
  • 网络Coupled motion;coupling motion
  1. PID控制等常用的串联机器人位置控制方法,其控制目标针对的是独立驱动器的位置误差,未考虑多驱动器耦合运动时的同步误差。

    As for common position control methods for series-robot such as PID control , their control target is the position error of independent driver without considering the synchronous error of coupled motion .

  2. 有限柔度多柔体系统刚柔耦合运动分析

    The Analysis of Rigid-Flexible Coupled Motion for Finite Flexible Multibody Systems

  3. 卫星耦合运动姿态对星载SAR多普勒参数的影响

    Doppler Parameter Change of Satellite-Borne SAR Affected by Satellite Attitude in Coupled Movement

  4. Spar平台垂荡&纵摇耦合运动的不稳定性

    Unstability of coupled heave-pitch motions for Spar platform

  5. 模型直升机偏航&垂直耦合运动自适应神经网络PID控制器研究:模型直升机的模型结构和空气动力学的复杂性给无人驾驶控制系统的设计带来了极大的困难和挑战。

    The yaw-vertical coupled state control of model helicopter with adaptive neural network PID : It is the most challenge and difficulty to control unmanned model helicopter for the complexity of its structure and aerodynamics .

  6. 在船舶作大幅横摇运动假定下,采用压力积分方法,利用Taylor展开,导出其他自由度运动对横摇的非线性耦合运动方程。

    The nonlinear rolling equation coupled with other motions is derived on the basis of large amplitude rolling motion , and using an integrated pressure and Taylor expansion method .

  7. 像秋千在平衡前的摇摆。Spar平台垂荡&纵摇耦合运动的不稳定性

    Vibrate , as of a swing before it comes to a total rest . Unstability of coupled heave-pitch motions for Spar platform

  8. 运用Newmark方法对大型弓网耦合运动方程进行求解,得到各种运行工况下弓网系统的动力响应及接触压力的统计量等。

    By using Newmark method , large-scaled dynamic equations of coupled pantograph-catenary are solved and the statistics of pantograph-catenary response and contact force are obtained .

  9. 首先,从应变张量出发,运用Hamilton原理推导出旋翼浆叶全耦合运动偏微分-积分方程组;

    Starting from the strain tensor and applying Hamilton s principle , the integral , partial differential equations of motion for elastic flap bending , lead-lag bending and torsion of the blade are derived .

  10. 根据国际标准ISO5982规定的不同姿势下的竖向人体动力模型,建立了具有非经典阻尼的人与结构耦合运动方程。

    The vertical human body models with different postures are selected according to ISO5982 , and the dynamic coupling equations with non-classical damping for structure and human are established .

  11. 柔性机械臂刚柔耦合运动的摄动解法

    A Perturbation Approach of the Rigid-flexible Coupled Motion for Flexible Manipulator

  12. 地壳形变与密度变化耦合运动探析

    Preliminary analysis of coupling movement between crustal deformation and density change

  13. 地震作用下海水与海床土的耦合运动

    Coupled motion between sea water and sea BED-SOIL under earthquake action

  14. 三维耦合运动零件系统热传导计算机模拟研究

    Study on Heat Transfer Simulation for Coupling 3D Moving Component System

  15. 侧壁式气垫船在横浪中的横摇与升沉耦合运动

    Coupled roll and heave motions of surface effect ship in beam seas

  16. 拖船操纵运动与水下拖曳列阵的耦合运动分析

    Analysis of Coupling Movement of Tug Maneuvering Motion and Underwater Towed Array

  17. 细长三角翼滚转/侧滑耦合运动的数值研究

    Numerical Research on Roll and Sideslip Coupling Motions About a Slender Delta-wing

  18. 耦合运动对星间激光链路瞄准过程影响及补偿方法研究

    Influence Analysis of Coupled Motions on Pointing Progress of Intersatellite Optical communication

  19. 自适应动网格在流体-浮体耦合运动中的应用

    Application adaptive dynamic grid to coupled motion of fluid and floating body

  20. 舰船与水下拖体系统耦合运动的非线性数值模拟

    The Nonlinear Numerical Simulation of Ship and Underwater Towed Body System Coupling Motions

  21. 煤层气与煤层耦合运动理论及其应用的研究

    Research of Methane-Coalbed Coupling Movement Theory and Its Application

  22. 飞机滚转时惯性耦合运动的分岔分析

    Bifurcation analysis of inertia cross coupling in aircraft rolling

  23. 舰船横摇纵摇耦合运动的亚谐共振分析

    Analysis of Sub - Harmonic Resonance in Coupled Rolling and Pitch of Ships Motion

  24. 万向支架陀螺与自旋卫星的耦合运动

    Coupled motion of gimbal gyroscope and Spin Satellite

  25. 非线性粘弹性桩耦合运动中的混沌分析

    Chaotic motion analysis for coupled longitudinal and transverse motions of piles of nonlinear viscoelastic materials

  26. 受电弓/接触网垂向耦合运动中接触网动应力研究

    Study of dynamic stress of the catenary in the pantograph / catenary vertical coupling movement

  27. 永磁无刷直流电动机场路耦合运动时步有限元分析

    Field Circuit and Movement Coupled Time Stepping Finite Element Analysis on Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motors

  28. 三角翼俯仰滚转耦合运动气动特性研究

    Investigation of unsteady aerodynamic characteristics for a delta wing oscillating in large amplitude pitching roll motion

  29. 重力码头地震旋转与滑动耦合运动下的残余位移简易算法

    Seismic residual displacement of gravity quay walls under coupled motion between rotation and sliding by simple method

  30. 秸秆覆盖条件下土壤水热盐耦合运动规律模拟研究进展

    Advances in Simulating Studies on Water , Heat , and Salt Movement in Soils with Straw Mulch