
  • 网络perspective distortion
  1. 具体内容如下:1.自然场景的文本图像中存在大量透视变形的情况,文本图像发生变形会严重影响文本识别的整体性能。

    Details are as follows : 1 . There is much perspective distortion in the text images of natural scene , which will degrade seriously the overall performance of the text recognition .

  2. 本文对场景图像的透视变形问题进行了研究,并针对自然场景图像中文本行数少,缺乏段落信息,文本边缘不完整的特点,提出了一种基于消失点的变形矫正方法。

    This dissertation studies the perspective distortion of the images and presents a method of distortion rectification based on the vanishing point , for that there is few text lines in scene images lack of paragraph information or the edge of document is incomplete .

  3. 斜向拍摄的车牌图像存在着透视变形,该情况下直接进行车牌旋转不能有效地矫正,必须进行变形矫正才能准确地提取出各个牌照字符。

    Perspective distortion exists on the car license plate photograph taken in a skew angle , under such situation direct rotation can 't effectively rectify the distorted plate image , hence the distortion rectification procedure is required to precisely extract the plate character .

  4. 讨论了如何纠正平面纹理的透视变形,及其相应的纹理映射,其过程是在两视图重建的基础上,对原平面进行投影变换,并用插值方法获得纹理,从而映射到模型上。

    Here how to rectify the plain texture to remove perspective distortion and corresponding texture mapping are discussed . This process is as follows : applying projective transformation on the plane , using interpolation method to acquired texture , and then mapping it on the model .

  5. 文中利用双线性空间映射来矫正变形车牌图像,采用高斯消元法来计算该映射方程组的解,从而较好地解决了车牌透视变形的矫正问题,提高了车牌图像变形矫正的运算精度与速度。

    This paper uses bilinear space mapping to rectify the distorted car plate image , applying Gauss elimination method to calculate the solution of mapping equations , thus resolve the problem of rectifying the perspective distortion of car plate , improve the precision rate and speed of distortion calibrating procedure .