
  • 网络Paul the Octopus;octopus paul;Paul the Psychic Octopus
  1. 章鱼保罗在西德大战前预测了比赛结果,德国媒体还对此进行文字直播。

    Before the war on Germany octopus Paul predicted results , German media also carries on the text .

  2. 如果章鱼保罗在世界杯后退休,并选择繁殖,那么它也将告别这个世界。

    If the octopus Paul retired after the World Cup , and select the breed , it will also bid farewell to this world .

  3. 10月26日,章鱼保罗在睡梦中安然离世,年近3岁。Facebook上它的六万多名粉丝发表了数百条慰问信息,还有人发表了一些不太沉痛的评论。

    He died peacefully in his sleep aged nearly three on October 26 , sparking hundreds of messages of condolence from his 60000-strong Facebook fan club and some less serious comments 。

  4. 章鱼保罗出生于英格兰,但过去两年它一直生活在德国西部的一家水族馆。与它一起为英格兰申办助威的明星还包括球星大卫贝克汉姆和里奥费迪南德、F1赛手刘易斯汉密尔顿、歌手诺埃尔加拉格尔和斯汀。

    Paul , who was hatched in England but has spent the last two years in an aquarium in western Germany , joins footballers David Beckham and Rio Ferdinand , Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton and singers Noel Gallagher and Sting in backing the bid .

  5. 假设比起贻贝,章鱼保罗更喜欢牡蛎。

    Perhaps Paul likes oyster better than mussel , for example .

  6. 章鱼保罗住在德国西部的一个水族馆。

    Paul lives in an aquarium in western Germany .

  7. 但章鱼保罗已经去世了,人们仍在寻找和它一样优秀的继任者。

    But Paul is dead , and the search for a worthy successor continues .

  8. 首先名列榜首的是章鱼保罗。

    The first one is Paul the Octopus .

  9. 章鱼保罗预测德国在半决赛中将被西班牙打败。

    Octopus oracle Paul is predicting Germany will be defeated by Spain at the World Cup semifinal .

  10. 你还记得传奇章鱼保罗正确预测2010年世界杯结果吗?

    Remember Paul , the legendary octopus who correctly predicted the outcome of the 2010 World Cup ?

  11. 上个月驾崩的章鱼保罗,在今年的世界杯中,准确预测了多场球赛结果。

    Paul the octopus , who died last month , correctly predicted game outcomes in this year 's World Cup .

  12. 原来,教练们也迷信啊!研究显示,教练在“比赛时场外的穿着”可以直接影响场内球员对他们个人能力的理解和判断,是真的,足球中章鱼保罗不是传说,足球其实也迷信!

    The clothing that coaches wear can have a direct effect on the players'perceptions of his ability , they found .

  13. 欧洲杯预测帝–“巫师猪”你还记得传奇章鱼保罗正确预测2010年世界杯结果吗?

    The King of Prediction Remember Paul , the legendary octopus who correctly predicted the outcome of the 2010 World Cup ?

  14. 曾在南非世界杯期间以预测能力迅速蹿红的章鱼保罗去世。

    Paul the Octopus , who correctly predicted the outcome of games during this year 's World Cup soccer tournament , is dead .

  15. 在六场比赛中,章鱼保罗准确预测了四场比赛结果,包括西班牙在决赛中的胜利。

    Paul the Octopus was correct in predicting the outcome of four out of six matches , including Spain 's victory in the World Cup final .

  16. 章鱼保罗曾开启了动物预测世界杯结果的先河,它对2010年南非世界杯的比赛结果进行了预测。

    Paul the Octopus pioneered the grand tradition of animals picking World Cup winners after a dream run of forecasts for the 2010 tournament in South Africa .

  17. 章鱼保罗在本届世界杯上成功预测了8场比赛的结果,包括决赛中西班牙以1:0的成绩打败了荷兰队。

    Paul beat the odds during the World Cup by correctly forecasting all eight games he predicted , including Spain's1-0 win over the Netherlands in the final .

