
  1. ISA法铜电解槽槽面水平误差的控制

    The control of ISA copper electrobath surface level error

  2. 绝对战略研究中心(AbsoluteStrategyResearch)的欧洲股票策略师伊恩•哈尼特(IanHarnett)对此表示赞同:我们只能说,随着经济活动减弱,企业失去盈利能力,市场已找到了自己的基本面水平。

    Ian Harnett , European equities strategist at Absolute Strategy Research , agreed : What we can say is that the markets have found their own fundamental levels with economic activity weakening and companies losing profitability .

  3. 观音阁水库混凝土大坝越冬面水平施工缝的开裂原因及处理措施

    Analysis on Crack Cause and Treatment of Horizontal Winter Construction Joint

  4. 重力坝坝面水平裂缝的地震应力强度因子

    The Seismic Stress Intensity Factors of Horizontal Crack on the Face of Gravity Dams

  5. 运行条件对拱坝下游面水平裂缝的影响

    Effects of Operation Condition on Horizontal Cracks in the Downstream Face of Arch Dams

  6. 主要指标角膜瓣厚度、角膜基质床面水平径、角膜瓣蒂宽度。

    Main Outcome Measures Corneal flap thickness , diameter of corneal flap and hinge length .

  7. 桥梁墩台刚性基础顶面水平位移的修正系数

    The Corrected Coefficients for Calculating the Horizontal Deflection of Pier-Top with a shallow Rigid Foundation Block

  8. 确定工作面水平的环境平均辐射温度;

    E.to determine the mean radiant temperature of the environment on the level of the working surface ;

  9. 因此用矿物的热电性质可以对矿床的侵蚀面水平和矿化地段的远景作出评价。

    Mineral pyroelectricity can be used to judge the denuding levels of deposits and to assess the mineralized district .

  10. 关键在于机器制面的筋度和口味要达到和超过手工面水平。

    The key lies in the tendon noodle machine reliability and taste hand-side to achieve and exceed the level .

  11. 相对于沉积面水平的试样而言,沉积面铅直的渐近状态应力比稍大;

    And the asymptotic stress ratio is a little larger for the specimens with vertical bedding plane than that with horizontal one .

  12. 适当增加旋转场单元天线的个数和选择阵间距离,还可以加强垂面水平极化场的方向性。

    The swirling field antenna has the propriety of both equal radiation in the horizontal plane and powerful directionality in the perpendicular plane .

  13. 华尔街银行承认,投资者的资金流可能影响到日常的市场波动,推动价格在数天内高于或低于其基本面水平。

    Wall Street banks acknowledge that investor flows could influence day-to-day movements , pushing prices to overshoot or undershoot their fundamental level for a few days .

  14. 将拖曳缆绳分为水中悬链缆、海床面水平卧底缆和土中嵌入缆三部分。

    A drag line can be divided into three elements : catenary line in water , horizontal line on the seabed and embedded line in soils .

  15. 用超声平测法测定大体积钢筋混凝土结构施工缝的内部缺陷观音阁水库混凝土大坝越冬面水平施工缝的开裂原因及处理措施

    Measurement on Internal Defects for Construction Joint of Voluminous Reinforced Concrete with Ultrasonic Flat-measured Method Analysis on Crack Cause and Treatment of Horizontal Winter Construction Joint

  16. 再例如,病人平卧时,计算机程序控制会自动调节床面水平,防止微小的侧倾发生。

    As another example , when the patient supine , the computer program will adjust the bed to level state automatically , prevent the occurrence of small roll .

  17. 本文通过两组预应力连续迭合板的试验,探讨了迭合面水平裂缝的产生和构件的破坏机理以及迭合面形式对抗剪强度的影响。

    Based on the tests on two groups of slabs with continuously superposed prestressing forces , the author presents in this paper the occurance of horizontal cracks in congruent faces , the failure mechanism of bending members and the effect of patterns of congruent face upon the shear strength .

  18. 实际上浮动基准面还是水平基准面,只是不同CMP的水平基准面高程可以变化。

    Actually , floating datum is still horizontal datum , but the datum elevation of different CMP is variable .

  19. 结论:面神经水平段起始部,GG,面神经迷路段三者在外半规管层面内呈倒“V”字型排列;

    Conclusions : The labyrinthine facial nerve , GG and the first part of horizontal facial nerve present a reverse V-shape in the layer of lateral semicircular canal .

  20. 给出F/为4的热像仪初步试验结果,并预计采用不同F/的热像仪能够达到的NEDT、焦平面分辨率水平。

    We have provided primary test result when F / # is 4 , and forecast the NEDT , resolution level of focal plane that thermo-imaging system with different F / # value can arrive .

  21. 视觉显示终端屏面亮度水平和对比度对视疲劳的影响

    Effects of screen luminance and luminance contrast of VDTs on visual fatigue

  22. 综采放顶煤工作面分水平开采对接技术

    Abutment Technology of Sublevel Mining in Full-mechanized Caving Mining Face

  23. 结论:面神经水平段大致平行于颞骨岩部上嵴,气化的乳突其颞骨岩部后骨板与外耳道后壁之间距离较大;

    Conclusions : Petrous ridge is parallel with horizontal segment of facial nerve .

  24. 面神经水平段梳理术治疗半面痉挛

    Transtympanic splitting of facial nerve for treating hemifacial spasm

  25. 结果和结论:依匙突可寻找面神经水平段;

    Results and conclusion : According to the CP , the HFC could be found .

  26. 后鼓室窦内侧壁至面神经水平部的距离为3.14mm。

    The distance from medial wall of posterior tympanic sinus to horizontal part of facial nerve was 3.14 mm .

  27. 方法10具完整脊柱骨标本,测量椎体矢状面、水平面标准位像前1/3中心点与椎弓根夹角,取其角平分线为穿刺角和进针轨道。

    The angles between pedicle and anterior-inferior 1 / 3 part center of the vertebra were measured , respectively .

  28. 单向流定床床面上水平管道周围流场与切应力分布特性

    The characteristics of the shear stress and flow field around a pipeline on fixed-bed with different gap-ratios in unidirectional flows

  29. 水平地沿水平面或水平线地建筑地平面的一种平面图。

    Along a flat or even line or plane . a floor plan for the ground level of a building .

  30. 本设计以印刷振子为辐射单元,在垂直面和水平面排列构成天线阵列。

    The printed dipole is adopted as radiation element and arranged in vertical and horizontal plane to construct an antenna array .