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  • 网络Four lessons;four classes
  1. 开放教育四课模式的构建与实践

    The construction and practice of the " four classes patterns " in open education

  2. 面包改良剂的研制学汉语第四课茶点

    Study on Some Bread Additives Speaking Chinese Lesson Four Tea and Pastries

  3. 第四课布朗先生经常在星期天和家人一起去公园。

    Mr Brown often goes to the park with his family on sunday .

  4. 第四课——做你自己

    Lesson \# 4 -- Be who you are , it is enough .

  5. 第四课已经结束了。

    And this is an end of lesson 4 .

  6. 第四课是最难的。

    The fourth lesson is the most difficult .

  7. 学汉语第四课茶点

    Speaking Chinese Lesson Four Tea and Pastries

  8. 第四课机械设计与制图

    Lesson 4 Machine Design & Drawing

  9. 无论如何,《新概念英语》第一册就只剩四课了。

    Anyway , there are only four lessons left for the first volume of New Concept English .

  10. 这个星期争取复习完前面的三课以及背下第四课。

    I 'll try my best to review the three lessons , and recite the fourth lesson within this week .

  11. 每四课附一篇复习式阅读文章,并有选择式练习题及开放式问答题。

    It has three additional pieces of reading exercise , and comes with a workbook with multiple-choice and open-ended exercises .

  12. 这就引出了第四课:为了让你的听众站在你这边,试着嘲笑愚蠢的第三方。

    Here is lesson four : to get your audience on your side , try laughing at a stupid third party .

  13. 文章针对职校学生现有的语文水平,研究语文阅读教学的重心,创设了以培养学生终身学习能力为目的的四课型,两原则阅读教学模式。

    This paper aims at the student present Chinese standard , student the Chinese reading lesson heart and found the reading lesson model .

  14. 由于开放教育四课模式尚处在探索之中,也会出现一些问题,分析问题,解决问题,使其日臻完善成为当务之急。

    As the " four class patterns " of open education is still being during the exploration , it is the urgent matter to analyze and solve the problems that occur and make it better .

  15. 无论我们是在第四课讲怎样说时间,还是在第九课讲怎样订三明治,只要说到某个人的离异,孩子监护,刑事上诉或换药治病等事情,我们都会转而来聊这个话题。

    No matter if we told time in lesson four or play-ordered sandwiches in lesson nine , we always had time for the latest when it came to someone 's divorce , child custody situation , criminal appeal or change of medication .

  16. 休伊告诉达拉斯CBS电视台的记者:我选了微积分、物理、历史和宗教四门课。

    Im taking calculus , physics , history and religion . Those are my four classes , Huey-You told CBS DFW .

  17. 我一天四节课,每节课的时间是85分钟,这之间还有HOMEROOM时间和LUCH时间。

    My day four classes , each class period is85 minutes , this time between there and LUCH HOMEROOM time .

  18. 今天下午,我去外面上了四节课。

    I went to have four classes outside this afternoon .

  19. 大多数学生每个学期都选四门课,可是,麦克却不同。

    Most students take four courses each semester , but not Mike .

  20. 今天我值日,还上了四节课。

    I am on duty and I also had four classes today .

  21. 那就是星期四的课上将会讲的。

    That 's what the Thursday lecture is going to be about .

  22. 星期一的第四节课是什么课?

    And what about the fourth lesson on monday ?

  23. 我早上上四节课,下午上两节。

    I have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon .

  24. 只有上午的四节课,下午是一整个休息时间。

    Only four classes in the morning , afternoon is a whole rest .

  25. 明天早上,我要上四节课。

    I need to have four classes tomorrow morning .

  26. 我们今天上午仅四节课。

    We had only four classes this morning .

  27. 星期二的第四节课是体育,第五节课是历史。

    The fourth lesson on Tuesday is PE and the fifth lesson is History .

  28. 第四节课是社会科学课。

    The fourth lesson is Social Studies .

  29. 我每天要上四节课。

    I attend four classes every day .

  30. 顺便说一下,其实我喜欢的大概有四门课。

    By the way , you know , I loved , actually maybe four classes .