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  1. 刘勰的《文心雕龙》中也有四始说,其来源于《毛诗》,并影响了《文心雕龙》的诗歌理论。

    It got a theory from Mao Shi , and influenced the theory of poem in Wen Xin Diao Long .

  2. 倘把茅盾的作品按其所反映的时代顺序排列起来,中国社会自五四始至解放战争胜利前夕三十年间动荡的社会现实、波澜起伏的历史风云得到了展现。

    If his novels are arranged according to the times which reflect , then thirty years ' turbulent society reality and great historical waves from the age of May 4th to the eve of the victory liberation war in China are put on display .

  3. 茅盾的小说追求社会性和时代性,它叙写社会矛盾和时代主潮,中国现代社会自五四始的每一次风云变幻、每一次思潮变更,几乎都在他的作品里得到了反映。

    Mao Dun hopes his novels can reflect society and the age . His novels describe society contradiction and the trend of the times . Novels by Mao Dun present almost every history wave and change in trend of society thought from the age of May 4th in modern China .