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  • see also 浮屠
浮图 [fú tú]
  • (1) [Buddha]∶梵语音译,对佛或佛教徒的称呼,也专指和尚。也作浮屠佛图

  • 唐浮图 慧褒始舍于其址。-- 宋. 王安石《游褒禅山记》

  • (2) [Buddha Stupa]∶指佛塔

  • 救人一命,胜造七级浮屠

  1. 在整个大乘文献中,有很多关于佛陀和阿罗汉浮图的参考资料。

    There are many references to stupas for the Buddha and arahats throughout the entire Mahayana literature .

  2. 木吉村矿田由木吉村,浮图峪等七个中小型矿床组成,是河北最重要的铜矿集中区。

    Muji village orefield is composed of seven middle small scale deposits , and is the most important concentration area of copper deposits in Hebei .

  3. 胡太后在洛阳造永宁寺,内有僧房一千间,都用珠玉锦绣装饰。寺内有九层浮图(塔)。

    The mother of the Emperor Hu , ordered to establish Yongning Temple in Luoyang , which cost numerous money with more than one thousands rooms , decorated with jades and splendid silks and a pagoda of nine layers .