
zhī fù chénɡ nuò
  • acceptances and guarantees
  1. 不可转让的信用工具不是无条件的支付承诺。

    A non-negotiable credit instrument is not an unconditional promise to pay .

  2. 支付承诺很可能不能兑现了。

    Spending promises might well have gone unfulfilled .

  3. 如果议员什么都不做,到2033年社会保险只能支付承诺福利的77%。

    If lawmakers did not nothing , social security would be able to pay only 77 % of promised benefits in 2033 .

  4. 养老金从本质上来说是一种延迟的支付承诺,具有定期预缴、延迟给付和长期储蓄的特点。

    Pension is essentially a deferred payment ; it has the features of undertaking regularly paid in advance , delaying payments and long-term savings .

  5. 亚行新的贷款安排旨在为借方提供最大的灵活性,借方不必为整个贷款安排支付承诺费。

    The ADB 's new loan facility aims to give maximum flexibility to borrowers , who do not have to pay commitment fees for an entire package .

  6. 路演是指通过投资银行家或者支付承诺商的帮助,在初级市场上出售股票,以便有助于提高股票潜在价值的行为。

    Selling stock in the primary market is assisted with investment bankers or underwriters that help promote the potential offering on what is known as a road show .

  7. 只支付合同承诺的最低奖金额的做法是正确的。

    It is right that only the contractual minimum in guaranteed bonuses should be paid .

  8. 它也用来描述证券或其他金融工具,比如债务或期票,这些票证包含了发行者必须向其所有者支付的承诺。

    It is also used to describe a security or other financial instrument , such as a bond or promissory note , which contains the issuer 's undertaking to pay the owner .

  9. 美利坚第一银行在运作上很像是一家私人银行,可以印制纸币并依据借款人支付利息的承诺放贷。

    The First Bank of the United States operated much like a private bank , printing notes and exchanging them for borrowers'interest-bearing promises to pay .

  10. 本期人民币理财产品预期收益率仅供客户参考,并不作为齐鲁银行向客户支付理财收益的承诺;

    The predict RMB investment product yield here is only a reference , it won 't be the promise of benefit payment to client .