
  • 网络Thoth
  1. 透特/诺克的遗赠暗示古代光语言的和声科学,能够真的作用DNA。

    The legacy of Thoth / Enoch suggests this Language of Light the harmonic science of the ancients , could actually affect DNA .

  2. 埃及的统治权由拉/马杜克王朝转移到透特。

    Rule over Egypt transferred from the Ra / Marduk dynasty to that of Thoth .

  3. 我把这句至理名言用到了摩尔格力.透特山上(MtMalgré-Tout),有人告诉我,这里在二次大战期间曾有法国平民被纳粹屠杀。

    This maxim I had to apply to Mt Malgr é - Tout , which I was told was the scene of a wartime massacre of French civilians by the Nazis .

  4. 以诺是第一位发明书本和书写,很像抄写员透特。

    Enoch was the first to invent books and writing , much like Thoth the scribe .

  5. 透特话里隐藏的许多含义表面上是不会有的。

    Concealed in the words of Thoth are many meanings that do not appear on the surface .

  6. 透特和伊诺克的知识暗示人类意味进化超越我们现在的陆地形态。

    The knowledge of Thoth and Enoch implies humans are meant to evolve beyond our present terrestrial form .

  7. adj.隐藏的;隐蔽的透特话里隐藏的许多含义表面上是不会有的。

    well-concealed Concealed in the words of Thoth are many meanings that do not appear on the surface .

  8. 这是表现永恒法则的象征,描绘在透特神的裴翠石版上。

    It is this symbolic rendition of the eternal principles that are presented in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth .

  9. 古希腊人断定以诺与墨丘利神/赫密士一样,写了透特的裴翠石版。

    The ancient Greeks declare that Enoch is the same as Mercury / Hermes Trismegistus writing the Emerald Tablets of Thoth .

  10. 在之后的年代里,透特的自我以石板中描述的方式进入人身。

    During later ages , the ego of Thoth passed into the bodies of men in the manner described in the tablets .

  11. 因为就是在这里,透特抄写员书写了许多故事情节如同灵魂向我口述的那样。

    For it is here that I , Thoth the scribe , write many of the storylines as dictated to me by the souls .

  12. 而我,亚特兰提斯岛的透特将带你进入亚特兰提斯岛金字塔,这样你可以经验你是的全部。

    And I , Thoth the Atlantean , shall now take you to the Pyramid of Atlantis so you may experience all that you are .

  13. 透特是一个不朽的人物,也就是说,他已经征服了死亡,只有当他决定离去时才离世,即使那样,他也不经历死亡。

    Thoth was an immortal , that is , he had conquered death , passing only when he willed and even then not through death .

  14. 根据透特的解释,神性语言形态排列表现在圣经方舟字母表里,就隐藏在更高尚的大天使光芒卷能量矩阵里面。

    According to Thoth , the divine language form represented in the Alphabet of the Ark , is contained within the matrix of this greater Archangelic flame script .

  15. 埃及上方的金字塔与时间和幻象的金字塔相连接,通过我,透特或赫尔墨斯魔术师和游戏大师运转。

    The Pyramid over Egypt links with the Pyramid of Time and Illusion . It is run by I , Thoth or Hermes , the Trickster and Master of the Game .

  16. 拉比解释道梅塔特隆被允许就座,因为他的职能是天堂的抄写员,事实上是描写成以色列,就像埃及的抄写员透特一样。

    The rabbis explain that Metatron was allowed to sit because of his function as the heavenly scribe , writing down the deeds of israel , mush as Thoth was the Egyptian scribe .

  17. 在以后的时间里,这些守卫的后裔成为金字塔牧师,透特被牧师奉为神智慧上帝,奉为靠它们他所通过的黑暗年代的记录机。

    In later times , the descendants of these guards became the pyramid priests , by which Thoth was deified as the God of Wisdom , The Recorder , by those in the age of darkness which followed his passing .

  18. 纽约女巫伊莉莎白培根,在出神时候宣称水晶球体曾经属于透特神,他是负责在吉萨埋葬秘密知识的埃及神,在那里附近有三个巨大的金字塔。

    Elizabeth bacon , a New York psychic , claimed while in trance , that the crystal sphere had once belonged to thoth , the Egyptian god who was responsible for burying a secret vault of knowledge in giza , near the three great pyramids .

  19. 提高低透性特厚煤层瓦斯抽放效果的技术和实践

    Techniques and Practice of Raising Gas Drainage Effectiveness from Extra-thick Coal Seams with Low Gas Permeability