- next to impossible;scarcely possible

It is next to impossible to foresee whether she 'll be well enough to come home from hospital next month .
Finding her when she doesn 't want to be found is next to impossible .
It is almost impossible to keep abreast of all the latest developments in computing .
It was almost impossible to pinpoint the cause of death .
Unfortunately , there is little prospect of seeing these big questions answered
Such measures would be highly impracticable and almost impossible to apply .
The renewed violence this week hardly augurs well for smooth or peaceful change
His hopes for a new political party have little chance of reaching fruition .
It is almost impossible to visit Florida without falling in love with the state
It made it almost impossible for the smaller retailer to compete against the multiples .
It is almost impossible to find a dentist who will fill a tooth on the National Health .
Peace could come only gradually , in carefully measured steps . Even then , it sounds almost impossible to achieve
They attempted the almost impossible thing .
What made it almost impossible to deal with was that the day before the accident ,
Nick : That was because he hurt his knee . And his doctor said it would be almost impossible for him to play again .
Actually , advertised foods rarely look exactly like the real food they ’ re selling .
Members of the eurozone who break the stability and growth pact will face sanctions that are almost impossible to block .
( It seems almost impossible to believe now that 80 per cent of the population opposed the Angel of the North at first . )
To be sure , the post-crisis imperative for banks and households to reduce their debt meant a V-shaped rebound was never on the cards .
When these types of bugs are introduced , the cause is often difficult , if not all but impossible , to detect .
Because XML file is parsed by DOM tree , XML is low efficiency , analytical speed , high memory consumption , and almost impossible for large files . People began to seek alternatives to XML .
From a business perspective , the machine allow Sprinkles to basically do the impossible : increase hours of operation without raising costs .
As game theory predicts , free riding by the True Finns , the Slovaks , the European Central Bank , creditor banks and others has made it nearly impossible to reach a sensible agreement on anything .
A mobile call involves " a highly and , at times , almost impossibly complex exchange of digital information ," says Charles King , president and principal analyst at Pund-IT , Inc.
Those relationships , developed over her 15 years at Net-a-Porter , may prove near impossible to replicate , and much of the lustre , glamour and é lan she brought to the company leaves with her .
It 's almost impossible to understand why his class was stumped by the word " Hayes " because " Hayes " - well , we see things through a glass darkly .
However , the power supply noise cannot be ignored in the design of PDN , because the package in the high speed interface shows a greater inductive .
Easily was a man made an infidel , but hardly might he be converted to another faith ( T.E.Lawrence )
So long as the European Central Bank tolerates weak demand in the eurozone as a whole and core countries , above all Germany , continue to run vast trade surpluses , it will be nigh on impossible for weaker members to escape from their insolvency traps .
People close to the situation said that unless Citi can launch the capital-raising effort required to pay back tarp by the middle of next week , it would become practically impossible to do so until after it reports year-end results in mid-January .