
  • 网络COUPLING;Coupling mode;AC-DC-GND
  1. 该移动OA系统的设计采用了弱耦合方式,方便了后续的二次开发和维护。

    The mobile OA system is designed in the way weak coupling .

  2. 探头不同耦合方式AE法岩石应力测量效果比较

    A comparison of probe coupling manners in rock stress measurement by AE

  3. 使SOA生态系统具有可管理性,且组件间采用松散耦合方式。

    Make an SOA ecosystem manageable and loosely coupled .

  4. 当Web服务无论资源是否缺乏通常均以松散耦合方式运行时会出现一些问题。

    The issues come into play when Web services , normally loosely coupled , run whether the resource is scarce or not .

  5. 在灌水量为300m3/hm2、施N肥量为248.1kg/hm2的条件下,模拟大田条件研究了两种水肥空间耦合方式下的土壤水分、速效N的动态运移规律。

    Dynamic distribution of available nitrogen and soil water under different spatial couplings of irrigating water and fertilizer nitrogen was studied .

  6. 最近,人们开始倾向于采用松散耦合方式的P2P数据集成方法。

    Recently , P2P data integration method has been popular in building loose-couple integration systems .

  7. CCD与光纤阵列之间采用反射镜和透镜耦合方式,使CCD避开中子源直接辐照。

    To avoid direct radiation from neutrons , the CCD is coupled to the array by a mirror and lens optics .

  8. 将此方案实现的PC材料光导与LED光源相结合,通过简单有效的耦合方式,组成了前位灯光导系统。

    Combined the light guide using such solution and LED light source by simple direct coupling , the front position lamp light guide system is made up .

  9. ICPT(InductivelycoupledPowerTransfer)供电系统作为一种新型的非接触电能传输系统,以非接触的感应耦合方式可以实现各种功率水平的电能传输。

    As a brand new power transfer system , ICPT ( Inductively coupled Power Transfer ) power supply system supplies power in contactless inductively coupled way .

  10. 具体讨论了接近式LD耦合方式、双包层波导结构和非稳腔的使用,以及梯形结构波导、集成被动调Q设计。

    Proximity LD coupling , doubly-clad waveguide configuration , the use of nonstable cavity , the trapezoidal structure waveguide , and passive integrated Q-switching design are discussed .

  11. 射频识别技术简称RFID,该技术将无线技术和自动识别技术相结合,利用射频信号通过耦合方式实现对目标的信息传递和识别。

    Radio frequency identification technology referred to as RFID . This technology combines with wireless and identifies technology , use of radio frequency signal to transmit information and identifying target information .

  12. 提出一种以动态数据库B/S/S体系结构为基础,利用XML、ASP和ADO技术实现的,松耦合方式的异构数据源集成方案。

    A loosely-coupled heterogeneity data source integration solution based on dynamical database B / S / S architecture was proposed . XML , ASP and ADO techniques were used in this solution .

  13. 然后集成开发人员可以使用EJB导入来调用会话Facade,并以紧密耦合方式使用对应的服务质量(QoS)调用它。

    An integration developer can then use an EJB import to invoke the session facade , and invoke it in a tightly coupled fashion with corresponding Qualities of Service ( QoS ) .

  14. 双DSP是信号处理的核心器件,他们之间采用改进的松耦合方式,这样既可以进行高速高效的数据传输,又可以使相互之间的影响尽可能的小。

    The double DSP chips are the cores of the signal processing . Loose interconnection is preferred between them , thus them can not only exchange data speedily and efficiently , but also have little impact on each other .

  15. 根据实验条件合理的选择了信号光纤、光电池探测器、LED光源及其光纤耦合方式。

    Have analyzed the characteristics of LED light source , photodetector , photocell and optic fiber coupling machine theoretically , According to experiment condition choose signal optic fiber , photocell detector , LED light source and coupling way of optic fiber rationally .

  16. 利用设计和制备的线性光纤光栅F-P腔结构,以及端面泵浦耦合方式,建立了全光纤型包层泵浦掺镱离子光纤激光器的实验装置及测试方法。

    We established test system of all fiber Yb ~ ( 3 + ) doped fiber laser based on fiber grating resonance cavity and cladding pumping method .

