
zhānɡ tái
  • brothel;the name of palace in Qin Dynasty
章台 [zhāng tái]
  • [the name of palace in Qin Dynasty] 秦宫殿名。以宫内有章台而得名

  • 章台见相如。--《史记.廉颇蔺相如列传》

  1. 楼高不见章台路。

    Ascending tower , I still cannot see the zhangtai road !

  2. 第三章是台创园的土地流转模式及其涉及到的利益分析,本章是介绍了台创园的创新流转模式。

    This chapter is to introduce the innovation flow pattern of Taiwan pioneer park .

  3. 本文的主要内容有三部分构成,第一部分包括第一章电视台传统人事管理体制的特点和第二章电视台行政计划中心制的发展轨迹。

    The first part includes Chapter 1 " Characters on Traditional Personnel Management in Television Station " and Chapter 2 " Course of Development of Executive-plan-centered Mechanism in Television Station " .

  4. 第六章是驾驶台险情决策;

    Chapter Six is the introduction of decision-making model under emergencies ;

  5. 第四章是驾驶台决策人员决策能力的调查;

    Chapter Four is the investments of bridge decision - maker 's abilities ;

  6. 第二章说明驾驶台决策的重要性和意义;

    In Chapter Two , the author states the importance of Bridge Decision-making .

  7. 电视台违法超时插播广告的性质方面,主要讲到违约和侵权两个方面。第二章讲到电视台违法超时插播广告应承担的责任,以及承担这些责任的构成要件。

    It mainly analyze the aspects of breach of contract and toothwort nature of the illegal advertisements overtime , . The second chapter is about the responsibility of the overtime , constitutive requirements and the responsibility of television illegal advertisements .

  8. 《吸血鬼日记》前不久迎来了最终章,CW电视台播出了该剧第八季大结局,但是,这并不意味着故事的结束。该剧联合制作人朱莉?

    The Vampire Diaries has come to an end - The CW hit just aired the final episode of its eight-season run - but that doesn 't mean the story is over .

  9. 第四章为A电视台的品牌塑造策略研究。

    The fourth chapter is ATV brand shaping strategy research .

  10. 第五章,在此试验台上进行了低于额定风速、高于额定风速、紧急停机等各项工况下进行试验,验证试验台设计的合理性。

    In chapter 5 , in the test-bed , the controlling performances were all qualified the requirements under the condition of lower the rate wind speed , above the rate wind speed , emergency stop .