
  • 网络Journal of New Chinese Medicine;NEW JOURNAL OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE;New J Tradit Chin Med
  1. 今天早上,我去中山新中医院做常规检查。

    I went to Zhongshan New Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine to have a routine examination this morning .

  2. 查明研究《伤寒论》的核心医药期刊杂志是新中医杂志、中医杂志、辽宁中医杂志。

    Find out the Core Medical . Magazines in the Research of " Treatise On Febrile Diseases " are the New Chinese Medicine Magazine , Chinese Medicine Journal magazine , Liaoning TCM Magazine . 8 .

  3. 再谈新世纪中医药学发展和人才培养问题

    Re discussion on TCM Development and Personnel Training in New Century

  4. 新世纪中医药发展的机遇与挑战

    Opportunities and Challenges of Developing TCM in the New Century

  5. 远程教育与培养新世纪中医药人才之我见

    View on Long-distance Education and Training in New Century 's Talent Personnel of TCM

  6. 初步确定4种新的中医证型。

    Four new preliminarily determined TCM syndrome type .

  7. 实践呼唤新的中医理论思维

    Practice Calls for New TCM Theoretical Thought

  8. 新世纪中医教材建设探析

    On New-Century TCM Textbook Construction

  9. 新时期中医药高职高专院校教师师德师风建设初探

    A Pilot Study on the Construction of Teacher 's Ethics in Chinese Traditional Medicine College under the New Situation

  10. 博采众长更新观念&新世纪中医理论研究的几点思考

    Taking advantage of all quarters , updating old concepts & Some thoughts on new century theoretical research of Chinese medicine

  11. 最近,国家中医药管理局制订了新的中医文献发展规划,为中医文献学的发展指明了方向。

    The developing plan for TCM literature recently formulated by Chinese TCM Administration Bureau has pointed the way of the development of TIM literature research .

  12. 完成了微观辨证学及其学科群崛起,为新世纪中医药学的和谐发展开辟了新的途径。

    The establishment of microcosmic differentiation and its branch learning was performed . A new pathway for harmonized development of TCM in new century has been set up .

  13. 研读《内经》消渴病理论构建新的中医2型糖尿病辨证论治体系

    Study the Theory of Diabetes Mellitus in Emperor 's Internal Classic and Construct a New Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment System of Chinese Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

  14. 本文旨在以平阴县药房托管的实践为例,从应用角度研究新医改中医药分开的路径问题。

    This article aims to the practice of Pingyin County " Drugstore trusteeship " and studies the path of the separation of medical problems from the point of application of new medical reform .

  15. 本文通过对SA与CVD的探讨提出了SA与CVD关系研究的新方向及中医诊治SA还需明确的问题。

    This article discusses SA and CVD and brings forward new research directions of the relationship of SA and CVD and the problems that Traditional Medicine faced .

  16. IL-6水平升高提示发生T2DM的可能性较大,可考虑作为新诊断T2DM中医辨证分型的参考指标。

    The high level of IL-6 may indicate the large possibility of future T2DM and can be considered as a new diagnosis of T2DM syndrome differentiation .

  17. 方法:1、理论探讨法:主要通过古今文献研究、病因病机探讨,找出中医对LDH的发病原理的认识、目前治疗LDH的最新进展以及中医心理认知行为治疗方法特点。

    Through research the ancient and modern literature , to find principles of Chinese medicine on the the pathogenesis of LDH . present the latest progress of the treatment and Chinese medicine treatment of psychological cognitive behavioral characteristics . 2 .

  18. 新形势下中医药企业文化营销策略研究

    Cultural Marketing Strategies of Traditional Chinese Medicine Companies in the New Circumstances

  19. 校董会及谘议会的新成员参观中医药学院的研究实验室。

    New Council and Court members visit a Chinese Medicine Research Laboratory .

  20. 新形势下中医药几个问题的思考

    Thinking of Some Problems on TCM in New Situation

  21. 探讨新形势下中医医疗机构发展途径。

    To explore the development way of TCM medical organization under current situation .

  22. 新形势下中医药人才培养之管见

    My View on the Cultivation of Person With Ability of TCM in New Occasion

  23. 肺部感染治疗新对策及中医药治疗的优势

    New strategy for treatment of respiratory infection and the predominance of traditional Chinese medicine

  24. 查新咨询与中医药科研立题和成果报奖(一)第六,知识结构将成为情报学认知观研究的重点。

    Sixth , knowledge structure is to become an important research subject of informatics cognition .

  25. 论新世纪高等中医教育人才培养观

    On the Viewpoint of Training Qualified Personnel in the New Century Higher Chinese Medical Education

  26. 探索人才培养新模式深化中医教学过程改革

    Deepening the Reform of Instruction in Traditional Chinese Medicine to Explore a New Model of Training

  27. 同时也是新形势对中医药发展提出的新要求。

    Meanwhile , a new demand for the development of TIM under the new situation has been put forward .

  28. 试论面向新世纪优化中医专业学生知识模块的必要性

    The necessity of rebuilding knowledge model for the students of TCM speciality to meet the demand of new century

  29. 最后分析和讨论了这种新方法在中医脉诊的机理研究和人体健康领域中的潜在性应用。

    Finally , potential applications of this novel research method in studying TCM pulse diagnosis mechanism and human health field are analyzed .

  30. 目的:探讨新世纪中国中医药学发展战略的侧重点和切入点。

    OBJECTIVE : To discuss about the key and entrance points of the development strategy of Chinese materia medica in the new century .