
  • 网络dorchester;Dorchester Town
  1. 今年夏季,花旗将在伦敦开办该行的第一期课程,50名年轻学员将在多尔切斯特饭店(thedorchesterhotel)参加培训。

    This summer , the bank will run its first course in London , with 50 young people staying at the Dorchester Hotel .

  2. 问题3:为什么在多尔切斯特县进行喷涂操作?

    Question 3.Why were spraying operations carried out in Dorchester County ?

  3. 切尔西预备队去了多尔切斯特,以4:0赢得了比赛。

    Chelsea Reserves go to Dorchester Town and win4-0 .

  4. 今夜在多尔切斯特晚餐,跳舞。

    Dorchester tonight to dine and dance .

  5. 我所知道的一切都是住在多尔切斯特的前海军陆战队员教我的

    Everything I know was shown by an ex-marine , used to live in Dorchester .

  6. 周一在波士顿马拉松爆炸案中丧生的8岁男孩身份得到证实,这个小男孩来自马萨诸塞州多尔切斯特市,名叫马丁理查德。

    The eight-year-old boy killed in Mondays bomb blasts at the Boston Marathon has been identified as Martin Richard of Dorchester , Mass .

  7. 周末喷洒的昆虫使得南卡罗来纳州多尔切斯特县的蜜蜂死亡超过200万只蜜蜂,

    The insect spraying over the weekend left more than 2 million bees dead on the spot in Dorchester County , South Carolina ,

  8. 来自英国多赛特多尔切斯特21岁的艾玛芒福德,为她家人和自己购买圣诞奢侈品才花了350镑但是买下了价值2500镑的食物,饮料还有礼物,多亏了有那些打折券。

    Emma Mumford , 21 , from Dorchester , Dorset , has spent just 350 on a luxury Christmas for her and her family - but got 2,500 worth of food , drink and presents thanks to coupons and offers .