
  • 网络threshold current;Ith
  1. 在p-GaN/MgO/n-ZnO结构中实现了阈值电流为0.8mA的受激发射。

    A lasing with the low threshold current of 0.8 mA was realized in the p-GaN / MgO / n-ZnO structure .

  2. 研究了垂直层叠和p型掺杂对量子点激光器性能的改善,并讨论了获得极小阈值电流密度时的最佳量子点密度。

    Also , the improvement of quantum dot lasers ' performance is investigated through vertical stacking and p-type doping and the optimal dot density , which corresponds to minimal threshold current density , is calculated .

  3. GaAs基长波长量子点激光器增益和阈值电流密度的理论分析(英文)

    Theoretical Analysis of Gain and Threshold Current Density for Long Wavelength GaAs-Based Quantum-Dot Lasers '

  4. 室温条件下在该结构中获得了阈值电流为43mA的ZnO随机激光输出。

    At room temperature , the random lasing from ZnO with the threshold current 43 mA was obtained .

  5. 短沟道MOSFET亚阈值电流的解析模型

    Analytical Model of Subthreshold Current for Short Channel MOSFET

  6. 质量迁移层对InGaAsPBH半导体激光器阈值电流和模式行为的影响

    Influence of Mass-Transported Layers on Threshold Current and Mode Behavior in InGaAsP BH Semiconductor Lasers

  7. 结果表明,阈值电流在可以接受的范围内略有增加,但半导体激光器抗损伤阈值(COD)、斜率效率和输出功率得到明显提升。

    The results show that , threshold current increased slightly within the acceptable limits , but the damage threshold of semi-conductor laser , slope efficiency and output power improved obviously .

  8. 端面反射率为0.9时,最小阈值电流可以小于lmA。

    The minimum threshold current could be less than 1 mA when the facet reflectivity is 0.9 .

  9. 这类激光器的线性(光电流特性)、阈值电流的稳定性及噪音动态特性都比典型的双异质结(DH)激光器有所改善。

    The linearity of its intensity-current characteristics , the stability of the threshold current and noise characteristics-dynamical behaviors-are better than those of the typical double heterostructure ( DH ) lasers .

  10. 先对其进行理论上的计算分析,得到亚阈值电流,阈值电压,饱和电流等随温度的变化关系,并用Medici模拟仿真进行验证。

    Its first theoretical calculation and analysis , sub-threshold current , threshold voltage , saturation current variation with temperature , and the Medici simulation verification .

  11. 含氧化限制孔的VCSEL具有低的阈值电流,但氧化孔的存在也会加大串联电阻。

    While AlAs oxide confined aperture may reduce the threshold current of vertical-cavity surface emitting lasers ( VCSELs ), it might also enlarge the series resistance of the VCSELs .

  12. 在12K温度下,激光器的阈值电流为1.6安培,发射波长为10.2微米。

    At 12K , the threshold current is 1.6A , the emission wavelength is 10.2 μ m.

  13. 因此,在综合考虑了瞬态电离效应的光电流增加因素和位移效应的阈值电流密度衰减因素的基础上,获得了LD辐射效应综合光学响应模型。

    Therefore , based on the consideration of both photocurrent increase factor due to transient ionization effects and threshold current density decrease factor due to displacement effects , we obtain an integrated LD optical response model of radiation effect .

  14. 分析表明,与普通激光器和量子阱激光器相比,Si基量子点激光器有更高的增益和微分增益,阈值电流更低,阈值电流对温度更不敏感。

    Based on these analyses , we see that the Si-based quantum-dot laser has higher gain and differential gain , its threshold current is more lower and the threshold current is insensitive to temperature when Si-based quantum-dot laser compares with normal semiconductor laser and quantum-well laser .

  15. 用此材料制备的掩埋异质结(BH)条形结构多量子阱激光器具有极低阈值电流4~6mA。

    The threshold currents of buried heterostructure ( BH ) MQW lasers with this strained layers structure were 4  ̄ 6 mA mostly .

  16. 本文介绍了大功率半导体激光器的光振荡条件、阈值电流、输出特性、模式理论、热特性及动态特性,用ANSYS软件对宽条形半导体激光器的热特性进行了分析。

    This article describes the high-power semiconductor laser light oscillation conditions , the threshold current , output characteristics , model theory , thermal properties and dynamic characteristics of finite element analysis with ANSYS software thermodynamic wide strip of the thermal characteristics of semiconductor lasers are analyzed .