  18. 可能你觉得德国的章鱼保罗很神奇,中国的一位未曾露面的高级存在也用他的预测在网络中造成了轰动。

    If you think Germanys Octopus oracle is magical , China also had a faceless superior being that caused a sensation on the Internet with his predictions .

  19. 章鱼保罗,被证实,已经在德国的一个水族馆死去。不像其他在2010年世界杯上闪亮的明星,它是凭着对七场比赛结果的准确“预测”而享誉世界的。

    Paul the octopus , an unlikely star of the2010 World Cup who predicted the outcome of eight matches , has died at an aquarium in Germany .

  20. 上届世界杯有章鱼保罗,不知道明年还有没有可以预测未来的章鱼?

    During the last World Cup , we had Paul the Octopus . I wonder if next year , there will be another octopus who can predict match results .

  21. 章鱼保罗所呆的海洋馆已经宣布他将从预测比赛活动中退役,但是此前却说他们正在考虑使它周游全球。

    Sea Life staff , where Paul lives , have announced he is retiring from the predictions game , but previously said they were considering offers from around the globe .

  22. 阿喀琉斯将接班章鱼保罗,预测比赛结果。在2010年的南非世界杯期间,神算章鱼保罗引发全球关注。

    Achilles will follow in the off-beat guessing games of Paul the octopus , which became a global sensation as an oracle for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa .

  23. 有关组织者于上周五称,因预测南非世界杯而一举成名的神算章鱼保罗已成为英格兰申办2018年世界杯的官方形象大使。

    Paul the octopus , the oracleof the World Cupin South Africa , has become an official ambassador for England 's bid to host the tournament in 2018 , organizers said Friday .

  24. 英国《每日邮报》报道,2010年世界杯上章鱼保罗因为成功预测了8场比赛的结果而名声大噪。不幸保罗于去年10月份去世。

    According to the Daily Mail , after becoming an overnight sensation via correctly predicting the results of eight matches at the2010 World Cup , Paul the Octopus passed away in October .

  25. 组织者于上周五称,因预测南非世界杯而一举成名的神算章鱼保罗已英格兰申办2018年世界杯的官方形象大使。

    Paul the octopus , the oracle of the World Cup in South Africa , has become an official ambassador for England 's bid to host the tournament in2018 , organizers said Friday .

  26. 德国水族馆经理在周二宣布,曾在今年南非世界杯期间声名大振的章鱼保罗已于当日晚上去世了。

    Paul the octopus , who shot to fame during this year 's football World Cup in South Africa , passed away overnight , the manager of his aquarium in Germany said on Tuesday .

  27. 斗鸡眼负鼠海蒂近日预测,娜塔莉·波特曼将摘走本届奥斯卡影后的桂冠。海蒂被认为是神算章鱼保罗的继任者。

    A cross-eyed opossum called Heidi , who has filled the void left by psychic Paul the Octopus , has predicted that Natalie Portman will walk away with this year 's Best Actress Oscar .

  28. 2010年南非世界杯期间,德国的章鱼保罗开启了世界杯战况动物神预测的热潮,随后世界各地都竞相模仿。今年,巴西请海龟“大头”出马,担任本届世界杯的预言帝。

    Big Head is Brazil 's answer to Germany 's Paul the Octopus , who started the psychic animal craze during the 2010 World Cup and spawned a slew of imitations around the world .

  29. 随着比赛的深入,章鱼保罗选择正确箱子的神秘绝技,吸引了全世界媒体的注意,并最终以预言西班牙夺冠告终。

    As the tournament progressed , the octopus 's uncanny knack of selecting the correct box drew increasing interest from the world 's media , culminating in his choice of Spain as the eventual winner .

  30. 据悉,在世界杯期间饲养章鱼保罗的水族馆为了“纪念保罗”,当然不可避免有让这个“生财工具”继续招财的嫌疑,水族馆为章鱼保罗在德国搭建了永远的纪念馆。

    The aquarium where Paul lived first mooted the idea of erecting a memorial to the octopus after his death last year and now the soothsayer 's legacy has been enshrined with the permanent monument .