
  1. 四论灾害系统研究的理论与实践

    Theory and practice on disaster system research in a fourth time

  2. 第一代领导集体成熟的重要标志&四论毛周体制兼答施志成先生

    The Major Symbol of Maturity of the First Leading Group

  3. 再论石油与砂岩型铀矿床的相互关系&四论油气与金属(非金属)矿床的相互关系

    Deltaic deposit . Re-Discussion of Relationship between Petroleum and Sand-Type Uranium Deposit

  4. 《文心雕龙》折衷四论

    The Four Discussions on " Zhe Zhong " of Wen Xin Diao Long

  5. 六朝石刻艺术四论

    Four Discussions of Stone Carving Art of Six Dynasties

  6. 新中国社会主义经济理论四论

    On the Socialism Economic Theory of New China

  7. 行政补偿四论

    Research on the Administration Compensation in Four Aspects

  8. 解决黄河耗氧有机物评价中存在问题的方法探讨&四论黄河耗氧有机物污染评价问题

    Problem and solution in assessing the oxygen-demanding organic matters of the Yellow River , China

  9. 中国宏观经济四论

    Four Discourses on China 's Macro-economy

  10. 民艺传播四论

    Four Theories of Folk-Art Communication

  11. 改革四论

    Four Points in Reform

  12. 程序四论&《公证法》有关公证程序规定的初步解读

    Four Points on Procedures & the Fundamental Interpretation of Articles Relating to Notarial Procedures Stipulated by the Public Notarization Law

  13. 环境秩序与环境效率&四论环境资源法学的基本理念

    Environmental Order and Environmental Efficiency & the Fourth Comment on the Basic Idea of Legal Science of Environment and Resources Law

  14. 论证了悖论在数理逻辑的主要分支“四论”的形成和发展中的作用。

    The third section deals with the paradox as well as the formation and development of Four Theories ― main branch of mathematical logic .

  15. 以萨.柏林,《两种自由的概念》,收录于《自由四论》,牛津:牛津大学出版社,1969。

    Berlin , Isaiah . " Two Concepts of Liberty . " In Four Essays on Liberty . Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1969 .

  16. 第四论以笔者所在的学校为例证着重分析了在教学实践中实践绿色课堂所取得成效和引发的一些思考。

    Fourth parts the school which was at by the author for the illustration emphatically to analyze in the teaching practice has practiced the green class to obtain the result and some ponders .

  17. 抢救土壤水库实为黄土高原生态环境综合治理与可持续发展的关键&四论黄土高原国土整治28字方略

    Saving Soil Water Reservoir is a Key Issue for Integrated Control of Ecological Environment and Sustainable Development on Loess Plateau & The fourth discussion on 28 words strategy for land and environment harness on Loess Plateau

  18. 县域经济发展战略的四点论

    " Four Key Issues " of County-Level Economic Development Strategy

  19. 绿色产业:第四产业论

    Green Productive Forces : the Theory of the Fourth Industry

  20. 第四节论湖海形象。

    Lakes are the image of the fourth quarter .

  21. 视唱练耳教学主体育人四原则论

    On the Principles to Cultivate Students of Solfeggio Teaching

  22. 四要件论质疑&犯罪标准引论

    Queries on " Four Important Items ": A Tentative Study of Crime Criteria

  23. 四元论与产业哲学

    " Quadruplicitism " and Philosophy of Industry

  24. 中国农业产业化的四阶段论

    " Four-stage " of Agribusiness in China

  25. 第四世界论

    The Outline on Fourth World

  26. 古希腊人留给我们关于因果关系的三大传统:原子论、公理化和四因论传统。

    The ancient Greek philosophy gave us 3 traditions : atomology , axiomatic theory and four-factor theory .

  27. 本文就大学生的学业生涯规划与职业生涯规划的结合,首次提出了“大学生四阶段论”。

    " Four-stage theories of university students " also is proposed in this paper for the fist time .

  28. 四要素论的主要结论包括:有效的市场竞争有利于企业绩效的提高;

    The primary conclusions of four key element theory include : Effective market competition is favorable for enterprise 's performance boost ;

  29. 传统犯罪构成四分论在区别伪证罪与诬告陷害罪这一重要问题上,引发了诸多争议。

    The quartered separating method of traditional criminal constitution distinguishes perjury crime and implication crime , which brings about a lot of disputes .

  30. 词人以创作来寄托哀思,悲伤有余而气力不足。这一时期以张炎等人为代表。第四部分论渔父词的闲适境界。

    Word to people to create sustenance grief , sadness and more than enough gas . Chapter ⅲ Fisherman words are leisurely realm .