  17. 通过对半导体激光器(LD)的损耗和阈值电流特性的分析,引入等效反射系数的概念,根据多光束干涉的原理,导出了在外腔反馈作用下LD的阈值电流公式。

    Through the analysis of the loss and threshold characteristics of a laser diode ( LD ), the threshold current density of LD with external feedback is calculated , according to the theory of multi-beam interference and the definition of equivalent reflection factor .

  18. 提出了一种多有源区隧道再生应变量子阱垂直腔面半导体激光器(VCSEL)结构,其微分量子效率可以大于1,并且可以得到阈值电流小、输出功率大的器件。

    The multiple-active-region tunneling-regenerated strained-quantum-well vertical-cavity-surface emitting laser ( VCSEL ) with a more-than-one differential quantum efficiency is proposed . This multiple-active-region VCSEL is expected to have the improved performance of smaller threshold current and higher output power .

  19. 最后自制了VCSEL测试系统,可以用于VCSEL整片性能的初步测试,包括是否发光、阈值电流、近场、远场等。

    In the end , we make out a VCSELs testing system by ourselves which can be used to elementarily measure the properties of the VCSEL chip including radiation , threshold current , near field , far field , etc.

  20. 发光波长900~910nm,阈值电流(Ith)3~5A。正常使用输出的脉冲功率为8~12W。

    The emission wavelength is ranged from 9000 A to 9100 A , threshold current ( Ith ) from 3 to 5A , and pulse output power from 8 to 12 W in ordinary using .

  21. 该激光器的峰值波长为815~825nm,阈值电流为130mA。

    Its wavelength ranges from 815 to 825 nm , threshold current is 130 mA at room temperature under CW operation .

  22. 垂直腔面发射半导体激光器(VCSEL)具有发散角小、谐振腔短、阈值电流低等优点,使其在光信息、光互联以及光纤耦合方面有着广泛的应用前景。

    Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers ( VCSEL ) have advantages of small divergence angle 、 short resonator and low threshold current et al , So that the optical information 、 optical interconnects 、 and optical fiber coupler has a wide application prospect .

  23. 该器件具有增强型脊型波导结构,在80K时阈值电流为0.5A,相应的阈值电流密度为5KA/cm2。

    The device has a reinforced ridge waveguide structure . The threshold current obtained at 80K is about 0 5A , and the corresponding threshold current density is about 5kA / cm 2 .

  24. 采用宽波导结构可以得到器件的最大输出功率为9.4W,发散角为32°,阈值电流密度为239A/cm2。

    Further , a maximal output power of 9.4W , vertical divergence angle of 32 °, and threshold current density of 239A / cm2 can be obtained by adapting broad waveguide layers .

  25. 1·66μm和1·74μm未镀膜的3μm脊型波导器件阈值电流低(小于15mA),输出功率高(100mA时大于14mW)。

    The uncoated 1.66 μ m and 1.74 μ m lasers with ridge wave guide 3 μ m wide have low threshold current ( < 15mA ) and high output power ( > 14mW at 100mA ) .

  26. 分析显示,用一个相对较低的阈值电流密度(832A/cm2)能够实现室温下产生50/cm的阈值光学增益,而且这种结构的特征温度高于136K。

    Our analysis of one particular structure has shown that a relatively low threshold current density of 832A / cm2 can provide a threshold optical gain of 50 / cm at room temperature . We have also found that the characteristic temperature in this structure is as high as 136K .

  27. 根据计算结果可知:当波导层和限制层铝组分为0.4和0.5时,采用窄波导结构可以获得器件的最大输出功率为11.2W,发散角为19°,阈值电流密度为266A/cm2;

    Calculated results show that when the Al-content of the waveguide and cladding layers are 0.4 and 0.5 respectively , a maximal output power of 11.2W , vertical divergence angle of 19 °, and threshold current density of 266A / cm2 can be achieved by adapting narrow waveguide layers ;

  28. 低阈值电流、高量子效率脊形波导激光器

    Low threshold current and high quantum efficiency ridge waveguide lasers

  29. 量子阱激光器的阈值电流和外量子效率

    Threshold current and external quantum efficiency of quantum well lasers

  30. 低阈值电流密度INGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs应变量子阱激光器

    Low Threshold Current Density InGaAs / GaAs / AlGaAs Strained Quantum Well Lasers