
tòu jìnɡ zhōnɡ xīn
  • Lens center;center of a lens
  1. 基于现代传感技术和数字图像处理技术,通过对透镜中心误差的分析研究,提出了一种透射式影像法测量透镜中心误差的方法,建立了基于CCD图像的实时测试系统。

    Combined with modern sensor technology and digital image processing , researching the principles and methods used in measurement of centering errors of lens , a kind of real-time measurement system is designed based on CCD image , which is formed by method of rotated transmission .

  2. 光学透镜中心厚度自动检测仪

    The Equipment for Auto - Test the Center Thickness of Optics Lens

  3. 基于图像的透镜中心误差测量系统的研究

    Study on Measurement System of Centering Errors Based on Digital Image Processing

  4. 单干涉环法检测透镜中心偏差的研究

    Investigation on the Measurement of the Len 's Centering Error by Single Interference Circle

  5. 透镜中心误差测量系统

    Study on Measurement System of Centering Errors

  6. 介绍了三坐标测量仪,阐述了使用三坐标测量仪测试透镜中心偏差的原理。

    The coordinate measuring machine is introduced and also the principle of measuring lens center deviation .

  7. 透镜中心厚度测量规

    Lens center thickness gauge

  8. 该仪器可用于磨边或胶合定中心和检验透镜中心误差。

    This instrument can be used for centering during edging and cement , and testing centering error of lenses .

  9. 穿过曲面透镜中心的光线不会反射和折射的线。

    A line that passes through the center of curvature of a lens so that light is neither reflected nor refracted .

  10. 由于国内企业生产设备与工艺相对落后,在透镜中心厚度的检测上与发达国家差距较大,严重影响了光学系统产品的生产质量。

    As domestic production equipment and technology is relatively backward , the gap with the developed countries in the lens center thickness detection , it affected the production quality of the optical system seriously .

  11. 透镜中心偏测量是透镜加工中不可缺少的环节,通过测量所得中心偏大小对透镜进行实时加工,是提高透镜成像质量的重要方法。

    The measurement of lens decentration in the processing is an essential link . By measuring the size of decentration , processing the lens in real-time is an important method to improve the quality of the lens .

  12. 用函数计算器计算透镜定中心十字象的计算程序

    Calculation Programme for Calculating Lens Centering Cross-Image with Function Counter

  13. 视觉坐标测量中直接光学法透镜光学中心的标定

    Direct optical method for calibrating the optical center in vision coordinate measurement

  14. 一种透镜系统中心偏光轴拟合模型

    A Fitting Model of Central Polarizing Axle in Lens System

  15. 眼镜片(透镜)中心透射比标准测量装置测量不确定度的评定

    Uncertainty Evaluation of Standard Equipment for Spectacle lens ( Lens ) Center Transmittance

  16. 给出了等直径双圆筒透镜的中心偏对图象质量的影响。

    The influence of the misalignment of equi-diameter cylinder bipotential immersion electron lense on image quality are given .

  17. 当菲涅耳数一定时,环形透镜的中心拦截比越大,焦移越大;

    For a fixed Fresnel number , the larger the central obstruction ratio is , the larger the focal shift is .

  18. 重点讨论了眼镜片(透镜)中心透射比标准测量装置测量不确定度的来源,详细分析各不确定度分量的评定。

    We discuss the sources of the measurement uncertainties of standard equipment for spectacle lens ( lens ) center transmittance and analyze each components of uncertainty .

  19. 并且,最佳聚焦点的光强较无球差时大,当球差环形透镜的中心拦截比ε取一定值时,得到的轴上点光强最大值远大于无球差时的光强最大值。

    By choosing suitable values of central obstruction ratio of the annular lens , one can get the axial maximum focused intensity much larger than that of no aberration case .

  20. GB/T1205-1975透镜边缘及中心最小厚度

    Minimum thicknesses in rim and centre of lens

  21. 从上面俯视,人们将会透镜接触表面的中心看到一系列的光和黑环。

    Looking down from above , one will see a series of light and dark rings centered on where the lens touches the surface .

  22. 本文简述了中心偏产生的原理,介绍了采用反射式自准直原理设计的一个调焦全自动、被测透镜自动旋转的中心偏自动测量系统。

    This article brief introduce the principles of the decentration being generated , Introduce the automatically focused and detected lens automatic rotate control system which based on the reflect self collimate principle .

  23. 结果认为:岩性透镜体是湖泊中心或斜坡带底部发育的盐类扇体,其盐间薄层白云岩、泥质白云岩和砂岩为有利的勘探目标;

    The result is that the lithologic lens is the salt fan grown in lake center or pitch belt base , and the thin dolomite , shaly dolomite and sandstone in the salt lens are the advantageous exploration goals .

  24. 薄透镜的两个主点与透镜中心相重合。

    The principal points of a thin lens coincide at the center of the lens .

  25. 透镜作为组成光学系统最基本的光学元件,透镜中心的定位精度直接影响整个光学系统成像质量,因此透镜中心偏测量技术的研究具有重要意义。

    Lens is treated as the most basic optical components , and the positioning accuracy of lens center directly affects the imaging quality of entire optical system . Therefore the measuring technology of optical lens decentration has important significance .

  26. 本文分析了等直径双圆筒透镜倾斜对图象质量的影响,并与电子透镜中心偏的结果作了比较,提出了估算透镜偏心和倾斜对图象质量影响的方法。

    The influence of the misorientation of equi-diameter bicylinder electron lens on image quality is analyzed and the comparison with the misaligned electron lens is made . A method of evaluating the influence of misalignment and / or misorientation of electron lenses on image quality is given .

  27. 阵列中微透镜的孔径为50μm,透镜F数为f/2.5,微透镜阵列的中心距为50μm。

    The lens f number and array pitch are f / 2.5 and 50 μ m , respectively .

  28. 测量出透镜某些点的厚度传输给计算机,按一定的算法进行分析,最终找出透镜的中心点。

    Measure some point thickness of the lens , transfer it to computer and according to a certain algorithm analysis , and find out the center of the lens finally .

  29. 该系统利用透镜上下表面反射回不同波长的反射光,经光谱仪将所得数据传输给计算机并利用虚拟仪器(labVIEW)分析出透镜中心厚度。

    The system utilizes the surface of the lens to the reflected light of a different wavelength , it is reflected back by the spectrometer and the resulting data is transmitted to the computer and using a virtual instrument ( LabVIEW ) of a lens center thickness .