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xiào yàn
  • Validation;efficacy;intended result;intended effect;desired result;direct effect
效验 [xiào yàn]
  • [desired result;direct effect;intended result] 如所预期的效果

  • 这种方法具有明显的效验

效验[xiào yàn]
  1. 例如,巴塞尔那些设计新资本规则的监管者,如今对“风险价值”(valueatrisk)等效验模型更加谨慎了。

    Those regulators in Basel who are crafting new capital rules , for example , are now more wary about the efficacy models such as " value at risk " .

  2. 通过检测PLC的应答信息,解决工控机与PLC之间通信的数据效验和故障报警难点;

    Through inspection of response of PLC , the problems of dada efficacy and malfunction alarm in ICC-PLC communication are solved ;

  3. 这种方法具有明显的效验。

    This method produces tangible results .

  4. 最后,还根据现场实际情况给出了一种效验中性点零序CT极性的方法,为零序差动保护在现场的正确应用提供了有力的支持。

    A method for neutral polarity testing of zero-sequence TA is proposed according to the real conditions on worksite , which is helpful for the correct application of zero-sequence differential protection on spot .

  5. 半岛电视台没有说它是如何获得这盘录像带的,CNN还没有独立对这一视频进行过效验。

    Al-Jazeera did not say how it obtained the material , the authenticity of which CNN has not independently verified .

  6. 堆外核仪表系统(RPN)的预设效验系数理论计算

    Calculation of Calibration Coefficient of Out-core RPN System

  7. 分析评分量表在课堂口语测试中的效验

    Validation on the Analytic Rating Scale in the Classroom Speaking Test

  8. 为了保证令牌交换的可靠性,对令牌进行的异或效验。

    Exclusive-OR to ream in order that secure reliability of ream exchange .

  9. 然后,对程序的正确性进行了效验。

    Then , the correctness of the program was verified .

  10. 效验工作能力指数表的可信度和有效度

    Test on the reliability and validity of Work Ability Index

  11. 家兔效验猪伪狂犬病灭活疫苗免疫效果的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Immune Effect of Inactive Pseudorabies Vaccine in Rabbit Animal Model

  12. QSAR/QSPR模型中的蒙特卡罗交叉效验评价

    Monte Carlo model assessment in QSAR / QSPR study

  13. 喷雾场多参数层析算法的仿真效验与实验测量

    Simulation test of tomography algorithm and experimental measurement for multi-parameter of spraying field

  14. 在更高的目种的附加的评价必须被完成赞助效验。

    Additional assessments in higher order species must be accomplished to corroborate efficacy .

  15. 第一天似乎很有效验。

    Her first day had been quite successful .

  16. “双喜进门”的预言没有效验。

    The prophecy of a " double blessing " was not to be fulfilled .

  17. 这款霜的保湿效验很是好。

    This cream is best for moisturizing .

  18. 那药立即起效验。

    The medicine had an immediate effect .

  19. 模型的效验与扰动试验验证了所建模型的有效性与合理性。

    The model efficacy and disturbance tests have verified the effectiveness and rationality of the model .

  20. 经过效验,计算结果可以达到较高的精度。

    The result is accurate .

  21. 异步效验错误总数。有杂音的传输线路会造成这些错误。

    Total number of async parity errors . These can be caused by a noisy transmission line .

  22. 卖方应在收到正式合同五天后在5个银行工作日内开具有效验的履约保证金。

    The seller will open the non-operative PB within 5 banking days after receiving the formal contract .

  23. 切勿随便亵渎上帝之名,择其有效验之时而为之则可。

    Take not god 's name in vain ; select a time when it will have effect .

  24. GB/T14231-1993齿轮装置效率测定方法//设置波特率,奇偶效验,数据位,停止位。

    Determination of efficiency for gear units SET BAUD RATE , PARITY , WORD SIZE , AND STOP BITS .

  25. 以下的设置在启动前必须效验,每一个测试必须和输入条件一致且测试结果可重现。

    The following settings must be checked before starting each test to get defined initial conditions and reproducible test results .

  26. 效验理论与实践的接口&解读威尔的社会认知效验框架

    The Interface between theory and Practice of Validity and Validation & An Interpretation of Weir 's Socio-cognitive Framework for Validating Tests

  27. 其次,又回顾了评分量表的效度、效验的证据基础以及收集证据的方法。

    Then the validity of rating scale , the evidential basis of validation and the relevant techniques on collecting evidence are reviewed .

  28. 在荷载试验报告中,根据静载试验工况,确定了挠度效验系数、应变效验系数,给出了桥梁结构动力特性参数。

    Deflection efficacy coefficient , strain efficacy coefficient and Bridge structure dynamic characteristic parameters are determined Under the conditions of Static Load Test .

  29. 陈二奶奶热心的等着看看神符的效验,所以祥子得给她预备点饭。

    As the old woman was eager to wait and see the effect of the charm , Xiangzi had to give her a meal .

  30. 为保证数据采集的客观性,应用项目管理理论中有关质量控制的原理对测试结果进行效验。

    For the objectivity of the data in testing , it applies the theory of controlled quality in IT project management to guarantee it .