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miàn mù
  • face;look;appearance;features;colors;visage;self-respect
面目 [miàn mù]
  • (1) [appearance;face;features]∶相貌

  • 面目可憎

  • (2) [look]∶事物的外表、形态;面貌

  • 还其本来面目

  • 入世之面目。--清. 全祖望《梅花岭记》

  • 忠烈之面目

  • (3) [colors]∶比喻事物所呈现的景象

  • 显出庐山真面目

  • (4) [self-respect]∶指面子、脸面

  • 愧无面目见人

  • 何面目以归汉。--《汉书.李广苏建传》

  • 何面目见吾邑义士。--清. 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》

面目[miàn mù]
  1. 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。

    The true face of Lushan is lost to my sight , for it is right in this mountain that I reside .

  2. 美国最高法院以不具有实质性(insubstantial)为由驳回这类主张。但这些主张开始让这个历史上隐形的少数群体露出了人的面目。

    The Supreme Court rejected that claim as " insubstantial . " But the mere claim began to put a human face on a minority that had been historically invisible .

  3. 他面目清秀,跟女性差不多。

    He had delicate , almost feminine , features .

  4. 他以为他能糊弄我,但我清楚他的真面目。

    He thinks he can fool me but I 've got his number .

  5. 如果有人虚伪矫饰,那就应该暴露他的真面目。

    If someone is being hypocritical then it is fair to expose that .

  6. 现在,孩子们第一次看到他的真面目。

    The children are seeing him in his true colours for the first time now

  7. 现在时间一长,这个机构就露出了真面目,效率低下,差错百出。

    Here , the organization has had time to show its true colours , to show its inefficiency and its bungling .

  8. 教条主义是盲目自高自大的全副面目。

    Dogmatism is puppyish coming to its full growth .

  9. 他看见了简的真面目,仿佛有人把一个歪曲形象的面具从简的脸上撕了下来。

    He saw Jan as though someone had snatched a deforming mask from Jan 's face .

  10. GIS面目标间空间关系的集成表达方法

    Integrated representation of region-region spatial relations in GIS

  11. 我们担心Facebook及其同类,原因不在于它们会侵犯我们的隐私,而在于它们是规则制定者——它们可以定义灰色地带的边界,也掌握着那些决定我们以怎样的面目示人的最隐秘的计算方法。

    The reason to fear Facebook and its ilk is not that they violate our privacy . It is that they define the parameters of the grey and mostly invisible technological infrastructure that shapes our identity .

  12. 他五十岁的妻子始终保持着西南部KhamisMushayt城附近的传统,在任何时候都掩饰着她的面目特征。

    His 50-year-old wife followed the tradition of her native village near the south-western city of Khamis Mushayt and kept her features veiled at all times 。

  13. 这个词根在拉丁语中以crescere的面目出现,它在后来被用来指称正在成长的月亮。

    This same root turns up as crescere in Latin and was then applied to the growing moon .

  14. 自柏拉图(plato)赞扬“哲王”(philosopher-king)的真实以及希腊演员带上面具隐藏或展露情感以来,领导人应该在多大程度上展示他们的真面目一直是管理学研究的主题。

    The extent to which leaders should show their true colours has been a staple of management thinking since Plato praised the truthfulness of philosopher-kings and Greek actors donned masks to hide , or display , their feelings .

  15. 《宇宙连环画》中变来变去的主人公Qfwfq巧妙的穿越时间,空间,太阳系和地质年代,在这些新的故事中又以崭新的面目出现。

    Qfwfq , the protean hero of Cosmicomics dexterously moving through time and space , solar systems and geological eras , takes on a new dimension in these tales .

  16. 所有的人都想知道人类的真实面目。

    So that everyone would know what mankind was really like .

  17. 这只不过使他们的真面目暴露得更清楚。

    This only serves to expose more clearly their true colours .

  18. 只是希望你能认清艾米莉的真面目

    I simply wanted you to know the truth about Emily .

  19. 我想我能帮助威尔一窥其面目。

    I think I can help good Will see his face .

  20. 想让你看清佩奇的真面目

    trying to get you to see who Paige really is .

  21. 你应该开始看看他的真实面目

    and start looking at him for who he really is .

  22. 乔布斯以控制狂兼冷血无情的面目出现。

    Mr Jobs emerges as a controlling and often unsympathetic character .

  23. 但危机很少以同样的面目出现两次。

    But crises rarely present themselves twice in the same guise .

  24. 我希望自己知道婚姻的真实面目。

    I wish I 'd known what marriage is really like .

  25. 财富不会改变人,而是揭露人的真面目。

    Fortune does not change men , it unmasks them .

  26. 月光照出我们的真面目。

    The moonlight shows us for what we really are .

  27. 基于二维天线增益函数的面目标视在温度反演

    Inversion of apparent temperature of extended target using two-dimensional antenna gain function

  28. 这些文本是以极具现代性文化特征与审美特征的面目出现的。

    These texts appeared with modern cultural and aesthetic features .

  29. 这时我们看到了我们国人的真面目。

    We now saw our countrymen in their true colours .

  30. 真理伤人&尤其是有人揭开你的真面目时。

    The truth hurts * especially when someone tells it about you .