
  • 网络supportive behavior;propping;backup;affirmative action
  1. 现有的研究对掏空问题已有大量论证和检验,但对支持行为的研究还不够全面。

    Existing research on tunneling effect has a large number of demonstration and testing , but is not comprehensive enough to propping behavior .

  2. 如果社会投资者是理性的,只有控制性家族的掏空行为和支持行为同时发生,并且在法律对社会投资者保护薄弱以及金字塔结构比水平结构更好地实施掏空行为的条件下,金字塔结构才可能长期存在。

    If the outer stockholders are rational , only if the interweaving of tunneling and propping with weak legal to the outer stockholder , pyramid-controlling structure can exist permanently .

  3. 根据行为推理理论(BRT),在组织变革的背景下,家长式领导的各个维度都会影响员工对行为选择合理性的判断,从而对员工变革支持行为产生影响。

    Based on Behavioral Reasoning Theory ( BRT ), in the situation of change , each dimension of paternalistic leadership has a influence on the of reasons of behavioral choices of employees , so as to change-supportive behavior .

  4. 我国上市公司控股股东支持行为研究

    Studies on Propping Behavior of Controlling Shareholders in Listed Company of Our Country

  5. 湖北省中小企业政府支持行为研究

    Studies on Government Support Behavior for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Hubei Province

  6. 为加强支持行为而采取得行动。

    An act performed to strengthen approved behavior .

  7. 从细胞水平上得到的这一证据支持行为水平上的结果。

    This evidence from the cell level supports the investigation on behavioral level of the rat .

  8. 合作性目标在员工任职期限的相似性与相互支持行为、工作倦怠之间的关系方面起完全中介作用。

    Cooperative objective was the mediator variable between co-workers organizational tenure similarity and supportive behaviors , and job burnout .

  9. 本研究以324名下岗人员为被试,考察不支持行为、应付方式、控制感与心理健康之间的关系。

    The present study was designed to examine the relationship among the coping styles , perceived control , social support and mental health .

  10. 教练领导行为的社会支持行为维度,对绩效的行为层次维度影响具有显著性差异,且有较高的预测力。

    Leadership dimensions of social support , impact on the performance level of behavior was significant , and have a higher predictive power .

  11. 与其他慢性病相比,糖尿病通常需要频繁的反馈来支持行为和药物改变,并且需要来自护理提供者的支持。

    More than most chronic diseases , diabetes often requires behavioral and medication changes supported by frequent feedback and support from care providers .

  12. 英语教师的期望通过学生感知教师的支持行为以及学生的成就动机起作用。

    English teachers ' expectation plays a part in teaching by students ' perception of teachers ' supporting behaviors and students ' achievement motivation .

  13. 第五篇从政府退出的角度改变金融支持行为的路径依赖,放弃以租金为基础的金融支持方式,在制度上为提高金融效率创造市场条件。

    The fifth and the last part is solution that is use the method of government withdraw , and increase the efficiency in the financial market .

  14. 主要结论如下:1.在对商业性银行员工的样本群体研究中,明尼苏达工作满意感量表短式本中文版、工作压力源量表中文版和社会支持行为问卷中文版呈现出较好的信效度。

    Job Stressor Scale , Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire and Inventory of Socially Supportive Behavior have high reliability and validity in the sample of bank employees . 2 .

  15. 第三,企业高管内部薪酬不公平与未来业绩之间的负相关关系,在规模较大的企业会被削弱,但仍然支持行为理论。

    Third , in the large-scale enterprises , this negative correlation between internal executive pay dispersion and performance will be weakened , but still support the behavioral theory .

  16. 全文共分为五篇,第一篇在理论基础上分析以租金为基础的政府金融支持行为,揭示其租金的作用机制及对金融及生产部门的效应;

    The whole article divided in five parts : the first part is theory analyzed which explained the function of the rent on financial institution and production section ;

  17. 其次,筛选出当前焦虑程度较高的大学生,并对这部分大学生的人际信任特点,寻求社会支持行为的特征作一描述;

    Secondly , we screened out some students with high anxiety degree , then describing interpersonal trust , behavior of seeking social support of this part of students .

