
  • 网络Abstract painting
  1. 出售油画,建筑画,抽象绘画,雕刻绘画。

    Sell Oil Painting , building Paintings , abstract Painting , carved Painting .

  2. 抽象绘画:形与色的构成

    Abstract Painting : the Constitution of Shapes and Colours

  3. 一种音乐性的美&康定斯基的抽象绘画艺术

    A Sort of Melodious Beauty & On Wassily Kandinsky Abstract Brushwork Art

  4. 抽象绘画关注的是形式和结构。

    Abstract paintings are concerned with shapes and structure .

  5. 最终导致了抽象绘画的产生。

    It has caused the abstract drawing production finally .

  6. 抽象绘画是当今人类社会的审美向多元化拓宽的产物。

    Painting is the result of today 's human society and various aesthetic conceptions .

  7. 论德国抽象绘画的形式观

    On the shape view of German abstract painting

  8. 抽象绘画造型语言的探索与思考

    Exploration and Thought on Abstract Drawing Modelling Language

  9. 西方冷抽象绘画与中国文人画美学思想

    Western abstract art and artistic thoughts in traditional Chinese paintings by scholars and officials

  10. 试论具象绘画与抽象绘画的关系

    On the Relation of Concrete and Abstract Paintings

  11. 我确实很喜欢今天历史课上看到的抽象绘画作品。

    I really like those abstract paintings we saw in our history class today .

  12. 用以辟邪的抽象绘画中国油画的诗画意境&意象油画之我见

    The Pome-like Mood in the Chinese Oil Painting & Opinions on the Image Oil Painting

  13. 中国书法与西方现代抽象绘画有着相同的特征。

    Art have the same characteristics .

  14. 抽象绘画的艺术语言

    Study on Language of Abstract Painting

  15. 而人类现代西方社会的社会形态是抽象绘画的母体。

    Modern Western society and the human form of society is the mother of abstract painting .

  16. 具象绘画和抽象绘画是中外美术史上两种最主要的绘画形式。

    Concrete and abstract paintings are of the two significant patterns in the history of art .

  17. 浅谈抽象绘画的价值

    On The Value of Abstract Painting

  18. 抽象绘画漫谈

    Random Talk on Abstract Painting

  19. 抽象绘画作为一种独立的绘画形式,在造型艺术领域占有着越来越重要的位置。

    As an independent drawingstyle , Abstract drawingoccupies a more and more important place in the field ofplastic arts .

  20. 康定斯基绘画艺术的发展变化是在抽象绘画上进行不断探索的成果;

    The developments and changes of Kandinsky 's painting art are the achievements through his uninterrupted exploration in the abstract painting .

  21. 当画家们进一步按照拼贴物体的方法在画面上拼贴颜料的时候,抽象绘画就产生了。

    When the painters further collage pigments in the same way as the objects are collaged , abstract painting comes into being .

  22. 在抽象绘画­大师纽曼看来,“现代艺术的动力就是摧毁美。”

    In the view of the abstract master Barnett Newman ," the impulse of modern art is the desire to destroy beauty . "

  23. 可以说研究康定斯基的抽象绘画理论是开启西方20世纪现代主义绘画美学的钥匙。

    We can say that the research of Kandinsky 's abstract painting theory is the key to the western 20 century Modernism Painting Esthetics .

  24. 他在抽象绘画理论方面的研究对于色彩、绘画的形式、绘画表现的重点均有独到的见解。

    Abstract painting in his study of color theory and painting in the form of paintings focus on the performance of both unique insights .

  25. 印象派绘画是欧洲写实绘画向抽象绘画过渡的桥梁,它开启了美术的新纪元,对近代绘画有较大影响。

    Impressionist painting is the transitional bridge from realistic painting to abstract painting in Europe . It opened a new era and had great influence on modern painting .

  26. 对抽象绘画的解读必须面临六种语境制约,它们是文本组合语境、意图语境、接受语境、施受语境、时代语境和传承语境。

    Interpretation of abstract paintings must be subject to six elements : combination context , intentional context , addresser , addressee , time context , and evolving context .

  27. 最早形成自己抽象绘画方法的康定斯基,就最愿意以音乐来形容甚至命名自己的绘画作品。

    As the earliest one to form his own methods of abstract painting , Kandinsky was the most willing to apply music to describe and even name his own paintings .

  28. 具象绘画与抽象绘画皆是画家对于周围生活与客观现实的揣摩、描绘,由此表现画家的特定情感。

    Figurative paintings and abstract paintings are painters around the life and objective reality try to figure out , painted , thus the performance of the specific emotion of the painter .

  29. 流行于20世纪中期的美国,以轮廓分明的几何形体、精确的画面为特点的抽象绘画。

    ( adj . ) A style characterized by geometric abstraction , a flat picture plan , perfection of a surface , and graphic precision . ( U.S. , mid-20th century )

  30. 从具像绘画向抽象绘画的转变,从客观的视觉理念中转变,用创造性的设计思维探索造型要素的各种可能性。

    The paper deals with the transformation from concrete painting to painting and the transformation in impersonal visual conception . It explores possibilities of elements of modeling through creative designing thinking .