
  • 网络a sense of continuity
  1. 将色调和亮度综合考虑使得互补色调色板编码方案在凸现图像细节的同时可以消除图像的不连续感。

    The " hue " and " intensity " are comprehensively considered so that the complementary palette coding scheme can saliently enhance the detail of the image as well as eliminate the discontinuity of the image .

  2. 由感热的时间经度演变图可以看出,中南半岛所在经度范围内南北连续的感热分布对南海季风的早爆发具有重要作用。

    The continuous sensible heat distribution from south to north within the longitude of Indochina Peninsula makes the monsoon firstly onset in SCS region .

  3. 由于传统的S映射算法难以使纹理在中介面上保持连续,真实感效果不能令人满意。

    As the conventional S mapping algorithm inevitably produces discontinuous textures on the media surface , the realistic effect is badly damaged .

  4. 它提供个人安全感和控制感,反映个人的价值观,并给予人连续性与永恒感。

    It provides the sense of safety and control , reflects a person 's value , and offers a person the sense of continuity and eternity .

  5. 计算机动画技术是一个综合利用计算机图形学、数学、物理学、生理学、艺术和其他相关学科知识的产物,是用计算机生成连续的具有真实感的画面。

    The computer animation technology , which make continuous hypothesized pictures , is a comprehensive utilization of computer graphics , mathematics , physics , physiology , art and other related knowledge .