
  • 网络new classroom
  1. 新课堂需要什么样的纪律

    What Kind of Discipline is Needed in the New Classroom

  2. 新课堂、新教学初探

    The Preliminary Exploration of New Classroom and New Teaching

  3. 探讨语文新课堂改革,走出误区

    Exploring New Chinese Classroom Teaching Reform to Get out of Wrong Way

  4. 论新课堂如何实施情感教学

    How to Use Emotional Teaching Ways in New Class

  5. 分析了学生话语权的内含以及新课堂学生话语权缺失的主要原因。

    Suggestions on constructing student discourse right in new classrooms are put forward .

  6. 在新课堂上,跟坐在附近的人聊聊。

    In a new class , talk to people who sit near you .

  7. 什么样的课堂是新课堂?

    What kind of class is new ?

  8. 感悟新课堂教学

    Understanding of New Classroom Teaching

  9. 论语文新课堂

    The new Chinese class room

  10. 教学机智在当今课改新课堂中扮演的角色越来越重要。

    The teaching tact has become more and more important in the role of new classroom in the current of curriculum reform .

  11. 新课堂管理理念的落实有利于提高教学效益、促进学生全面发展。

    The implement of new classroom management concept is helpful to improve the teaching efficiency , and promote the development of students .

  12. 这种新课堂,我们称之为生命化课堂,它应以促成生命自由、完整、独特的发展、尊重生命的生成性和创造性为价值追求。

    We name this new type of practice " life-centered classroom practice ", setting its goal as promoting free , comprehensive , characteristic development of life , showing respect for the originality and creativity of life .

  13. 以amd公司为首的联盟在本周早些时候安排的专门培训课上帮助培训这些中学教师使用新的课堂技术。

    The amd-led consortium helped prepare the secondary school teachers to use the new classroom technology during a special training session held earlier that week .

  14. 逐步建立新的课堂教学常规;

    To gradually form a new regular teaching procedure in class ;

  15. 生物新课程课堂教学评价方案的构建和实施

    Construction and Implementation of Evaluation System on Biological New Curricular Classroom Instruction

  16. 第二,指导新教师课堂教学的策略;

    Second , a framework for analyzing their classroom performance ;

  17. 鼓励创新:新课程课堂教学改革的核心

    Encourage Innovation : the Core of Classroom Instruction Reform in the New Curriculum

  18. 科学认识新课程课堂教学中的新问题

    Scientifically Recognizing New Problems In New Curriculum Teaching

  19. 小组合作学习是新课程课堂教学中应用得最多的学习方式。

    The group cooperation study is applied mostly in the new curriculum classroom instruction .

  20. 构建新的课堂教学模式,并提出发展性档案袋评价方法。

    Set up a new teaching approach and put forward an evaluating method-developing school record .

  21. 传统与创新&对新课程课堂教学中异化现象的反思

    " Tradition " and " innovation " & Rethinking on dissimilation phenomena in classroom teaching of new course

  22. 改变传统教学方法,创立一种新的课堂教学模式,培养学生的自主学习意识;

    Reforming old teaching method , designing a new teaching pattern and training students ' consciousness of independent study ;

  23. 积极影响包括增进师生的相互了解,催生新的课堂文化。

    Positive impacts include the promotion of mutual understanding between teachers and students , the birth of new classroom culture .

  24. 其宗旨在于阐述一种新的课堂教学及课堂教学改革实践理论&冲突与和谐理论。

    The purpose is to elaborate a new theory of the practice in teaching reform which is about confliction and harmony .

  25. 教育理论的发展和教学改革的大力推进,使新的课堂教学模式不断涌现,方式方法推陈出新。

    With the development of teaching theories and the improvement of educational reformation , more and more new teaching modes have appeared .

  26. 第四部分对中学生物新课程课堂教学评价方案进行实施和分析。

    The fourth part carries on the implementation and the analysis to the middle school biology new curriculum classroom instruction appraisal plan .

  27. 全程式研究性学习则是以建构主义理论为本,以研究性学习教学模式为主,重新构造新的课堂教学模式的教学方法。

    However , the latter based on structurism theory pays major attention to research study teaching pattern and restructures new class teaching pattern .

  28. 科学新课程课堂设计应注重培养学生的探究能力。

    The classroom design of the new curriculum of " Science " should be focused on training the research ability of the students .

  29. 近年来随着人们对课堂类型越来越多的关注,关于构建各种“新”课堂的提法也层出不穷。

    In recent years , more and more attention has been paid to classroom types , and various ideas about constructing " new " classroom have also been put forward .

  30. 本文对高中语文新课程课堂教学小组合作学习的三种基本模式及合作学习的技巧指导进行分析探讨。

    This paper analyses and probes into the three basic modes of high school Chinese new course classroom teaching through Group - cooperation Learning and gives technical guidance to cooperation learning .