
xínɡ zhènɡ jiě shì
  • Administrative Interpretation;executive interpretation
  1. 中国现行的行政解释体制研究

    Study About The System of Chinese Active Administrative Interpretation

  2. 其中,税收权力的扩张性是造成税法行政解释缺陷以至于权力滥用的根本原因。

    Among them , the underlying cause is the expanding nature of tax-law-chief-interpretation power .

  3. 行政解释规范化研究是一个兼具理论性与实践性的命题。

    Research on the regulation of administrative interpretation is a both theoretical and practical proposition .

  4. 但与此同时,行政解释的规制也是理论与实践的一道难题。

    While the regulation of administrative interpretation is a problem for both theory and practice .

  5. 专业领域中行政解释的司法审查&以工伤行政为例

    Judicial Review of Administrative Interpretation in Specific Area : An Example from Worker 's Compensation Administration

  6. 这些问题可以通过立法与行政解释、行政政策等方法来进一步弥补、解决。

    They can be dealt with by legislation , administrative interpretation , and administrative policy and so on .

  7. 法律解释与法律的具体适用脱离,被人为地分为立法解释、司法解释、行政解释。

    The legal interpretation is separated from the legal process and divided into legislative interpretation , judicial interpretation and administration interpretation .

  8. 这就要求我们在法律上要有一个改变,增加透明度、稳定性和规范性,特别是经济法在行政解释上尤其如此。

    Therefore , Laws , especially the administrative interpretation of economic law , need revising for increased transparency , stability and normativeness .

  9. 既有事前的行政解释权设定方面的问题,也有事后对行政解释权的规范、制约方面的问题。

    Problems about antecedent establishment of administrative interpretation power , and problems about the standardization and restriction of administrative interpretation power afterwards .

  10. 现阶段,我国在行政解释方面存在的问题较多,其中既有程序方面的问题,也有对行政解释本身的定位方面的问题;

    Many problems exist in the aspect of administrative interpretation currently in our country , including problems of procedures and positioning of administrative interpretation ;

  11. 提出了司法解释、立法解释、行政解释、地方解释的概念及其相互关系。

    The author suggests the concepts of judical interpretation , legislative interpretation , administrative interpretation and local interpretation , as well as the interrelations between them .

  12. 摘要我国的行政解释体制是法律解释体制的一部分,既具有法律解释体制的一般特点,又表现出独特的个性。

    In china , as a part of legal interpretation system , the system of administrative interpretation takes on distinctive personality as well as general character .

  13. 目前,我国行政解释在体制上矛盾重重,在理论研究上裹足不前,致使行政解释的命运岌岌可危。

    Now , our administrative interpretation system is full of contradictions , and theory research hesitates to move forward , so that administrative interpretation is immersed in crisis .

  14. 我国法律解释分为立法解释和具体应用解释,具体应用解释又包括司法解释和行政解释。

    The legal interpretation system of our country contains legislative interpretation and specific application interpretation , the specific application interpretation contains the judicial interpretation and the administrative interpretation .

  15. 目前,在我国税法解释中,立法解释虚置,司法解释弱化,而行政解释一枝独秀,并处于垄断的地位。

    At present , in the tax law interpretation of our country , legislative interpretation has been placed in nowhere , judicial interpretation is weakening but administrative interpretation is thriving and stands in a monopolistic position .

  16. 行政法解释与司法解释;

    The explanatory system of the administrative law and legislative explanation ;

  17. 论完善我国行政法解释制度

    Perfecting Our Country 's Explanatory System of the Administrative Law

  18. 行政法解释分为行政有权解释、行政工作解释和行政行为的解释。

    The interpretation of administrative law is divided into the interpretation of administrative authorization , work and act .

  19. 并不是所有对行政机关解释的否定都如此沉重地依赖于法规措词的“明白含义”。

    Not all rejections of agency interpretations rely so heavily on the " plain meaning " of the statutory language .

  20. 论文的第二部分论述了行政法解释的含义以及基本范畴。

    The second section of this paper introduces the meaning of the explanation of administrative law and its basic category as well .

  21. 这家名叫宾迪的饭店位于林肯郡的格兰瑟姆。饭店的董事兼行政主厨解释道:我们确保职员们都经过急救训练。他们可以在急救人员到来之前照料顾客。

    We have made sure that our staff are trained in first aid so we can look after the customers before the paramedics arrive , a director and executive chef of Bindi restaurant in Grantham , Lincolnshire explained .

  22. 典型地讲,行政机构最初解释法律&那些机关应该付诸实施的法律;

    Typically , an agency starts by interpreting the law it is supposed to implement ;

  23. 论行政有权解释

    On the Interpretation of Administrative Authorization

  24. 本细则由国务院计量行政部门负责解释。

    The right to interpret these Rules resides with the administrative department for measurement under the State Council .

  25. 本办法的具体应用问题,由市卫生行政部门负责解释。

    The Municipal Public Health Administrative Department is responsible for the interpretation of specific problems in application of the present Procedures .

  26. 按照法院意见的用语,何时行政机关的解释“不合理”或哪一个是国会曾“明确”论及过的?

    In the language of the Court 's opinion , when is an agency 's interpretation " unreasonable " or one that Congress has addressed " unambiguously "?

  27. 随着行政机关法解释功能的不断增强,法院审查行政机关法解释的基准如何确定便成为行政诉讼必须面对的一个重要课题。

    As the enhancement of the function of interpretation , it is a very important subject that how to confirm the standards that courts review the administrative organ interpretation .

  28. 首先,借鉴美国和德国的有关实践,结合我国的实际做法,具体构建了合法性原则、合理性原则、尊重行政主体正确解释原则这三大司法审查原则。

    Firstly , learning the practice of the United States and Germany , in combination with the practice of the actual practice , the legitimacy principle , the rationality principle and the principle respecting for the interpretation of administrative subject will be constructed .

  29. 公共行政监督的经济解释及其启示

    Economical " Explanation " from Public Administration Supervision and Its Inspiration

  30. 我国林业行政执法者法律解释能力分析

    Analysis on the Legal Expository Ability of the Forestry Lawman