
  • 网络red coat;red jacket
  1. 韩梅:穿红色外套的那一个。

    HAN MEI : The one in the red coat .

  2. 我不认识那个穿红色外套的年轻人。

    I don 't know that young man in a red coat .

  3. 我正在等穿着红色外套的那个男孩。

    Mr Zhang is the man for whom I am looking .

  4. 不是我叫她穿红色外套只是希望

    No , I asked her to wear that hoping that

  5. 今天她穿着一件红色外套。

    Today she is dressed in a red coat .

  6. 你把一个穿红色外套的金发女孩送到那

    delivered a blond girl in a red coat ,

  7. 你能再给我一件红色外套吗?

    Could you show me another red coat ?

  8. 谁是你们的英语老师?穿红色外套的。

    Your English teacher ? She 's coat .

  9. 穿红色外套的那一位。

    The one in the red coat .

  10. 英国士兵;之所以如此称呼是因为他的红色外套。尤其在美国革命战争期间。

    British soldier ; so-called because of his red coat , esp. during the Revolutionary War .

  11. 凯特穿了一件红色外套。

    Kate wears a red coat .

  12. 尤其是在与马萨诸塞州参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦穿的鲜红色外套相比之下。

    especially when contrasted with the bright red jacket that Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts wore during her speech .

  13. 托马斯·纳斯特是第一个让胖胖的圣诞老人穿上现在看来传统的红色外套和宽大皮带的人。

    Mr Nast was the first to introduce a fat Santa in the now-traditional red suit and big leather belt .

  14. 利用它,我能够打印出第一件衣服,一件写有“自由”字样的红色外套。

    And with it , I was able to print the first garment , a red jacket that had the word " freedom " embedded into it .

  15. 女运动员会身着白色长裙和深红色外套,配小帽子,手持深红色包包。男运动员则是有深红色褶边黑色套装。

    Female athletes are in long white dresses and dark red jackets and small hats and hold dark red purses , while men wear black suits with dark red frilling .

  16. 因为天气寒冷,詹妮弗在给粉丝们签名时一直穿着她的红色外套,直到后来才脱下,完整展现她的这件迪奥露背裙。

    With the chilly weather in mind Jennifer decided to keep her red coat on as she signed autographs for fans at the event before peeling it off to reveal a sweeping backless dress from Christian Dior .

  17. 高老师:露茜,这件红色的外套是你自己的吗?

    MISS GAO : Lucy , is this red coat yours ?

  18. 凯特进来时穿着一件红色的外套。

    Kate was in a red coat when she came in .

  19. 我看见她每天都穿一件红色的外套。

    I see her wear a red coat every day .

  20. 我记得自己过去就很喜欢红色的外套,确实,我现在还喜欢。

    I remember when I used to like a red coat myself , and indeed I still do .

  21. 我现在的装束就是找人特制的红色的外套,接着我找来了一顶红色的镶有白色球队标志的火箭的帽子。

    I had a red blazer made from my tailors and then I found a red Rockets hat with a white logo .

  22. 红色印花外套,配上低胸丝质的皇家蓝紫过膝中裙绝对是你参加时尚派对的完美着装。

    A red print halter top dress with low-cut back or a silky , royal blue-and-purple , above-the-knee sheath dress are party-perfect options .

  23. 罗伯特穿着红色防雨外套、紧身衣裤和攀登鞋,借助办公大楼侧面垂下来的绳索爬上了1667英尺高、101层的大楼,历时约四小时。

    Robert , dressed in a red rain jacket , tights and climbing shoes , shimmied up ropes hung down the sides of the101-story , 1,667-foot office tower , reaching the top in around four hours .