  17. 用示波器的DC、AC两种输入耦合方式及信号发生器的交、直流输出电压测量稳压二极管的动态电阻并加以推广。

    The dynamic resistance of diode with steady pressure was measured by using the DC and AC inputting coupling methods and the AC and DC outputting of electric pressure of signal generator . This measurement method is intended to be spread .

  18. 于是应用LaSalle不变原理,我们得到了单向耦合方式下混沌同步的充分条件。

    Then , we employ the LaSalle invariance principle to conclude the sufficient conditions of chaos synchronization with unidirectional coupling method .

  19. 通过田间试验研究了半干旱地区不同灌水量和水肥空间耦合方式下玉米对N素的吸收及玉米收获后N素在1.0m土体中的残留。

    Field experiments were conducted to study effect of irrigation and water-fertilizer spatial coupling on corn N uptake and N residue in the solum ( 1.0m ) after corn was harvested in the semi-arid region .

  20. 它建立了面向对象的GUI模型,使用基于消息的松散耦合方式对界面进行控制,通过界面元素配置解决了界面的可组织性,界面元素定制解决了界面的可扩充性,实现了界面的柔性。

    Firstly , it establishes an Object Oriented GUI model , and controls the interface by message-based loose coupling method . Then , it solves the systematization and extensibility by GUI configuration and customization and implements the flexibility of GUI .

  21. 对时空系统方程进行线性项进行配置,基于Lyapunov稳定性理论,设计了网络间的非线性耦合方式,推导出了网络误差方程,实现了时空混沌网络间的混沌同步。

    Linear configuration is made according to the linear item of the spatiotemporal chaos systems , nonlinear coupling method is presented between networks is designed based on Lyapunov stability theory , the error equation is got , and spatiotemporal chaos synchronization between networks is realized .

  22. 采用了DGS结构和新型的耦合方式,增强了耦合,为滤波器提供了更多的零点抑制寄生通带的影响。

    First , it uses a new kind of coupling method in the SIR filter and second , it combines the DGS structure with the newly designed filter to provide more suppression in the spurious passband .

  23. 理论分析和PSpice仿真验证了反向耦合方式在磁芯体积和功率损耗减小方面具有优势,在变换器效率上反向耦合方式也明显高于正向耦合方式。

    Theory analysis and PSpice simulation validate that there is an advantage of reductions in the size and power losses of magnetic core for negative direction coupling mode . Efficiency comparison is given which shows a great improvement by using negative direction coupling mode .

  24. 该离子源采用电子管推挽式电路、电感耦合方式,振荡频率为20~50MHz。

    It adopts the push-pull circuit of electron tube in the inductance coupling way . Its oscillating frequency is 20 50 MHz .

  25. 由于Au包层很薄(2nm),这种微型谐振腔的耦合方式是有别于传统方式的透射耦合,因此Au包层的厚度决定了谐振的能量以及谐振腔品质因子Q。

    For the thickness of the gold shell is thin ( about 2nm ), the coupling way of this gold coated mini cavity is electromagnetic wave transmission coupling , and the thickiness of the gold shell dominates the cavity resonant energy and the Q factor of the cavity .

  26. 论文设计的处理平台由调制信号处理板和解调信号处理板组成,通过CPCI接口与主机建立连接,以松耦合方式组成一个基带信号处理平台。

    The base band signal processing platform is made up of modulation signal processing board and demodulation signal processing board . These boards linking to host computer through the CPCI bus constitute a base band signal processing platform by way of loosely coupled architecture .

  27. 采用反射系数相位法,结合高频计算软件Isfel3D,研究了该电路的耦合方式和耦合口结构,以及耦合口结构对这一输出电路的外观品质因素所产生的影响。

    And then , we study the electric circuit coupling method , coupling entrance structure and the coupling entrance structure effect on the output electric circuit external quality factor with reflection factor phase .

  28. 微波等离子体炬耦合方式的研究

    A Study of the Coupling Position of the Microwave Plasma Torch

  29. 配电网载波通信耦合方式的探讨

    Discussion on coupling mode of carrier communication on distribution network

  30. 双包层光纤与抽运光的耦合方式研究

    Methods for Coupling Double - clad Fiber to Pumping Source