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fú fàn
  • Floating;superficial;float about;reveal;too abstract
浮泛 [fú fàn]
  • (1) [float about]∶悬浮动荡

  • 浮泛的彩球越升越高

  • (2) [reveal]∶浮现,泛起

  • 沉渣浮泛

  • (3) [superficial;too abstract]∶肤浅,不切实、深刻

  • 浮泛的议论好发却无用

浮泛[fú fàn]
  1. 他的发言内容浮泛。

    His speech was superficial and full of generalities .

  2. 她的脸上浮泛着愉快的神情。

    Her face beamed with joy .

  3. 有多少次你在我的梦中浮泛。

    How often have you sailed in my dreams .

  4. 星辰屏息地数着时间,柔弱的月儿在夜中浮泛。

    The stars hold their breath counting the hours , the feeble moon swims the deep night .

  5. 毫无疑问,这就是我们正月里同日本签订的协议内容这么空洞和浮泛的原因。

    No doubt this was why our January agreement with Japan came out so thin and trivial .

  6. 那虚幻不实的、转瞬即逝的东西仅浮泛于表面,而不能构成世界的真实本质。

    Nullity and transistorizes constitute only the superficial features and not the real essence of the world .

  7. 它不仅造成学术研究的浮泛和浅薄,还在很大程度上影响着社会的风气。

    It not only creates the scholarly research superficiality , but also affects society 's atmosphere in the very great degree .

  8. 你是一朵夜云,在我梦幻中的天空浮泛。

    There were white clouds in the vast clear skies . You are the evening cloud floating in the sky of my dreams .

  9. 夜来了,我的脸埋在手臂里,梦见我的纸船在子夜的星光下缓缓地浮泛前去。

    When night comes I bury my face in my arms and dream that my paper boats float on and on under the midnight stars .

  10. 这一叶简陋的扁舟,浮泛于大海微波荡漾的胸膛上,置身其中,深觉此刻的生命是原始古朴的。

    Here where I was in a puny primitive boat poised precariously on the gently heaving breast of the ocean , life was elemental , primeval .

  11. 而从90年代文学所表现出来的轻率、浮泛、贫乏、无内在性的精神症候来看,个人主体精神的确立仍是一个远未实现的梦想。

    In fact , the spirit of subject in individuals is far from realized , as can be seen from the spiritual diagnosis of the literature in the 90s .

  12. 他保持着距离,讲话笼统浮泛,微妙得倒像成了半个隐身人。

    Instead he looked into the middle distance and spoke in generalities , with so delicate an air as to give the impression that he had become partly invisible .

  13. 上天的第一宠儿,晨曦的孪生兄弟,你从世界的生命的溪流浮泛而下,终于停泊在我的心头。

    Heaven 's first darling , twin-born with the morning light , you have floated down the stream of the world 's life , and at last you have stranded on my heart .