动机传动转矩变换器涡轮毂、连杆、齿轮类零件和整体线圈与电子线路点火装置等。

    Warm compaction technology have been successfully employed to automotive parts including turbine hub , connecting rod , gears , whole coil and electronic igniter , and so on .