
  • 网络macro;Macro Lens;Micro
  1. 微距镜头:不需收近装置,如外延管,近镜等而把很近距离的物体对焦的镜头。

    Macro lens : A lens which focuses on close subjects without the aid of close-up devices such as extension tubes or close-up lenses .

  2. 甚至作为一个廉价的塑料镜头,镜头,18-55mm是尖锐的,尖锐,锋利,并着重如此接近,几乎没有人将需要一个专门的微距镜头。

    Even as a cheap , plastic lens , the18-55mm is sharp , sharp , sharp , and focuses so close that few people will need a dedicated macro lens .

  3. 这套镜头包可以让iPhone更具相机那样的手感,其中包括三个可拆卸的镜头:广角镜头、微距镜头和远摄镜头。

    It includes a case that gives an iPhone a more camera-like grip and includes three detachable lenses : wide angle , macro and Telephoto .

  4. 如果想拍较大景观和特写照片,可以试试Olloclip的四合一镜头,这款售价80美元(或70英镑)的镜头集微距镜头和鱼眼镜头于一身,可严丝合缝地插在iPhone或三星(Samsung)Galaxy手机的镜头上。

    For wider landscape shots and close-ups , try Olloclip 's 4-in-1 lens , which for $ 80 ( 70 ) , provides macro and fisheye lenses that slot neatly over an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy camera .

  5. 微摄镜头:一些相机制造商用这个名词描述它的微距镜头。

    Microlens : A term used by some manufacturers to describe their macro lenses .

  6. 多数微距镜头可以产生实物一半大小的影像。

    Most macro lenses can produce an image which is half life size on the film .

  7. 微距镜头拍出来的食物效果特别惊人,既有独特的视角也不显得色彩冗余。

    Macro shots work especially well with food that has an interesting texture but not a lot of color .

  8. 若想尽可能靠近食物,抓拍出全新的视角,不妨使用微距镜头,如Easy-Macro,能把平淡无奇的食物块拍成高端大气的艺术品。

    Go Macro To get really close and capture a whole new perspective on your dish , use a macro lens like the Easy-Macro and turn a bland-looking lump of comestibles into a work of art .