
chōu xiànɡ měi shù
  • Abstract art;nonfigurative art
  1. 抽象美术、波普美术以及艺术品的普及与85新潮美术运动有着不可磨灭的关系,甚至被称为后85美术。

    The popularity of Abstract Art , Pop Art and works of Art have a close relationship with " 85 Modern Art Movement ", these are also the so-called " post-85 Art " .

  2. 然而,如果我们不否认建筑、设计以及中国的意象美术、西方的抽象美术都属于造型艺术,那么造型的内涵除了再现,还应当包括表现与抽象。

    However , if we hold the view that architecture , design , Chinese imagery art and western abstract art all undeniably belong to plastic arts , then expression and abstracting , apart from representation , should be included into the denotation of plastic arts .

  3. transform:转换,使…变化我专注于将满腔愤怒转向艺术collage:抽象派美术我做了些拼贴画。

    I focused on transforming my anger into art . I made some collages .

  4. 我喜欢那些还会画画,剪纸,和玩抽象派美术的的设计师们。

    I love designers and art directors who paint , or cut paper or make collages .

  5. 抽象素描在高校美术教育中的作用

    The function of abstract drawing in fine arts education at college

  6. 具象绘画和抽象绘画是中外美术史上两种最主要的绘画形式。

    Concrete and abstract paintings are of the two significant patterns in the history of art .