
  • 网络Feeder service;Feeder-line;branch transport
  1. W航运有限公司一直在珠三角地区经营集装箱支线运输,竞争压力非常大,公司在营运过程中面临着很多严峻的问题。

    W Shipping Co. Ltd. has been operating in container feeder service of Pearl River Delta region with great pressure of competition .

  2. 集装箱支线运输经营策略的探讨

    Analysis of Management Tactics of Container Feeder Service

  3. 其次,结合所研究的对象的实际,阐述了天津港集装箱运输以及支线运输的现状,对天津港集装箱运输进行SWOT分析,同时对天津港集装箱支线运输发展过程中存在的问题进行分析。

    Secondly , with the object of study , this paper expounds situation of the port container transport and feeder transportation , uses SWOT analysis in Tianjin port container transportation , and makes the analysis of existing problems in Tianjin port development process of feeder container transportation .

  4. 支线运输市场过度竞争现象的分析及对策

    Analysis and Resolutions for Over Competition in Feeder Transport Market

  5. 集装箱船舶大型化对支线运输的多面需求

    Multiple demand to branch transport for larger-sized container vessel

  6. 发展支线运输优化航空网络结构

    Develop Regional Transportation and Optimize Route Network Structure

  7. 因此,与这两个港口相辅相成的珠三角地区的支线运输也受到了越来越多的关注。

    Therefore , the branch liner shipping of the Pearl River Delta region combined with these two ports has also attracted more and more attention .

  8. 再通过对当前外贸支线运输市场影响因素的了解,进行客户需求情况调查,总结出码头业务拓展中客户最为关注的服务特征。

    Base on the understand of foreign trade feeder line transportation market and customer requirement survey , make out the most important characteristics in customer-concerned service .

  9. 为了在众多的竞争对手中占有优势,各公司必须提高集装箱支线运输服务质量和水平,争取更多的货源。

    In order to be competitive among many competitors and take charge of more resources , the service quality and level of container feeder service must be improved .

  10. 在解决支线运输问题中,本文的模型与方法能够为航运企业提供有力的理论支持。

    In sum , when dealing with the spoke network transportation problems , the models and algorithms given by this paper can provide powerful theoretical supports for shipping enterprises .

  11. 大型的集装箱船舶只能挂靠深水的干线枢纽港,而支线运输作为干线运输的货源保障,越来越受到人们的重视。

    However , large-scale container ships can only call for the deep ports , feeder transportation as the tasks supply for the main line has gained more and more attention .

  12. 但同时我国集装箱运输业也面临着激烈的市场竞争,集装箱大型化不可避免,支线运输的重要作用日益突出。

    But , At the same time , China container shipping is also facing the fierce market competition that container large-scale is inevitable and the important role of regional transportation is increasingly prominent .

  13. 在轴辐式运输模式中,完成支线运输的多为中小型集装箱船舶,这些船舶能够很好的完成枢纽港与腹地,枢纽港与喂给港之间的货物集散运输任务。

    In the hub-and-spoke transportation model , it needs small and medium size ships to finish the feeder line tasks ; these ships can fulfill the tasks between hub ports and feeder ports well .

  14. 国内干线运输市场已趋于成熟,三大航空集团竞争日趋激烈,新组建的各中小航空公司将竞争焦点逐步转移到了支线运输上。

    Domestic main line transportation market has become mature . Due to the increasingly fierce competition among three major airlines groups , newly-established medium and small airlines companies focus on regional aviation transportation to win more market share .

  15. 新世纪初,三大航空集团正式宣告成立,国内民航竞争格局发生深远变化,竞争焦点逐步转移到了支线运输上。

    At the turning of the century , with the establishment of the three major civil aviation groups , drastic changes occur in the competition environment of the domestic civil aviation industry as the competitive focus is shifting to the regional air transport .

  16. 内蒙古支线航空运输的现状与发展

    Current Situation and Development of Regional Air Transport in Inner Mongolia

  17. 西部支线航空运输的发展应走低成本之路

    Regional Air Transport in West China Suits Low Cost Operation

  18. 中国支线航空运输业的现状与前景

    Present Situation and Prospect of China Air Feeder Transport Industry

  19. 中国支线航空运输市场分析和需求预测

    Analysis and Demand Prediction of Chinese Regional Aviation Market

  20. 支线航空运输若干问题的研究

    Research on the Several Problems of Regional Aviation Transportation

  21. 发展支线航空运输六要素

    Six Elements in Developing Regional Aviation

  22. 澳大利亚的支线航空运输

    Regional Air Transport in Australia

  23. 但在总体的发展中,一定程度上忽视了支线航空运输的建设和发展。

    But with the development on the whole , regional air transportation has been ignored to some degree .

  24. A公司长江内支线驳船运输方案设计及效益分析

    The Proposal of Barge Transportation and Benefit Analysis of Inland Feeder Operation of A Company in the Yangtze River

  25. 目前,我国支线航空运输在整个航空运输中所占的比例较低,地区发展也不平衡。

    Recently domestic regional aviation transportation has relatively small proportion in the whole air transportation and it develops in regional unbalance .

  26. “支线航空运输”是指飞行距离600公里以下或在省、市(自治区)行政区划以内的运输飞行。

    The regional air transportation refers to the air transportation within the radius of600km or within the provincial or urban administrative district .

  27. 再次,借助于蚁群算法对天津港环渤海内支线集装箱运输网络进行优化分析。

    Once again , this paper uses the ant colony algorithm to optimize the analysis of inside the container transportation network extension for Tianjin port link Bohai Sea .

  28. 大力发展支线航空运输是建设完整的航空运输网络的需要,是国家和地区经济发展的需要,也是提高民航竞争能力,扩大市场份额,提高经济效益的重要措施。

    The development of the regional air transportation is indispensable to both the establishment of an integrated air transportation network and the development of either the national or the local economy .

  29. 为了使航空运输惠及西部地区,同时促进西部开发与巩固国防,在今后相当长的时间内,需要大力发展支线航空运输。

    In order for the benefit of air transport in the western region for a fairly long time , promote west development and consolidate national defense , the development of regional air transport is indispensable .

  30. 一方面,珠三角地区整体服务水平不高,难以满足日益复杂的运输服务需求;另一方面,经营支线班轮运输的公司数目众多,而且大多缺乏行之有效的管理。

    On the one hand , the general service quality of Pearl River Delta region is not satisfactory ; On the other hand , there are too many companies operating in liner shipping transportation lack of effective management .