
  • 网络abstract expressionism
  1. 本文所探讨的表现主义涵盖了德国表现主义、美国抽象表现主义、德国新表现主义等诸多表现主义历史时期。

    The paper includes the German Expressionism , the United States abstract expressionism , the new German Expressionism and so on .

  2. 从19世纪末到20世纪初期表现主义在西方大体上经历了四个阶段,即法国早期表现主义,德国表现主义,美国抽象表现主义和德国新表现主义。

    From the late 19th century to early 20th century expressionism in the West largely through the four stages , namely , the early French Expressionism , German Expressionism , American abstract expressionism and the new German Expressionism .

  3. 透过对禅学与美国抽象表现主义绘画关系的研究,试图为艺术实践打开一个窗口,透过这个窗口,去探寻禅与艺术实践交渗的无限可能。

    Through the research of relationship between Zen and American abstract paintings , we are trying to open a window for artistic practice , and to explore the infinite possibilities of Zen and art practice in permeability through the window .

  4. 表现一词首先出现在1901年在法国巴黎举办的马蒂斯画展上。而它在西方的发展,大致经历了早期的法国和德国的表现主义、美国的抽象表现主义以及德国的新表现主义几个阶段。

    " Expression " first appeared in the Matisse ' art exhibition held in Paris , France , in 1901.Btu its development has experienced the earlier French and German expressionism , the American abstract expressionism and German new expressionism .