
  • 网络Geometric Nonlinear Analysis;Geometric Non-linear Analysis
  1. 高桥墩几何非线性分析的能量法

    Energy Method for the Geometric Non-linear Analysis of Higher Bridge Piers

  2. 杆系结构的几何非线性分析&Ⅱ.三维问题

    Geometric non-linear analysis of frame structures ──ⅱ . 3 dimensional problem

  3. 基于CR列式的斜拉桥几何非线性分析

    Geometrical Nonlinearity Analysis of Cable-Stayed Bridges Based on CR Formulation

  4. Mindlin板几何非线性分析的广义变分原理

    Geometrically nonlinear analysis of Mindlin plate using the generalized variational principle

  5. 利用UL法研究了开口薄壁曲线梁几何非线性分析问题。

    The geometric nonlinear analysis of curved beams with thin-walled open sections is performed .

  6. 本文使用有限元软件ANSYS对纤维缠绕压力容器进行了几何非线性分析,并对容器进行了强度以及失效研究。

    Geometrical nonlinear analysis of filament-winding pressure vessel with ANSYS are carried out in this paper . The failure and the strength of vessel were also studied .

  7. Mindlin板几何非线性分析的附加内部剪应变法

    Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Mindlin Plate Using the Incompatible Bending Elements with Internal Shear Strain

  8. 应用ANSYS有限元程序,在均布荷载作用下,对不同高跨比的门式刚架进行了弹性几何非线性分析。

    In order to discuss the in-plane stability of the steel portal frames with different ratio of depth to span which is subjected to roof uniform loading , the ANSYS finite element program is used to perform geometrically nonlinear analysis .

  9. 另外结合钢屋架结构试验,运用大型有限元软件ANSYS对银川河东机场航站楼进行了整体的静力分析、几何非线性分析,模态分析以及地震反应谱分析。

    The experimental analysis is comprehensively evaluated . Furthermore , a series advanced numerical analysis are performed using ANSYS for the whole steel roof , including the complex model static analysis , geometric nonlinear analysis , modal analysis , seismic spectrum response analysis , et al .

  10. 根据T、L描述法,详细推导了几何非线性分析中的割线刚度矩阵和切线刚度矩阵一般表达式,并给出了两者之间的数学关系。

    Based on the total Lagrangian formulation , the formulas of both secant and tangent stiffness matrices in geometric nonlinear analysis are derived in detail in this paper , and their mathematical relationship is given .

  11. 为了深入探讨波纹管的力学特性,基于Sanders非线性薄壳理论,用有限元法对其进行了非轴对称几何非线性分析。

    Bellows is widely used as flexible joint and elastic element in such fields as petrochemicals and micro machines . This paper studies the asymmetrically geometric nonlinear problems for arbitrarily loaded bellows using the finite element method based on the thin shells theory of Sanders .

  12. 基于放松单元间连续性要求约束的广义变分原理,建立了用于几何非线性分析的非协调四边形精化杂交Mindlin板元,其非线性单元刚度矩阵可按假定应变模式分解。

    Based upon a generalized variational principle , which relaxed the inter element continuity requirements , a novel refined hybrid Mindlin plate element is developed , its non linear element stiffness matrices are decomposed into a series of matrices with respect to the assumed strain modes .

  13. 经典的几何非线性分析方法引起的恒载应力相对误差在10%以内,主梁成桥标高相差超过0.5m;

    Although the relative error of dead load stress caused by classic geometrical nonlinear analysis method is no more than 10 % , it influences configuration of bridge significantly . The maximal error of elevation of main girder is more than 0.5 m when classic method is used .

  14. 空间钢框架几何非线性分析的一种新单元

    A new element for geometric nonlinear analysis of three-dimensional steel frames

  15. 考虑翘曲效应的薄壁曲梁几何非线性分析

    Effect of warping in geometric nonlinear analysis of curved thin-walled beams

  16. 张弦梁膜结构几何非线性分析

    Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis on the Beam String Structure Composed of Membrane

  17. 一种新的大位移井钻柱几何非线性分析方法

    New Method for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Large Displacement Drill Strings

  18. 储罐用波纹管的几何非线性分析

    Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis for Joint Bellows Between Storage Tank and Pipeline

  19. 转动矩阵在弯扭屈曲和几何非线性分析中的研究

    Study of rotation matrix in flexural-torsional stability and geometrically nonlinear analysis

  20. 水平井钻柱摩阻力几何非线性分析研究

    Non-linear geometric analyzing of drill stem drag force in horizontal well

  21. 对几何非线性分析,采用了共旋公式途径。

    For geometrical non-linearity , the co-rotational formulation approach is utilized .

  22. 拱桥的几何非线性分析__挠度理论

    The Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Arch Bridge by Deflection Theory

  23. 刚接与铰接混合连接杆系结构的几何非线性分析

    Geometrically nonlinear analysis of mixed frame structures with rigid and pinned joints

  24. 结构几何非线性分析的一种修正的有限元迁移矩阵法

    Large deflection analysis of structures by an improved finite element-transfer matrix method

  25. 计算结果表明,该实用几何非线性分析方法是可靠和有效的。

    The results show that the nonlinear methodology is reliable and effective .

  26. 广义位移控制法在结构几何非线性分析中的应用

    Generalized displacement control method for geometric nonlinear analysis of structures

  27. 多因素耦合影响下的杆系结构几何非线性分析

    Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Space Bar Structure Based on Diversified Coupling Factors

  28. 空间杆系结构几何非线性分析的三维刚架单元

    A Three Dimensional Element of the Geometric Nonlinear Analysis for Space Frames

  29. 大跨度悬索结构正弦曲线单元几何非线性分析

    Nonlinear Analysis of Large Span Cable Structure Using a Tow-Node Curved Element

  30. 任意形状平面刚架的几何非线性分析

    Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of the Planar Frames of Arbitrary Shape