
  1. 这真是一个非常美妙的四月清晨。

    It 's a really nice April morning .

  2. 不信?那你在任意一个四月的清晨,去阿姆斯特丹达姆广场,随便问几位路人吧。

    Just stop a few passers-by of an April morning on Dam square in Amsterdam .

  3. 四月十日清晨,英舰在暴风雪掩护下开入纳维克港,击沉两艘德国驱逐舰和六艘商船,还击毁了另一艘驱逐舰。

    Early on the morning of10 April , under cover of a heavy snowstorm , the British entered the harbour and sank two German destroyers and six merchant ships , damaging another destroyer .