  18. 从公司成长性角度来研究控股股东的掏空和支持行为,也丰富和拓展了公司治理理论。

    And the study on the shareholders ' " tunneling " and " prop " from the angle of Corporation Growth also enriches and extends the theory of corporation governance .

  19. 教师期望、学业自我概念、学生感知教师支持行为与学业成绩之间的关系研究

    A Research on the Relation among Teachers ' Expectation , Self - conception of Students ' Academic Achievement , Students ' Perception of Teacher 's Behavioral Supporting and the Study Achievement

  20. 第三部分运用相关理论对所选取的具体的文本案例进行较微观的描述性分析,从中总结出网络社会支持行为的类型以及网络社会支持行为对主体的需求满足状况。

    The third part analyzes the specific cases in a micro perspective , and summarizes the types of online social support behavior and the situation that students ' needs are satisfied .

  21. 洗钱罪属于结果犯或行为犯在刑法学界仍然有争议,笔者支持行为犯一说。

    The '" money laundering crime " belonging to a consequential or a behavioral offence is still controversial in criminal law educational world , and the author supports the theory of behavioral offence .

  22. 笔者通过对文献资料的研读,把体育教师领导行为分为体育与教学行为、社会支持行为、沟通行为、管理行为和赏识行为。

    Through the study of literature , the physical education teachers are divided into sports leadership and teaching behavior , social support behavior , communication behavior , management behavior and acts of appreciation .

  23. 区域开放度是一个区域开放的程度,包括区域生产要素流动、区域经济发展支撑体系完备性、政府支持行为等。

    Regional openness is the degree of a regional development , including the factor of production flowing , the perfect support system of regional economic development , the government supporting behavior and so on .

  24. 大学的优良传统,与教职员、学生群体的全情奉献息息相关,南大之所以能成为一所优秀大学,校友的杰出表现及支持行为功不可没。

    The University 's tradition of excellence rests upon the dedication of its faculty , students and staff , and it is through the acts and accomplishments of our alumni that make NTU a great University .

  25. 实证选择六个行业作为研究对象,结果发现上市公司高管薪酬的外部差距会对企业未来业绩造成负面影响,支持行为理论,与原假设一致。

    We select six industries as the objects of our study , and find that external unfairness also has a negative impact on future performance , in support of behavior theory , in line with the original hypothesis .

  26. 实证结果表明,大股东掏空行为与上市公司盈利能力间存在显著的负相关关系,而大股东支持行为与上市公司盈利能力间存在显著的正相关关系。

    The empirical result shows that there is significant negative correlation between major shareholders ' tunneling and profitability of listed companies , while there is significant positive correlation between major shareholders ' propping and profitability of listed companies .

  27. 但是,目前对于我国市场定向增发的动因问题一直还存在较多争论,尤其是大股东参与的定向增发究竟是支持行为还是利益输送行为,学者们意见不一。

    However , the motivation of the private placement in Chinese stock market is still more controversial , especially the private placement which large shareholders participate in . Scholars differ in whether the large shareholders ' participation of private placement is supporting or tunneling behavior .

  28. 为了能够直观、有效地支持行为模型的组合和规划的表示,论文基于区间时序逻辑对分枝时序逻辑认知模型进行了扩展,实现了对分枝时序逻辑中组合动作和规划中并行动作时序约束的描述。

    In order to support the combination of behavior models and plan expression effectively , we extend the branching-time logical cognitive model based on interval-time logic , and implement the description of combined behaviors in branching-time logic and time constraining on parallel behaviors in planning .

  29. 近年来,上市公司控股股东掏空与支持行为一直都是现在公司治理研究的热门问题,但大多数学者都集中精力研究控股股东的掏空行为,对掏空行为研究的相当全面、深入。

    Recent years , the tunneling and propping behavior of controlling shareholders in listed companies has been the hot problem in corporate governance , while , most of authors put much energy on studying the tunneling behavior and at same time , they get great achievements .

  30. 根据理论分析提出相关假设,进行事件研究和回归分析,从市场对支持行为总体上的反应出发,将不同支持方式下的市场反应分组对照,研究控股股东支持行为市场反应的规律。

    According to the theoretical analysis , it put forward relevant hypothesis and used event study and regression analysis . Starting from the whole market reaction , it contrasted the different market reaction under different propping ways to research the rule of the controlling shareholder support behavior .