
  • 网络METHODE;Connecting Hardware;CONNECTOR
  1. 考虑到长导线电阻电容特性对信号传输的影响,采用π型RC结构建模导线自身的电阻电容和连接器件。

    In Detail Power circuits , in consideration of resistance and capacitance of long wires that affect signal transmission , we use π - type structure to model RC of wires and devices connected .

  2. 本实用新型属于管道连接器件。

    The utility model belongs to a pipe connection device .

  3. 用做连接器件的接线端子电缆接线端子成型工艺及其模具

    Molding Technology and Mould about Electric Cable Connection Terminal

  4. GB13140.1-1997家用和类似用途低压电路用的连接器件第1部分:通用要求

    Connecting devices for low voltage circuits for household and similar purposes & Part 1 : General requirements

  5. 连接器件(1)(2)考虑连杆螺钉的作用;

    Connecting device - Part ( I ) 2 . Pre - tight force of connecting rod screw ;

  6. 刺穿绝缘式连接器件

    Insulation piercing connecting device

  7. 光纤连接器是光纤通信中的连接器件,其对于光纤系统连接精度起着至关重要的作用。

    Optical fiber connector is a device used to Fiber-optic communication . It plays a crucial role for the connective precision .

  8. 器件有不同的形状、大小和颜色,而且连接器件的导线形式优美。

    Components had many different shapes , sizes , and colors , and the traces connecting them were graceful arcs in beautiful patterns .

  9. 从多模光纤中模式传输理论和射线分析法出发,分析用多模光纤做连接器件时造成输出功率不稳定的原因,并用数值模拟方法给出多模光纤弯曲损耗情况。

    Based on the theory of propagation mode in optical fiber , the instability of the output power from a multimode fiber is analyzed .

  10. 一种连接器件,它可以连接一个电路的一条或多条对外连接的导线,也可以供插头接插用。

    A connecting device to which a wire or wires of a circuit may be attached and which is arranged for the insertion of a plug .

  11. 电子连接器件与我们的生活密切相关,微小的电接触点的可靠性影响着庞大的电力、通信等系统的正常运行。

    Electric connectors play an important role in our daily life . The reliability of the small contact points affects the operation of the electric and communication systems .

  12. 光纤研磨机采用具有公转、自转复合的转台运动机构实现光纤端面的均匀研磨性能,适用于大批量生产光纤连接器件。

    Fiber muller is used in the mass product of fiber linkers which has the uniformity rubbing character to the fiber flank with the revolution and rotation turret .

  13. 在各类电子系统中,电连接器是连接器件与组件、组件与单机、单机与单机、系统与系统必不可少的基础元件,起着传输能量和信号的重要作用。

    An electrical connector is an electro-mechanical device that connect components modules and units in various kinds of electronic systems , playing an important role in energy transfer and electrical signal transmission .

  14. 导电金球的压缩变形程度与连接LCD器件上下ITO电极的导电性能密切相关,对直径5~8μm的导电金球的压缩变形情况进行微观形貌分析及精确的测量是必要的。

    It describes the relative ship of the compressed distortion degree of conductive gold spacer with the connection of ITO electrodes in the LCD device . So it 's necessary to measure and analyse the compressed distortion degree of the conductive gold spacer with diameter of 5 ~ 8 μ m.

  15. 数据采集器的核心部件为单片机,主要完成对其所连接传感器件的测量与控制以及与主机的通信等功能。

    The kernel of data collector is MCU , which takes charge of measurement , control and communication with the host controller .

  16. 由于集成电路和印制电路板中存在大量异材连接,器件发热而导致材料的热变形和热疲劳失效,进而产生热力耦合可靠性问题。

    Because there are a lot of different material joints between the Integrate Circuit and the Printed Circuit Board , the heats of Parts of an apparatus will result thermal distortion and thermal fatigue , and then , it will lead to thermal and mechanical coupling .

  17. 所用设备主要由软皮管连接的玻璃器件构成。

    The equipment used consisted primarily of glassware connected by rubber hose .

  18. 内引线连接是微电子器件制造过程中的重要环节之一。

    Chip interconnection is an important part in the microelectronics parts manufacture process .

  19. 随着电路规模的增大或者电路复杂程度的提高,电路间器件连接方式、器件参数值取值变多,从而导致了演化搜索空间指数增大,最终影响到了演化设计的性能。

    With the increasing scale and complexity of the circuits , the connection modes and the parameter values of circuit devices increase , resulting in the search space of evolutionary design increases exponentially , and eventually influences the performance of evolutionary design .

  20. 本文讨论了一种MOS场效应型超短沟道弱连接超导三端器件的导电性能。

    The conductivity of a field-effect like ultrashort channel weak link superconducting three-terminal device is discussed .

  21. 随着CPU、DSP和FPGA等处理器的性能得到较大提升,提高连接这些高性能器件的总线性能成为提升系统性能的关键。

    With a larger raise in the performance of CPU , DSP and FPGA processors , to improve bus performance is the key to enhancing system performance .

  22. 使用光纤连接各主要接收器件。

    The main receiving instruments are connected with fibers .

  23. 记录测量设备上那个同时连接到被测器件和第一个模拟输入通道的输出通道。

    Note that the analog output is connected to both the DUT input and to the first analog input channel on the measurement device .

  24. 多功能测试转换桥使用高耐压微型继电器,根据实验项目自动连接或切断实验器件各个引脚,增强实验台的灵活性。

    In the multi-functional transforming test bridge high voltage micro relays are used , which can automatically connect or disconnect each pin of the DUT according to the purpose of tests , and therefore increases flexibility of the instrument .

  25. 用来连接或结合的扣件。刺穿绝缘式连接器件

    A fastener that serves to join or link . insulation piercing connecting device