
tòu shì
  • perspective;perspectivity;fluoroscopy;be X-rayed;perfectly clear;have an X-ray examination
透视 [tòu shì]
  • (1) [perspective]∶在平面或曲面上描绘自然物体的空间关系的方法或技术

  • (2) [fluoroscopy;roentgenoscopy]∶利用荧光学方法的检查;X光检查

  • (3) [perfectly clear]∶比喻清楚地看到事物的本质

透视[tòu shì]
  1. 他在自己的绘画艺术中打破了科学的直线透视法规律。

    In his art he broke the laws of scientific linear perspective .

  2. 我们学习如何用透视法画建筑物。

    We learnt how to draw buildings in perspective .

  3. 大师将中国传统的绘画技法与西方的透视法、明暗对照法和颜色组合融为一体。

    Master combines elements of traditional chinese painting with western perspectiv , chiaroscuro , and color schemes .

  4. DesignMode允许创建自己的内容包和透视图。

    Design mode allows you to create your own content package and perspectives .

  5. 点击Yes切换到Web透视图。

    Click Yes to switch to the Web perspective .

  6. 注意:如果你从当前透视图更换为Web透视图时,应用开发工具可能会询问你。

    Note : Application Developer may ask you if you want to switch perspectives to the Web perspective .

  7. 螺旋CT透视引导下经皮穿刺乙酸消融治疗第二肝门区原发性肝癌

    Spiral CT fluoroscopy guided percutaneous acetic acid injection ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma at second porta hepatis

  8. 术中平均X透视时间68s;

    Mean X-ray exposure time was 68 seconds ;

  9. 在工作区中点击右侧的透视图图标,切换到Web透视图。

    Once you are in the workspace , click the perspective icon on the right and switch to the Web perspective .

  10. 用C型X线透视确定在髓腔内,复位满意后,依次锁定远、近端锁钉,术后不用外固定。

    Closure reduction excellent with " C " arm X-ray then locking nails one by one and not external fixation .

  11. 基于Linux与WINDOWSnt的文件系统透视它们的设计思想

    Comparison between the Design Thought of Linux and Windows NT

  12. 切换到Java透视图。

    Switch to a JavaTM perspective .

  13. 公路透视图CAD的开发

    Development of CAD of Highway Perspective

  14. 您可以转到J2EE透视图来查看构件。

    You can switch to the J2EE perspective to view the artifacts .

  15. 其透视胶片图分正弦波条纹图象和C型图象,包含文件头和参数表。

    Its perspective film graphic falls into sine wave stripe image and C type image , includes file header and parameter list .

  16. 要执行测试类,请转到J2EE透视图中的ProjectExplorer视图。

    To execute the test class , go to the J2EE perspective , Project Explorer view .

  17. 焦点的尺寸大小及聚焦质量直接影响X射线机透视、摄影图像的清晰度;

    The focal spot sizes can immediately influence picture definition when X-ray machine carry through clairvoyance and photography .

  18. HealthCenter包含一个名为Environment的透视图,它显示受监控的应用程序的类路径、系统属性和环境变量。

    The Health Center includes a perspective called the Environment perspective , which exposes the monitored application 's classpath , system properties , and environment variables .

  19. 在C臂机实时透视监视下将穿刺针穿刺达病变部位后,再作CT扫描证实。

    The needle tip was put to the target point monitored by C-arm fluoroscopy , and then confirmed by CT after successful puncture .

  20. 切换回J2EE透视图。

    Switch back to the J2EE perspective .

  21. 利用深度谱分析物体层次,提高了立体匹配的置信度,提高了X射线立体透视的分层成像的质量。

    A depth spectral method we developed for stereo matching has increased its credibility and realized the X ray stratified imaging .

  22. 在打开IBMSQLandRoutineDevelopment透视图时,这个视图的默认位置在工作台的左下角。

    The default position of this view is the lower-left corner of the workbench when the IBM SQL and Routine Development perspective is open .

  23. Eclipse没有调试模式&只有能够来回切换的Debug透视图。

    Eclipse has no debug mode & just the Debug perspective you can switch to and from .

  24. 用EXCEL透视数据

    Use excel explores data

  25. 从下一代业务网的发展透视ASON的生命力

    Explore the Prospect of ASON From the Development of Next Generation Service Network

  26. 最初,Resource透视图中还有其他两个视图&Navigator下的Outline视图和主编辑器区域下的Task视图。

    Initially , there are two other views in the Resource perspective & an Outline view below the Navigator , and a Task view below the main editor area .

  27. 调试程序启动后,它将提示您切换到Debugger透视图。

    Once the debugger starts , it will prompt you to switch to the Debugger perspective .

  28. 结果图像拼接模块只需术中采集7~10张有效的C型臂图像即可拼接出下肢长骨的全景图像,为采集图像所需的术中透视时间为(19.75±0.61)s;

    Results Only 7 to 10 [ fluoroscopy time : ( 19.75 ± 0.61 ) s ] valid C-ann projection images were needed to produce a long bone panorama of the lower limb .

  29. 结论联合应用术中3D透视影像和CT的导航系统有助于减少微创技术固定关节内骨折时的X线暴露,其准确性可接受。

    Conclusion Navigation surgery based on the combined use of 3D fluoro-and CT-images is helpful in reducing the X-ray exposure in a minimally invasive surgery for articular fractures with acceptable accuracy .

  30. 方法6例股骨、4例胫腓骨骨折,交锁髓内钉置入后,只需要一次C臂X线机透视定位,在计算机导航下完成远端交锁螺钉的固定。

    Methods 6 cases of femoral fractures and 4 tibial fractures were enrolled . After insertion of the nail , only under once C-arm localization , the distal locking was completed with computer navigation .