
  • 网络geometric elements;geometrical feature;geometry element
  1. 几何要素是构成工件几何特征的点、线和面。

    The geometrical features , which are points , lines and surfaces , constructed the geometrical characteristics of products .

  2. 多零件几何要素影响下的装配产品特性预测方法

    Characteristics Forecasting Method of Assembled Product Based on Multiple Part Geometric Elements

  3. 应用CAD绘图功能对常见几何要素之间的关系进行图解分析和角距关系方面的定量求解,从而使CAD绘图很方便的应用于地质构造分析。

    The way is paved for practical application of CAD plotting to geological tectonic analysis by graph analysis between geometrical element and quantitative solution of angles and distances by using CAD plotting function .

  4. 给出基于综合GPS标准ISO14660的公差数学定义中的一些基本概念与基本理论,如几何要素、公差带、点的空间运动、公差变换矩阵等。

    Based on new definition defined by General GPS Standard , the essence definition and theory was presented , such as geometry feature , tolerance zone , point movement and tolerance transformation matrix .

  5. 基于裂隙几何要素的统计特征,应用Monte-Carlo方法随机生成裂隙网络系统。

    As a result , some beneficial results are obtained . Based on the statistic characteristics of fractured geometrical elements , fracture network system is made by the Monte-Carlo method .

  6. 引入计算机图形学中S-H多边形剪裁算法求取船舶水下几何要素及水线面几何要素,计算结果和装载手册中给定值比较,精确度高、通用性好。

    Using S-H polygon clipping algorithm in computer graphics to calculate ship underwater and water plane geometry elements . Compared the calculation results with values which are given in the Loading Manual , suggesting its high precision and good generality .

  7. 坐标测量机几何要素通用构造原理研究

    Study on the General Construction Principle of Geometrical Elements on CMMs

  8. 复合材料结构几何要素与制造缺陷的关联分析

    Correlation Between Geometric Factors of Composite Components and Manufacturing Defects

  9. 滑坡活动强度与几何要素之关系探讨

    A discussion on the relation between active intensity and geometry elements of landslide

  10. 模数制渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮几何要素的测量

    Measurement of module involute spur gear geometrical data

  11. 形状误差是表征零件形状的重要几何要素。

    Error of shape is one of important geometry element that describes error of parts .

  12. 圆锥螺纹的几何要素

    Geometrical Parameters of Tapered Threads

  13. 氧化物晶胞参数和配位多面体几何要素的关系

    The relationship between the unit cell parameter of oxide mineral and geometrical key elements of the coordination polyhedron

  14. 运用层次分析的方法,在装配层分析零件间的约束关系,在零件层分析每个零件内部的几何要素间的约束。

    The level-analysis way is applied to analyze the constraints relation among parts and the geometry element constraints in the certain part .

  15. 指标体系共包括线形指标、速度指标、视距指标和环境指标四个方面共17个指标,在确定时对线形几何要素进行了次级详细划分。

    Index system included four aspects 17 indexes in total , which were the linear index , speed index , stadia index and environmental index .

  16. 用圆弧投射法解决圆锥曲线与其它空间几何要素的相互位置问题,可使作图更为简练、精确。

    By using circular arc project , the relative positions of the conic curves and other spatial geometrical elements can be solved for simplified and precise drawings .

  17. 圆度和直线度是表示零件形状的主要几何要素之一,在机械精度中有着非常重要的地位和作用。

    Roundness and straightness are the important elements to express figure of the accessory , each of them plays an important role and has very important effect .

  18. 同时,面向对象的三维体元拓扑数据模型由体元构建地质体且充分考虑地质对象及其几何要素间的拓扑关系。

    The object-oriented three-dimensional topological data model based on component is constructed with component and takes fully into account the topological relations of geological objects and its geometry elements .

  19. 并在采集图像上完成被测几何要素的初始定位,再确定几何量边缘点且按不同最优化指标对其拟合,得到检测量的几何描述。

    After the measured geometrical elements were localized initially in gathering image , the edge points of geometrical quantity were confirmed and curve was fitted according to the different optimization indexes to get the geometrical description of detection quantity .

  20. 本文从几何学的角度,根据掀斜块体长度、掀斜角、脊的隆起量和边界断层倾角等几何要素,推导出了计算掀斜块体滑脱深度的表达式。

    The formula for calculating the detachment depth of a tilted block is established in geometrical aspect from the length of tilted block , tilt angle , uplift displacement amount of the crest and dip angle of the border fault .

  21. 然而空间实体形状的多样性和位置的随机性,使得几何要素之间的相似性难以定义和计算,导致空间聚类分析的应用较为局限。

    However , the variety of spatial entities shapes and the randomicity of theirs ' locations make the similarity gets hard to define and calculate between geometric features , thus , it brings the limiting to the application of spatial clustering analysis .

  22. 介绍塔式起重机弹性钢板式力短限制器的工作原理、变形公式以及几何要素间的关系.并以QTZ1000型塔机为例介绍其力矩限制器的设计与计算。

    This paper describes working principle , deformed formula and relation among geometric elements of elastic steel plate type load moment limiter of tower crane . The QTZ 1000 tower crane is also taken as an example to show design and calculation of load moment limiter .

  23. 运用最小能耗率理论,研究了分汊河流的河相关系,得到了冲积河流支汊在自由发展或受制状况下的河流各几何要素和水动力要素之间的函数关系。

    With the application of the minimum energy dissipation rate theory , this paper studies the hydraulic geometry relationship of the stream in the bifurcated reaches , and gains the functional relationship between the geometry factors and the hydrodynamic factors , when the branches develop freely or restrainedly .

  24. 而基于曲率等空间几何方法在线状要素综合过程中能够很好地保持曲线的形状特征。

    In addition , spatial geometric methods based on curvature have strong ability to maintain the shape of the characteristics curve in linear features generalization process .

  25. 论文提出的拓扑地图模型是一种能同时表达空间要素几何形态、空间要素之间的拓扑关系及空间要素可视化符号的混合模型。

    Topological map model is a hybrid model that it expresses the spatial elements , the topological relationships between them and the visual part of symbols .

  26. 基于构造地质学中断层、褶皱的几何形态及描述要素,总结出在地质剖面图上反映断层、褶皱的方法。

    The method to show fold and fault on the section is proposed on the basis of the geometrical shape and description elements of fold and fault .

  27. 特征数据模型倾向于对地理实体的概念描述,它从几何分布、专题要素与时态变化三个方面来描述地理特征,能够实现语义层次上的数据共享。

    Feature-based data model has been inclined to describe geographic entity 's concepts . It describes geographic feature from three aspects : geometry distributing , thematic feature and tense change .

  28. 再利用线性代数和解析几何的相关知识,总结出各几何要素之间空间位置与姿态关系的数学算法,并实现设备几何要素的量化分析。

    Combined with linear algebra and analytic geometry theory , the article summarizes the mathematical algorith-ms of various geometric elements and key elements of the position and attitude , and relation-ship of all geometric elements .

  29. 给出了基于语义的几何公差分类方法及基于自由度变动的基本几何要素数学表示方法;

    In this study , a new classification method of tolerances according to semantics and mathematical representation of basic geometric elements based on DOF is given .