
  • 网络Under the mask;Underneath
  1. 面具之下是谁的面容?

    Whose is the face in the mask ?

  2. 然而在其天使的面具之下,她实为父权主义的维护者。

    Under her angelic mask , however , she is a defender of the patriarchal notions .

  3. 每个人的脸都藏在面具之下,很难判断他们的真实身份。

    With everyone 's faces hidden behind masks , it 's hard to tell who people really are .

  4. 我已经记不清有多少次心中暗藏恐惧,但我将恐惧藏在勇敢的面具之下。

    I felt fear myself more times than I can remember , but I hid it behind a mask of boldness .

  5. 一旦他们把自己锁在面具之下太久,他们就会不愿意出来这里俨然成为了他们的保护壳。

    Because if they lock themselves behind a mask for too long they will grow attached to it it will become their comfort zone .

  6. 片中在怪诞的人脸面具的背景之下,逐一陈述了中央银行诸多罪责,其中许多很奇怪,比如“反人性罪”之类的,这些都逐渐勾勒出这个叫做“佚名”的黑客组织的个性轮廓。

    This listed all kinds of recriminations against the central bank , including plenty of bizarre ones such as " crimes against humanity , " scrolled down against a backdrop of eerie face masks that have become Anonymous 's calling card ( see picture above ) .