
  • 网络continuous space
  1. 网格是对连续空间进行离散剖分的结果。

    The mesh is the outcome of discretely decomposing the continuous space .

  2. DNA计算求解连续空间优化问题

    DNA Computing for Continuous Space Optimization

  3. 五相逆变器的不连续空间矢量PWM控制

    Discontinuous Space Vector PWM Control of Five-Phase Inverter

  4. 介绍了蚁群算法基本模型AS(AntSystem)的原理、特点、构成和实现方法,并且综述了目前用于连续空间优化的蚁群算法的改进技术。

    The principle , the model , the characteristics and the management about the basic algorithms of ant colony ( Ant System ) are also presented .

  5. 结合仿真分析了它们的开关特性、适用的负载类型以及输出谐波随调制指数的变化情况.经对比认为连续空间矢量PWM适合于低调制指数运行;

    The switch performance , matched load type and output harmonic changing with modulation index in different schemes are compared with each other .

  6. 正如我们在之前的示意图中看到的,需要为对象分配heap上的连续空间。

    As we saw in the pictorial example , an object needs contiguous space to be allocated on the heap .

  7. 有界连续空间中MEC算法的收敛性分析

    Convergence of MEC in Bounded and Continuous Space

  8. 将空气劈尖产生的等厚干涉与CCD图像处理技术相结合,提出了一种测量连续空间直线度误差的新方法。

    With the combination of the equal thickness interference formed by an air wedge and the CCD image-processing technique , a new method is presented to measure spatial alignment error .

  9. 给出了求解全局优化问题的连续空间的演化规划,应用Markov过程分析了演化规划,并且证明了该算法的全局收敛性。

    An evolutionary programming is given to solve global optimized problems in continuous space . We analyze the algorithm by using Markov process and prove global convergence of the algorithm .

  10. 通过这个条目,我们能够知道有一个分配失败,当heap内没有足够的连续空间可以分配给对象时,就会发生分配失败。

    This entry lets us know that there was an allocation failure , which presents itself when there is not enough contiguous space in the heap to allocate the object .

  11. 该算法将N维离散空间的优化问题转换为一维连续空间的优化问题,然后利用微粒群算法(PSO)求解该问题。

    In the proposed algorithm , the optimization problem in N-dimensional discrete space is converted into an optimization problem in one-dimensional continuous space which the PSO algorithm will be used to solve .

  12. 提出了一种改进的蚁群算法,并将其用于求解连续空间函数优化问题和工程控制过程中PID控制器参数优化中的应用,实验证明了此改进算法的可行性。

    In this paper , a kind of ACO algorithm have been proposed for solving the continuous space optimization and PID controller parameters optimization in industrial process control . Finally the results obtained via computer simulation show its validity .

  13. 对土壤养分的空间差异及其空间插值方法进行研究,获得田间土壤养分的连续空间分布,是精准农业技术体系中用GIS管理和分析土壤背景数据的一项基础性工作。

    It is a base works that to take the study on the spatial difference of soil characteristic and the method of its spatial interpolation at the GIS data management and the soil background data analysis in the technical system of Precision Agriculture .

  14. 简单介绍了PWM技术,给出了连续空间矢量PWM方式开关矢量选择及作用时间计算公式。

    PWM technologies is retrospected simply , and the choice mode of switching vectors of the space vector PWM and the formulas which are used to calculate the vector operation time of the space vector PWM are provided .

  15. 通过将蚁群优化算法(Antcolonyoptimization,ACO)与一种随机优化方法&Alopex算法相结合,提出一种随机蚁群混合算法(AACO)求解连续空间优化问题。

    A stochastic optimization algorithm , AACO , is proposed by combining ant colony optimization ( ACO ) algorithm with Alopex algorithm that is a stochastic optimization method for solving continuous space optimization problems .

  16. 差分进化算法(DE)是由RainerStorn和KennethPrice为求解切比雪夫多项式而于1996年共同提出的一种采用浮点矢量编码在连续空间中进行随机搜索的优化算法。

    Differential Evolution ( DE ) by Rainer Storn and Kenneth Price for solving Chebyshev Polynomials in 1996 jointly proposed a vector-encoded using floating-point margin continued space random search optimization algorithm .

  17. 通过对TSP问题的蚁群算法介绍,初步分析了构造一个通用的、应用于连续空间的蚁群算法的几个关键问题,并提出了构造该算法的基本框架。

    Introduced a basic algorithm of ant colony system with TSP problem , and then the key problems about the construction of a universal and continues ant colony system are discussed , a basic scheme is also put forward .

  18. 连续空间离散时间(CSDT)Riccati传递矩阵法是计算线性转子系统瞬态响应的一种新的直接积分法。

    The continuous-space discrete-time ( CSDT ) Riccati transfer matrix method is a new direct integration technique for calculating the transient response fo linear structural members .

  19. 将Alopex算法嵌入到改进的蚁群优化算法中,提出一种求解连续空间优化问题的混合算法(ACOAL)。

    A hybrid optimization algorithm ( ACOAL ), in which Alopex algorithm is embedded into the improved ant colony optimization algorithm , is proposed for searching continuous space optimization .

  20. 设计了基于GA-PSO的混合式启发算法。其中改进的遗传算法解决了离散空间的选址问题;改进的粒子群算法解决了连续空间的需求量协同分配问题。

    We also designed the hybrid heuristic algorithm based on GA-PSO , in which the improved GA solved the location problem of discrete space and the improved PSO solved the collaborative allocation of continuous space in demand .

  21. 该算法定义了蚁群在连续空间中的寻优方式以及新的信息素更新规则,并在局部搜索过程中嵌入改进的Alopex算法以提高搜索效率,有效地避免了优化算法陷入局部最优。

    The proposed approach defines the ants ' searching way in continuous space and the new pheromone updating rule . Also , Alopex algorithm is embedded into the local search process to improve the search capability and avoid being trapped in local optimum .

  22. 基于局部禁忌搜索策略的连续空间蚁群算法

    Ant colony algorithm based on tabu search to continuous space optimization

  23. 基于混合遗传算法的连续空间下机器人的路径规划

    Path Design of Robot Within Continuous Space Based on Hybrid Genetic Algorithms

  24. 基于高斯过程分类器的连续空间强化学习

    Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Spaces Based on Gaussian Process Classifier

  25. 站点观测数据的连续空间化模型的研究

    The Research of Sequence and Spatialize Module of Monitoring Data

  26. 基于克里格法的定点监测数据连续空间化研究与应用

    Research and Application on the Continuity of Monitoring Data Using Kriging Interpolation

  27. 蚁群算法的连续空间算法研究

    The Study for Ant Colony Optimization in Continuous Problem

  28. 一种求解连续空间优化问题的动态蚁群算法

    Dynamic Ant Colony Algorithm Used in Continuous Space Optimization

  29. 研究了若干优化算法在连续空间寻优问题中的应用。

    The application of several optimization algorithms in continuous function optimization is studied .

  30. 一种新的连续空间微观行人仿真模型

    A New Microscopic Pedestrians Simulation Model in Continuous Space