
tiáo tiáo
  • remote;far away;be far away;endless;very long
迢迢 [tiáo tiáo]
  • (1) [be far away;remote]∶形容遥远。也作迢递

  • 千里迢迢

  • (2) [very long;endless]∶漫长;长久

  • 夜迢迢

  • 恨迢迢

迢迢[tiáo tiáo]
  1. 迢迢牵牛星,皎皎河汉女。(《古诗十九首》)

    Far away twinkles the herd-boy star ;| brightly shines the lady of the silver river .

  2. 人们路途迢迢的来到这里只是为了听我演奏。

    And people comes from miles a-round just to hear me play .

  3. 千里独行不怕路迢迢。

    Not afraid of the long road ahead .

  4. 而成长就是那弯遥遥迢迢的来时路。

    And growing is that sinuous road .

  5. 他没有活足够长的时间观看他的话剧《长夜漫漫路迢迢》走上舞台表演。

    He didn 't live to see the staging of his drama'Long Day 's Journey Into Night . '

  6. 敬请观赏《长路迢迢》,且看麦奎格和布尔曼一路上是如何大玩特玩及克服万难。

    Watch Long Way Down to see how McGregor and Boorman have fun and overcome difficulties along the way .

  7. 因为我就会从那迢迢的远方,无论多隔绝,被带到你的寓所。

    For then despite of space I would be brought , From limits far remote where thou dost stay .

  8. 迢迢不断如春水&论晚唐、两宋时期词的审美接受两宋江西词发展及其贡献的定量分析

    Discussion on Development of Jiangxi Ci in the Northern Southern Song Dynasties and Its Contributions to China 's Ci Based on Statistical Data

  9. 她也看见了永定河,看见那条河正从西山山脉的群峰中朝着这里迢迢而来。

    She also saw the Yongding River , saw how it emerged from among the far-off peaks of the Western Hills and came flowing towards them .

  10. 在为一个罗马将军进入这个世界的古都所举行的壮丽的凯旋式上,那根从叙利亚沿海路远迢迢运来的鲸骨,正是那铙钹齐鸣的行列中最引人注目的东西。

    In one of the mighty triumphs given to a Roman general upon his entering the world 's capital , the bones of a whale , brought all the way from the Syrian coast , were the most conspicuous object in the cymballed procession . See subsequent chapters for something more on this head .
