
  • 网络Micro gas turbine;micro-turbines;Micro Turbines;microturbine;mgt
  1. DG包括内燃机、微型燃气轮机、燃料电池、太阳能发电的光伏电池和风力发电等,其容量一般为数千瓦到几十兆瓦。

    Distributed generation including internal combustion engines , micro-turbines , fuel cells , solar photovoltaic cells and wind power , and so on , the capacity of them are about a few dozen kilowatts to megawatts .

  2. 目前一系列以新能源及可再生能源作为发电能源的分布式电源,包括光伏、风电、微型燃气轮机等陆续接入电网。

    Now more and more distributed generations including photovoltaic panels , wind generators , micro-turbines which can generate the power by consuming the new and renewable energy are connected to the system .

  3. 基于WINDOWS的微型燃气轮机实时智能监控系统

    Windows Based Real-time Intelligent Monitoring System for Micro Gas Turbine

  4. 发电用微型燃气轮机转速直接模糊H∞控制

    Direct H_ ∞ Fuzzy Control on Rotation Speed for Gas Turbine Used for Power Generation

  5. 低NOx排放微型燃气轮机燃烧室的数值模拟及实验研究

    Numerical and Experimental Investigation on a Low NOx Emission Combustor for Micro Gas Turbine

  6. 利用微型燃气轮机(MicroGasTurbine)将其高温排气进行发电,即可以提高能源利用的效率又降低污染物的排放。

    Micro gas turbine makes full use of the heat to generate electricity , which can improve the efficiency of energy use and reduce the emission of pollutants .

  7. 回热型微型燃气轮机热力性能及CHP系统研究

    On thermal performances of micro - turbine with a recuperator and its CHP system

  8. 75kW微型燃气轮机回热器传热性能试验

    Heat transfer performance test of 75 kW recuperator

  9. 本文设计了应用于冷热电联供系统热循环功率50KW的微型燃气轮机。

    In this research a thermodynamic cycle of 50 KW gas turbine for micro CCHP plant is designed .

  10. 本文基于三维N-S方程组,采用结构化网格,用数值方法模拟了一台75kW微型燃气轮机中涡轮级内的流动。

    This paper presents the fluid flow pattern inside one radial inflow turbine for 75 kW micro gas turbine with three dimensional RANS equations solved by Jameson scheme in structured grids .

  11. 采用三维轴对称RNGkε湍流模型模拟了微型燃气轮机旋流燃烧室内的等温流场,用粒子测速仪(PIV)测量了旋流燃烧室内不同截面位置的速度矢量分布。

    The isothermal flow field in a cyclone combustion chamber is being modeled by a 3-dimensional axis-symmetric RNG k - ε turbulent flow model . A particle image velocimeter ( PIV ) was use for measuring the velocity vector distribution in various cross-sections of a cyclone combustion chamber .

  12. 为开发100kW微型燃气轮机,自主设计建造了高速高精度向心透平性能试验装置。

    For the purpose of developing micro-gas-turbines of 100 kW capacity , a high speed precision performance test rig for centripetal turbines has been designed and built .

  13. 根据数值模拟分析,设计的100kW微型燃气轮机高比转速离心压气机叶轮具有较高的效率和较宽广且平坦的工作特性,可以满足微燃机总体设计对压气机的要求。

    The fluid analysis indicates that the designed impeller has higher efficiency and wide , flat work characteristics and can meet the requirement for impeller according to micro gas turbine collective design .

  14. 详细介绍了100kW微型燃气轮机控制与电力变换系统的设计方法,针对微型燃气轮机控制系统设计中存在的几个主要问题进行了分析和综述。

    The design of 100 kW micro gas turbine control and power transform system is developed in detail . Some problems are analyzed and generalized for micro gas turbine control system design .

  15. 该实验系统设计合理、功能完善、测量方法准确可靠,可用于常压和增压条件(0~0.3MPa)下微型燃气轮机燃烧室性能及相关燃烧技术的研究。

    This experimental system can be applied to investigations on combustion techniques for the micro-gas turbine combustor and its performance tests both at ambient pressure and under pressurized conditions ( 0 ~ 0.3 MPa ) due to the reasonable design and perfect functions of the system and accurate measurement techniques .

  16. 先进微型燃气轮机的特点与应用前景

    Specific Features of Advanced Micro Gas Turbines and Their Application Prospects

  17. 微型燃气轮机回热器燃气腔结构优化

    Configuration Optimization of the Recuperator Gas-cavity of a Micro Gas Turbine

  18. 微型燃气轮机燃烧室实验系统与测量方法

    Experimental system and measurement technique for the micro-gas turbine combustion chamber

  19. 基于灰关联分析的微型燃气轮机综合性能评价

    Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of Micro-gas Turbine Based on Gray Relationship Analysis

  20. 微型燃气轮机燃烧室性能的数值研究

    Numerical Study on Combustion and Flow in A Micro Turbine Annular Combustor

  21. 微型燃气轮机圆筒原表面回热器的性能试验研究

    Experimental Investigation on Performance for Annular Primary Surface Recuperator of Micro Gas-turbine

  22. 微型燃气轮机及其混合动力的技术进展

    Review on Progress of Micro Gas Turbine and its Hybrid Power System

  23. 微型燃气轮机的气动设计方法与内部流动研究

    Investigation on Aerodynamic Design Method and Internal Flow of Micro Gas Turbine

  24. 微型燃气轮机驱动的分布式能源系统及其性能分析

    Distributed energy system driven by micro-turbine and an performance analysis of the system

  25. 带回热微型燃气轮机系统动态过程分析

    Dynamic Process Analysis of a Recuperative Micro Gas-turbine System

  26. 低热值燃料对微型燃气轮机运行特性的影响

    Influence of Low-heating-value Fuels on the Operating Characteristics of a Miniature Gas Turbine

  27. 微型燃气轮机乙醇燃烧室点火与熄火试验

    Experimental research on ignition and lean blowout for micro gas turbine ethanol combustor

  28. 新型分散式发电装置&微型燃气轮机

    A new kind of distributed power generating equip ment : micro gas turbine

  29. 两类双模式微型燃气轮机并网技术方案比较

    The Grid-connection Schemes Comparison of Two Types of Micro Turbines with Dual Mode Operation

  30. 某微型燃气轮机浮环轴承性能的试验研究

    Experimental Research on the Capability of Floating Ring Bearing Used in Micro Gas Turbine