
  • 网络connection agreement;The Connection Protocol
  1. 该文还介绍了SSH协议的三个主要组成部分:传输层协议,用户认证协议,以及加密隧道多路复用的连接协议。

    It also introduces the SSH protocol 's three major components : Transport layer protocol . user authentication protocol . and connection protocol multiplexes the encrypted tunnel into several logical channels .

  2. 在此解决方案中,先前的视图管理网络连接协议。

    In this solution , the previous view manages the network connection protocol .

  3. 对虚拟专用网(VPN)技术及其连接协议进行分析后,使用VPN技术建立了安全的网络连接。

    Net information security technology is discussed . VPN technology and link protocol are discussed .

  4. “Web服务的目标是成为一种开放式连接协议,”James说,“而MOM通常对连接的每一端都进行控制。”

    " Web services is aiming to be an open-wire protocol ," said James ," whereas MOMs tended to own each end of the wire . "

  5. 运行adc工具时,这些工具会对目录配置进行检查,并提供有关连接协议的建议。

    When you run the ADC tools , they examine your directory configuration and make recommendations for connection agreements .

  6. 无线传感器网络与IPv6网络的互联通信在国际互联网上,无连接协议即是互联网协议。

    Intercommunication Between Wireless Sensor Network and IPv6 Network In the Internet , the connectionless protocol is the Internet Protocol ( IP ) .

  7. IP协议是无连接协议,不能保证足够的吞吐量和符合要求的传送时延,只是尽最大的努力(Best-effort)来满足用户的需要。

    IP is a connectionless protocol and it can 't ensure enough throughputs and appropriate transmission delay , and try its best to meet the requirement of users .

  8. 其次,在混合模型下构造了UC安全的可信网络连接协议TK-TNC。

    Then , a UC secure Trusted Network Connect proto-col named TK-TNC is constructed .

  9. 探讨了SSH协议体系结构,介绍SSH三个层次:传输层协议、用户认证协议、连接协议和密钥机制。

    It probes into the structure of SSH protocol system and discusses the three different levels of SSH , namely transport layer protocol , user authentication protocol and connection protocol .

  10. 然而,总的来说,您可以使用wget之类的工具来检索Web服务器提供的所有字节,然后像使用其他连接协议一样运行与Expect风格完全相同的脚本。

    In principle , however , you could just use a tool like wget to retrieve every byte a Web server might provide , and then run the very same style of Expect scripts as with other connection protocols .

  11. 它使用ApacheQpid作为其核心消息引擎来实现高级消息队列协议(AMQP)标准&这是唯一一个得到广泛支持的面向消息处理的开放标准连接协议。

    It uses Apache Qpid as the core messaging engine to implement the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol ( AMQP ) standard & the only widely supported open standard wire-protocol for messaging .

  12. 结合分析特定业务面向连接协议(SSCOP)传送信令高层消息时的性能,讨论了其滑窗尺寸的优化。

    Based on the analysis of SSCOP performance in the transfer of high layer signaling message , the optimal choice of SSCOP window size is discussed .

  13. 程序性的,通常是连接协议或在线程管理中。

    Programmatically , usually connecting to protocols or in thread management .

  14. 否,保留现有连接协议并退出此向导。

    No , leave my existing connection agreements and exit this wizard .

  15. 错误:连接协议向导需要帐户%1的密码

    Error : Connection Agreement Wizard needs the password for account % 1

  16. 正在重新将配置连接协议的目标设置为站点复制服务

    Re-targeting the configuration connection agreement to the Site Replication Service

  17. 向导将创建连接协议,请稍候。

    Please wait while the wizard creates the connection agreements .

  18. 验证已完成。请继续运行步骤4:连接协议向导。

    Verification is complete . Continue with Step 4 Connection Agreement Wizard .

  19. 选择希望创建的连接协议。

    Select the connection agreements you want to create .

  20. 连接协议向导未成功完成。

    The connection agreement wizard did not complete successfully .

  21. 错误:连接协议向导找不到负责%1的帐户

    Error : Connection Agreement Wizard could not find an account responsible for % 1

  22. 组织中已存在连接协议。

    Connection agreements already exist in your organization .

  23. 成功创建了新的连接协议。

    New connection agreements were created successfully .

  24. 页面大小设为零将禁用此连接协议的页面大小请求。

    Setting the page size to zero disables page size request on this Connection Agreement .

  25. 在国际互联网上,无连接协议即是互联网协议。

    In the Internet , the connectionless protocol is the Internet Protocol ( IP ) .

  26. 请重新创建连接协议。

    Please re-create the connection agreement .

  27. 这一来她连个退路都没有了。否,保留现有连接协议并退出此向导。

    She had burnt her boats . No , leave my existing connection agreements and exit this wizard .

  28. 此站点复制服务正作为非本地连接协议的桥头运行,因此无法删除。

    This site replication service is functioning as the bridgehead of a non-local connection agreement and cannot be deleted .

  29. 连接协议:该协议多路传输加密隧道到多个逻辑通道,通过用户认证协议运行。

    Connection Protocol : This protocol multiplexes the encrypted tunnel to numerous logical channels , running over the User Authentication Protocol .

  30. 蓝牙技术是最近几年新发展起来的一种通用短距离无线数据/话音通信标准(或称作连接协议)。

    Bluetooth technology is a new general - purpose , short-range radio data / voice communication standard ( or a connection protocol ) in recent years .